Python Seaborn教程

Python Seaborn教程 (Python Seaborn Tutorial)

Seaborn is a library for making statistical infographics in Python. It is built on top of matplotlib and also supports numpy and pandas data structures. It also supports statistical units from SciPy.

Seaborn是一个使用Python制作统计信息图表的库。 它基于matplotlib构建,还支持numpy和pandas数据结构。 它还支持SciPy的统计单位。

Visualization plays an important role when we try to explore and understand data, Seaborn is aimed to make it easier and the centre of the process. To put in perspective, if we say matplotlib makes things easier and hard things possible, seaborn tries to make that hard easy too, that too in a well-defined way. But seaborn is not an alternative to matplotlib, think of it as a complement to the previous.

当我们尝试探索和理解数据时,可视化起着重要作用,Seaborn的目标是使其变得更容易并且成为过程的中心。 放眼来看,如果我们说matplotlib使事情变得容易和困难的事情成为可能,seaborn也会尝试以明确的方式使困难变得容易。 但是seaborn并不是matplotlib的替代品,可以认为它是对前者的补充。

As it is built on top of matplotlib, we will often invoke matplotlib functions directly for simple plots at matplotlib has already created highly efficient programs for it.


The high-level interface of seaborn and customizability and variety of backends for matplotlib combined together makes it easy to generate publication-quality figures.

python seaborn tutorial


为什么选择Seaborn? (Why Seaborn?)

Seaborn offers a variety of functionality which makes it useful and easier than other frameworks. Some of these functionalities are:

Seaborn提供了多种功能,使其比其他框架更有用和更容易。 其中一些功能是:

  • A function to plot statistical time series data with flexible estimation and representation of uncertainty around the estimate

  • Functions for visualizing univariate and bivariate distributions or for comparing them between subsets of data

  • Functions that visualize matrices of data and use clustering algorithms to discover structure in those matrices

  • High-level abstractions for structuring grids of plots that let you easily build complex visualizations
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1. 目录 1. 目录 2 2. 绘图函数Plotting functions 4 2.1. 可视化的统计关系Visualizing statistical relationships 4 2.1.1. 用散点图联系变量Relating variables with scatter plots 4 2.1.2. 强调线条图的连续性Emphasizing continuity with line plots 10 2.1.3. 显示与切面的多个关系Showing multiple relationships with facets 21 2.2. 分类数据绘图Plotting with categorical data 24 2.2.1. 分类散点图Categorical scatterplots 26 2.2.2. 分类观测值分布Distributions of observations within categories 31 2.2.3. 分类统计估计Statistical estimation within categories 37 2.2.4. 对“wide-form”数据作图Plotting “wide-form” data 41 2.2.5. 显示与facet的多个关系Showing multiple relationships with facets 43 2.3. 可视化数据集的分布Visualizing the distribution of a dataset 44 2.3.1. 绘制单变量分布Plotting univariate distributions 45 2.3.2. 绘制二元分布Plotting bivariate distributions 51 2.3.3. 在数据集中可视化成对关系Visualizing pairwise relationships in a dataset 55 2.4. 可视化线性关系Visualizing linear relationships 57 2.4.1. 函数绘制线性模型Functions to draw linear regression models 58 2.4.2. 拟合不同种类的模型Fitting different kinds of models 61 2.4.3. 在其他变量上的情况Conditioning on other variables 68 2.4.4. 控制图表的大小和形状Controlling the size and shape of the plot 71 2.4.5. 在其他上下文中绘制回归图Plotting a regression in other contexts 73 3. 多图网格Multi-plot grids 76 3.1. 构建结构化的多图网格Building structured multi-plot grids 76 3.2. 有条件的小倍数Conditional small multiples 77 3.3. 使用定制函数Using custom functions 86 3.4. 绘制成对的数据关系Plotting pairwise data relationships 90 4. 绘图美学Plot aesthetics 99 4.1. 控制图表美学Controlling figure aesthetics 99 4.1.1. Seaborn图表风格Seaborn figure styles 101 4.1.2. 删除轴上的小凸起Removing axes spines 104 4.1.3. 临时设置图表样式Temporarily setting figure style 105 4.1.4. 覆盖Seaborn样式的元素Overriding elements of the seaborn styles 106 4.1.5. 缩放图表元素Scaling plot elements 108 4.2. 选择调色板Choosing color palettes 111 4.2.1. 创建颜色调色板Building color palettes 111 4.2.2. 定性调色板Qualitative color palettes 112 4.2.3. 连续调色板Sequential color palettes 116 4.2.4. 不同颜色的调色板Diverging color palettes 122 4.2.5. 设置默认调色板Setting the default color palette 124 5. 教程中的数据集 125


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