

Creating a portfolio website that will make a statement takes some doing. You need to put plenty of thought into it. But once that part of the effort is done the rest is relatively easy – or at least it should be.

创建一个能够发表声明的投资组合网站需要做一些事情。 您需要考虑很多。 但是,一旦完成这部分工作,其余的工作就相对容易了-至少应该如此。

It is very important to use the right tools. Otherwise, it can be very difficult to build something that meets your expectations. A theme or tool that places constraints on what you can do is one potential problem. Having to learn or brush up on HTML and CSS to complete your design can be another.

使用正确的工具非常重要。 否则,构建满足您期望的东西可能会非常困难。 一个主题或工具会限制您的工作范围,这是一个潜在的问题。 必须学习或熟悉HTML和CSS才能完成您的设计。

Check out the following website-building tools. They will make creating an attention-getting, captivating online portfolio a snap. They will work whether you are trying to sell a product, a service, or yourself.

查看以下网站构建工具。 他们将使创建引人注目的,引人入胜的在线投资组合变得轻而易举。 无论您是尝试销售产品,服务还是自己,它们都将起作用。

  1. Elementor页面构建器 (Elementor Page Builder)

Elementor’s authors tacked a thorny problem that has long vexed web designers, and they came out on top. The problem? Getting “stuck” in a theme. When that happens, you can still get passable results, but not as good as you’d hoped for. The options generally are (1) accept the constraints a theme is placing on you and do the best you can, or (2) resort to coding in an attempt to work around those constraints.

Elementor的作者提出了一个棘手的问题,长期困扰着网页设计师,他们因此而脱颖而出。 问题? 被主题“卡住”。 发生这种情况时,您仍然可以得到合格的结果,但不如您期望的那样好。 这些选项通常是(1)接受主题对您的约束并尽力而为,或者(2)尝试编码以解决这些约束。

An online portfolio can be a powerful marketing tool. As such, any limitations in the web-building tool you’re using can have a negative effect on the effectiveness of the portfolio.

在线投资组合可能是强大的营销工具。 因此,您使用的网络构建工具中的任何限制都会对产品组合的有效性产生负面影响。

That won’t happen with Elementor. If you can envision what you want a portfolio to look like this free open-source page builder can handle it – down to the tiniest detail. You’re given 130 designer-made templates to work with, plus you can always import templates or use your own.

Elementor不会发生这种情况。 如果您可以设想自己想要一个投资组合,那么这个免费的开放源代码页面构建器就可以处理它-直至最细微的细节。 您将获得130个设计师设计的模板,可以使用它们,此外,您始终可以导入模板或使用自己的模板。

Elementor also works with any theme, it’s developer friendly, it requires no coding, and it’s sneaky fast. A Pro version featuring advanced workflows, integrations, and features is also available.

Elementor还可以与任何主题一起使用,它对开发人员友好,不需要编码,而且偷偷摸摸的快速。 还提供具有高级工作流程,集成和功能的Pro版本。

  1. Mobirise网站构建器 (Mobirise Website Builder)

Mobirise is another free page builder that has much to offer portfolio website designers. Mobirise has plenty of cool features as you might expect, but its key selling points are that it’s offline so you’re not tied to a specific platform, it can be hosted anywhere, and you’ll have 100% complete control over how you use it to design a captivating, attention-getting portfolio website.

Mobirise是另一个免费的页面构建器,可以为网站组合设计师提供很多服务。 Mobirise具有您可能期望的许多很酷的功能,但是它的主要卖点是它处于离线状态,因此您不必绑定到特定平台,它可以在任何地方托管,并且您可以100%完全控制自己的使用方式设计一个引人入胜,引人注​​目的投资组合网站。

Since it’s all drag and drop, and you’re provided with 1200+ trendy website blocks and templates to work with, you can save whatever coding expertise you may have for other ventures, and its Google Amp/Bootstrap 4 framework ensures your portfolio website will be 100% mobile friendly and its performance will be crazy fast.

由于这一切都是拖放操作,并且为您提供了1200多种流行的网站块和模板供您使用,因此您可以节省任何其他企业可能拥有的编码专业知识,其Google Amp / Bootstrap 4框架可确保您的投资组合网站能够做到100%移动友好,其性能将很快达到疯狂。

Mobirise is free to use for both personal and commercial purposes and to date has contributed to the building of more than 1.5 million site applications.


  1. 投资组合箱 (Portfoliobox)

Portfoliobox is another website building tool that’s not theme based, so you have total, unconstrained control over your online portfolio design. Portfoliobox was designed with creative professionals in mind, but whether you’re an artist, photographer, business owner, entrepreneur, or looking to build an awesome portfolio that will help you land a job, Portfoliobox will be an excellent choice.

Portfoliobox是另一个基于主题的网站构建工具,因此您可以完全不受约束地控制在线投资组合设计。 Portfoliobox的设计考虑了创意专业人士,但是,无论您是艺术家,摄影师,企业主,企业家,还是想建立一个很棒的投资组合以帮助您找到工作,Portfoliobox都是一个绝佳的选择。

Portfoliobox offers both a free and a pro plan. Either way, it comes with web hosting and a free domain and you can build a professional-looking portfolio right on your browser.

Portfoliobox提供免费和专业计划。 无论哪种方式,它都带有网络托管和免费域名,您可以在浏览器上构建具有专业外观的产品组合。

The free plan will be a good choice for first-time users or those who can live within a limit of 30 images in their portfolio. The pro plan provides hosting for up to 1,000 images, provides a personalized domain, and has a number of additional useful features.

对于初次使用的用户或投资组合中可以容纳30张图像的用户,免费计划将是一个不错的选择。 专业版计划最多可托管1,000张图像,提供个性化域名,并具有许多其他有用的功能。

Portfoliobox also offers free student account! Check if your school provides such an opportunity!

Portfoliobox还提供免费的学生帐户! 检查您的学校是否提供了这样的机会!

  1. 皮克斯帕 (Pixpa)

Pixpa is an all-in-one affordable solution for designers and other creative pros, who are looking to create a pixel-perfect, professional-looking, and all-around awesome looking online portfolio. Integrated eCommerce, blog, and client galleries are a part of the package. Using Pixpa’s drag-and-drop website building tools that need no coding skills, you’ll be ready to showcase, share and sell your work online in no time.

Pixpa是面向设计师和其他创意专业人士的一站式负担得起的解决方案,他们正在寻求创建像素完美,外观专业,功能强大的全方位在线投资组合。 集成的电子商务,博客和客户库是该软件包的一部分。 使用不需要编码技能的Pixpa拖放式网站构建工具,您将可以随时在线上展示,共享和销售您的作品。

  1. 网站123 (SITE123)

SITE123’s popularity is thanks to its rich assortment of responsive thematic designs, its modular approach to portfolio website building, and its WYSIWYG editor. The fact that it’s totally free may be a factor as well, but it’s the features SITE123 offers that count.

SITE123之所以受欢迎,得益于其丰富的响应式主题设计,模块化的网站建设方法以及所见即所得的编辑器。 完全免费的事实可能也是一个因素,但是SITE123提供的功能才是关键。

They include a built-in app market that can be put to good use to boost website usability and a multilingual tool that will enable you to spread your message to a larger audience.


为什么需要专业的作品集 (Why You Need a Professional Portfolio)

It wasn’t terribly long ago that portfolio usage was mainly confined to creative artists. Photographers, professional designers and the like we’re using them, too. Eventually, other professionals recognized how powerful a portfolio could be.

不久之前,作品集的使用主要局限于创意艺术家。 摄影师,专业设计师等我们也正在使用它们。 最终,其他专业人员认识到投资组合的强大功能。

When you have a top portfolio website-building tool, you can showcase any type of content. Do you have something to sell or are trying to sell yourself?  Having the right tool makes it much easier to showcase what you have to offer in the best possible way.

如果您拥有顶级的网站建设网站工具,则可以展示任何类型的内容。 您有东西要卖还是要卖自己? 拥有正确的工具可以更轻松地以最佳方式展示您所提供的服务。

Jobseeker? A stunning online portfolio can be a solid asset for the following reasons:

求职者? 出色的在线投资组合可以成为可靠的资产,原因如下:

  1. 可见度提高 (Increased Visibility)

It can take a good dose of creativity to build a portfolio that will do a good job of marketing yourself.  Odds are, you’re more than up to the task in terms of creativity. All you need is a good tool to turn what you envision into a reality.

建立一个可以很好地自我营销的投资组合可能需要大量的创造力。 奇怪的是,就创意而言,您不仅仅要完成任务。 您所需要的就是将您的设想变为现实的好工具。

  1. 组织 (Organization)

A well-organized portfolio says a lot about the type of person you are. Keep that in mind as you’re designing your portfolio. It can open more than a few doors for you.

井井有条的投资组合充分说明了您的人格类型。 在设计投资组合时,请记住这一点。 它可以为您打开多个门。

  1. 为工作申请增值 (Added Value to Job Applications)

You’ve composed a cover letter and built a resume. Perhaps you’ve done some networking as well. An online portfolio is more than an additional marketing tool. When well designed, it can add value to the other three – a great deal of value if you go about it right. An employer might take a second look at your resume having browsed your portfolio. Then, you have one foot in the door!

您已经撰写了求职信并制作了简历。 也许您也进行了一些联网。 在线投资组合不只是其他营销工具。 如果设计得当,它可以为其他三个产品增加价值-如果正确进行,则可以带来很多价值。 雇主在浏览了您的投资组合后可能会再看一下您的简历。 然后,您将一只脚踩在门上!

结论 (Conclusion)

The hardest part of building a portfolio is the thinking that goes into it, and that’s the way it should be. The actual building of the portfolio used to be the hardest part due to workarounds. Coding, and sometimes having to learn how to use multiple tools does not help as well.

建立投资组合中最难的部分是进入其中的想法,这就是应该的方式。 由于变通办法,投资组合的实际构建曾经是最难的部分。 编码,有时不得不学习如何使用多种工具也无济于事。

No more. Top portfolio website building tools, like those here, make this process a snap. Since they are fast, powerful, and intuitive to work with they even serve to give a boost to your creativity.

不再。 顶级投资组合网站构建工具(如此处的工具)使此过程变得轻而易举。 由于它们快速,强大,直观地使用,因此甚至可以增强您的创造力。

The ability to do higher-quality work with less effort can be fun – so, give it a try.


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/23554/best-website-portfolio-builders






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