

It’s hard, or even impossible, to imagine our life without the Internet. The World Wide Web lures us with its omnipresence and all-pervasiveness, which promises infinite knowledge and unlimited access to information. Still, surfing the web wouldn’t be easy and cloudless in the absence of such handy software applications as browsers. Finding one is as easy as ABC nowadays. Windows users often opt for good old Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Edge, while Mac fans are more used to Safari, Brave, and also Chrome. Android users, in their turn, prefer lightweight and no so demanding Opera, though other popular browsers such as Chrome, Brave, and Dolphin also operate perfectly on portable devices. As you see, notwithstanding the abundance of browser options, the list of long-standing, reliable, and truly versatile tools is not that long as it might seem at first sight. We decided to narrow it down to only one browser – Mozilla Firefox.

没有互联网,很难想象甚至无法想象我们的生活。 万维网以其无所不在和无处不在而吸引着我们,它保证了无限的知识和对信息的无限访问。 但是,如果没有像浏览器这样的便捷软件应用程序,那么上网冲浪并不容易且无云。 如今,找到一个像ABC一样容易。 Windows用户通常会选择老式的Internet Explorer,Chrome或Edge,而Mac迷则更喜欢Safari,Brave和Chrome。 反过来,Android用户则更喜欢轻量级且不要求苛刻的Opera,尽管其他流行的浏览器(例如Chrome,Brave和Dolphin)也可以在便携式设备上完美运行。 如您所见,尽管有很多浏览器选项,但是长期存在,可靠且真正通用的工具列表并不像乍看起来那样长。 我们决定将其范围缩小到仅一个浏览器-Mozilla Firefox。

If you’re looking for a trustworthy, flexible, and highly efficient browser wherewith you’ll be able not only to view the content of various web sites and quickly download desired files but also feel safe online and enjoy a multitude of advanced options, you should definitely set your sights on Mozilla Firefox. This time-tested tool will enhance your browsing experience and make you a more efficient web user. Still, there’s no need to dwell on Firefox’s benefits and merits. You just need to try it out once to appreciate its potential. So, we suggest that you went ahead and got the Mozilla Firefox latest version download right now.

如果您正在寻找一种值得信赖的,灵活的,高效的浏览器,那么您不仅可以查看各种网站的内容并快速下载所需的文件,还可以在网上感到安全并享受众多高级选项,绝对应该将目光投向Mozilla Firefox。 这个经过时间考验的工具将改善您的浏览体验,并使您成为更有效率的Web用户。 尽管如此,仍无需赘述Firefox的优点和优点。 您只需要尝试一次即可欣赏其潜力。 因此,我们建议您继续并立即下载Mozilla Firefox最新版本

下载Firefox (Downloading Firefox)

To download Mozilla Firefox, go straight to the Firefox official website or RocketFiles.com, one of the safest legit sites offering free downloads and troubleshooting assistance to Windows users.

要下载Mozilla Firefox,请直接访问Firefox官方网站或RocketFiles.com,这是最安全的合法网站之一,可为Windows用户提供免费下载和故障排除帮助。

Before downloading Firefox, make sure to familiarize yourself with the Firefox System requirements to make sure your PC can cope with it.


We think it’s about time you went ahead with downloading Firefox.


  • First, head to the Firefox download page in your current browser.

  • Once you locate the download, click the Download button. Wait until the installer offers you the best available version of the program that will suit your OS.

    找到下载后,单击“下载”按钮。 等待安装程序为您提供适合您的操作系统的最佳可用版本。
Mozilla Firefox Download

Mozilla Firefox Download

Mozilla Firefox下载

安装Firefox (Installing Firefox)

  • Depending on your current browser, you may be asked if you wish to either run the downloaded installer or save it to your PC. Should it be the case, select the “Run” option and wait for the file to open.

    根据当前的浏览器,可能会询问您是否要运行下载的安装程序或将其保存到PC。 在这种情况下,请选择“运行”选项并等待文件打开。
  • If the Open File – Security Warning dialog window pops up, also choose “Open” or “Run.”

  • Once you run the downloaded file, you may get the User Account Control message asking for your permission to enable the changes. Don’t hesitate to select “Yes.”

    运行下载的文件后,您可能会收到“用户帐户控制”消息,询问您是否允许启用更改。 不要犹豫,选择“是”。
  • At this point, the installation process should begin. It usually takes several minutes to complete.

    此时,应该开始安装过程。 通常需要几分钟才能完成。
  • Once the installation is complete, your browser will open.


You have successfully completed the installation of the Mozilla Firefox browser on your Windows computer. You can double-click on the Firefox icon to test the new browser right away.

您已成功完成Windows计算机上Mozilla Firefox浏览器的安装。 您可以双击Firefox图标立即测试新浏览器。

对于高级用户 (For Advanced Users)

Advanced users should note that the installation method we’ve just described deprives you of the opportunity to tweak some important settings in the process of installing Firefox, notwithstanding its manifold benefits. Beginners will definitely appreciate the ease of use and fully automated nature of the simplified online installer sitting in the familiar Download button users click to download Firefox from the official site. The installer automatically identifies the OS you’re using and offers the corresponding version of Firefox for download. All you need to do is to save the file and then run the installer that virtually does the job for you. Still, if you don’t consider yourself a beginner, you can avail yourself of the Advanced Install Option & Other Platform link that can be found on the same download page. If you follow the link, you’ll get access to a full, offline installer you can also download from the Firefox official website. Furthermore, you’ll be able to change some browser settings to your liking and thus personalize your browsing experience.

高级用户应注意,尽管上面介绍的安装方法有很多好处,但它剥夺了您在安装Firefox的过程中调整一些重要设置的机会。 初学者一定会喜欢简化的在线安装程序的易用性和全自动特性,它位于熟悉的“下载”按钮中,用户单击可从官方网站下载Firefox。 安装程序会自动识别您正在使用的操作系统,并提供相应版本的Firefox供下载。 您需要做的就是保存文件,然后运行实际上可以为您完成工作的安装程序。 不过,如果您不认为自己是初学者,则可以使用可在同一下载页面上找到的“高级安装选项和其他平台”链接。 如果您单击该链接,则可以访问完整的脱机安装程序,也可以从Firefox官方网站下载。 此外,您可以根据自己的喜好更改某些浏览器设置,从而个性化您的浏览体验。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/31924/why-firefox-and-how-to-get-it-on-your-pc






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