
Linked List and Array are probably the most basic data structures, but their use can often be confusing. The use of the appropriate data structure can often result in an easier and more efficient code. Linked List vs Array is also a popular interview question in data structures.

链表和数组可能是最基本的数据结构,但是它们的使用通常会造成混淆。 使用适当的数据结构通常可以使代码更简单,更有效。 链表与数组也是数据结构中一个流行的访谈问题。

链表与阵列 (Linked List vs Array)

This article will provide an in-depth comparison of these two data structures.


We will compare them based on the following properties:


  • Definitions and Structures

  • Operations and Time Complexity Analysis

  • Memory Analysis

  • Codes (C and Python)


1.定义和结构 (1. Definitions and Structures)

Linked List is a data structure that stores linearly connected, non-contiguous data through references. This means that each node of the linked list would contain a reference to its next and/or previous node. This helps to make a chain of nodes that are linearly connected, but in memory, they may not be in a contiguous segment.

链表是一种数据结构,通过引用存储线性连接的非连续数据。 这意味着链表中的每个节点都将包含对其下一个和/或上一个节点的引用。 这有助于制作成线性连接的节点链,但是在内存中,它们可能不在连续的段中。

An array is a data structure that has a fixed size and contains a collection of data of a similar type that can be referenced through indexing. This means that before using an array we have to define its size and type and after storing the data we can refer to it using indexing.

数组是具有固定大小的数据结构,其中包含可通过索引引用的相似类型的数据集合。 这意味着在使用数组之前,我们必须定义其大小和类型,在存储数据之后,我们可以使用索引来引用它。

In the memory, arrays are present in a contiguous block of data as well.


2D Arrays

2D Arrays


2.运营和时间复杂度分析 (2. Operations and Time Complexity Analysis)

We will compare the data structures based on the following operations:


  • Insertion and Deletion

  • Accessing Elements


插入和删除 (Insertion and Deletion)

Insertion and Deletion in Linked List can be done at the beginning, in the middle or at the end.


  • If insertion or deletion is done at the beginning, then we just need to reassign the references at the head thus, this is an O(1) operation.

  • If insertion or deletion is done in the middle or at the end, then we first need to reach the required position in O(N) time and then reassign the references in O(1) time. This takes O(N + 1) = O(N) time.

    如果插入或删除是在中间或结尾完成的,那么我们首先需要在O(N)时间到达所需位置,然后在O(1)时间重新分配引用。 这需要O(N +1)= O(N)时间。
Linked List Insertion

Linked List Insertion


For an array, wherever the insertion or deletion is done, we always need to shift rest of the array to balance the indexing, thus these operations take O(1) time for doing the operation and O(N) time for balancing the indexing. Thus, it takes O(N + 1) = O(N) time always.

对于一个数组,无论插入或删除完成什么地方,我们总是需要移动数组的其余部分来平衡索引,因此这些操作花费O(1)时间进行操作,花费O(N)时间平衡索引。 因此,总是需要O(N +1)= O(N)时间。

Array Insertion

Array Insertion


访问元素 (Accessing Elements)

In a Linked List, to access an element we have to reach its position through a traversal from the start that takes O(N) time.


In an array, we have indexes which we can directly refer to. This is useful because now, we don’t have to do a traversal and thus, accessing takes O(1) time.

在数组中,我们有可以直接引用的索引。 这很有用,因为现在我们不必进行遍历,因此访问需要O(1)时间。

3.记忆分析 (3. Memory Analysis)

Linked List is almost always a more memory efficient way to store data. This is because we assign the data in a Linked List dynamically, and its size can be shrunk and expanded according to use.

链表几乎总是一种更节省内存的方式来存储数据。 这是因为我们动态分配了链表中的数据,并且可以根据用途缩小和扩展其大小。

Arrays on the other hand, always have a fixed size. If an element is not assigned any value, then it still remains a part of the array and will still use up memory.

另一方面,数组始终具有固定大小。 如果未为元素分配任何值,则它仍将保留为数组的一部分,并且仍将消耗内存。

But this does not mean that arrays are always less efficient. Arrays only take up the memory that they are assigned whereas Linked List will take up memory for storing the data as well as storing the references. Also, for some operations like sorting, we need extra space to store and shift the elements, which is efficient in arrays.

但这并不意味着数组总是效率较低。 数组仅占用分配给它们的内存,而“链接列表”将占用用于存储数据以及存储引用的内存。 另外,对于某些操作(如排序),我们需要额外的空间来存储和移动元素,这在数组中很有效。

链表实现 (Linked List Implementations)

1. Python (1. Python)

class Node:

    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        self.next = None

class LinkedList:
    Initialize the list by assigning
    head = NULL.

    def __init__(self):
        self.head = None

    Returns the linear traversal of the
    Linked List in the form of a list.

    Initially, we can define a node that 
    points to the head of the linked list
    and then we can keep sending it forward 
    in the Linked List till we don't hit an end.

    def traverse_list(self):

        # Node that points to the head, initially.
        cur = self.head
        ret = []

        # Loop to send the cur node to the end.
        while cur:
            cur = cur.next

        # Returns the Linear Traversal in a list.
        return ret

    To insert a node, we have 3 cases:
    1) Empty List
    2) Insertion at the beginning
    3) Insertion in the middle/at the end

    For insertion at the end, we can loop till
    one element before the required position 
    and then do the relinking of references.

    def insert_node(self, pos, data):

        new_node = Node(data)
        cur_node = self.head

        # Case 1 : Empty List
        if cur_node is None:
            self.head = new_node

        # Case 2: Insertion at the beginning
        elif pos == 0:
            new_node.next = self.head
            self.head = new_node

        # Case 3: Insertion in the middle/at the end
            while pos - 1 > 0 and cur_node.next is not None:
                cur_node = cur_node.next
                pos -= 1

            next_node = cur_node.next
            new_node.next = next_node
            cur_node.next = new_node

        return True

    To delete a node, we have 5 cases:
    1) Deletion from Empty List
    2) Deletion at the beginning
    5) Delete a node that does not exist
    3) Deletion at the end
    4) Deletion in the middle

    For deletion of a node, we first reach
    one node before the required position
    through a linear traversal and then relink
    the references accordingly.

    def remove_node(self, pos):

        # Case 1 : Empty List
        if self.head is None:
            return False

        # Case 2 : Deletion at beginning
        elif pos == 0:
            self.head = self.head.next
            return True

            cur = self.head
            while pos - 1 > 0 and cur is not None:
                cur = cur.next
                pos -= 1

            # Case 3 : Delete a node that does not exist
            if cur is None:
                return False

            # Case 4: Deletion at the end
            elif cur.next is None:
                cur = self.head
                while cur.next.next is not None:
                    cur = cur.next
                cur.next = None
                return True

            # Case 5 : Deletion in the middle
            cur.next = cur.next.next
            return True

a = LinkedList()
a.insert_node(0, 3)
a.insert_node(0, 2)
a.insert_node(0, 1)
print("Linked List :", a.traverse_list())
print("Linked list :", a.traverse_list())


Linked List Python


2. C (2. C)


struct node{
    int data;
    struct node *next;
} *head = NULL;

struct node *make_node(int data){
    struct node *new = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    new->next = NULL; 
    new->data = data;
    return new;

To insert a node, we have 3 cases:
1) Empty List
2) Insertion at the beginning
3) Insertion in the middle/at the end

For insertion at the end, we can loop till
one element before the required position 
and then do the relinking of references.

bool insertNode(int pos, int data){
    struct node *newNode = make_node(data), *curNode = head;

    //Case 1 : Empty List
    if(curNode == NULL){
        head = newNode;

    //Case 2: Insertion at the beginning
    else if(pos == 0){
        newNode->next = head;
        head = newNode;

    //Case 3: Insertion in the middle/at the end
        while(pos - 1 > 0 && curNode->next != NULL){
            curNode = curNode->next;
        newNode->next = curNode->next;
        curNode->next = newNode;

    return true;

Initially we can define a node that 
points to the head of the linked list
and then we can keep sending it forward 
in the Linked List till we don't hit an end.
void traverseList(){
    struct node *cur = head;
        printf("%d ", cur->data);
        cur = cur->next;

To delete a node, we have 5 cases:
1) Deletion from Empty List
2) Deletion at the beginning
5) Delete a node that does not exist
3) Deletion at the end
4) Deletion in the middle

For deletion of a node, we first reach
one node before the required position
through a linear traversal and then relink
the references accordingly.

bool removeNode(int pos){

    struct node *cur;

    //Case 1 : Empty List
    if(head == NULL)
        return false;

    //Case 2 : Deletion at beginning
    else if (pos == 0){
        head = head->next;
        return true;


        cur = head;
        while (pos - 1 > 0 && cur != NULL){
            cur = cur->next;

        //Case 3 : Delete a node that does not exist
        if(cur == NULL)
            return false;

        //Case 4: Deletion at the end
        else if(cur->next == NULL){
            cur = head;
            while(cur->next->next != NULL){
                cur = cur->next;
            cur->next = NULL;
            return true;

        //Case 5 : Deletion in the middle
        cur->next = cur->next->next;
        return true;

int main(){

    insertNode(0, 3);
    insertNode(0, 2);
    insertNode(0, 1);


    return 0;


Linked List C Implementation


数组实现 (Arrays Implementations)

1. Python (1. Python)

N = 10
singleDimensionalArray = [0 for i in range(N)]
multiDimensionalArray = [[0 for x in range(N)] for y in range(N)]

A = 4
pos = 5
singleDimensionalArray[pos] = A

X, Y = 2, 3
multiDimensionalArray[X][Y] = A


for i in multiDimensionalArray:



2. C (2. C)


#define N 5

int main(){

    int singleDimensionalArray[N] = {0};
    int multiDimensionalArray[N][N] = {0};

    int A = 4;
    int pos = 3, X = 2, Y = 3;

    singleDimensionalArray[pos] = A;
    multiDimensionalArray[X][Y] = A;

    int i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < N; i++){
        printf("%d ", singleDimensionalArray[i]);

    for(i = 0; i < N; i++){
        for(j = 0; j < N; j++){
            printf("%d ", multiDimensionalArray[i][j]);

    return 0;


Array in C


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/30686/linked-list-vs-array





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