outlook使用技巧_Microsoft Outlook故障排除的一些有用的提示和技巧


Microsoft Outlook is unquestionably the most popular email client in the business world. Home users also use this email client excessively. It's a component of Microsoft Office suite, also it comes as a separate application. Millions of users around the world have chosen Microsoft Outlook as their email client and personal information manager tool. Why? Just because it provides you with excellent features which you may not get in other email clients. 

毫无疑问,Microsoft Outlook是商业世界中最流行的电子邮件客户端。 家庭用户也过度使用此电子邮件客户端。 它是Microsoft Office套件的组成部分,也作为单独的应用程序提供。 全球数以百万计的用户已选择Microsoft Outlook作为其电子邮件客户端和个人信息管理器工具。 为什么? 仅仅因为它为您提供了其他电子邮件客户端无法提供的出色功能。

Today, every 80 out of 100 Windows users are using Microsoft Outlook client (it's just my anticipation). But sometimes you may encounter serious problems while using Outlook. And, if you don't fix them, you may find yourself in great trouble. In this article, I'll show you some useful tips & tricks for Microsoft Outlook troubleshooting. 

今天,每100个Windows用户中就有80个正在使用Microsoft Outlook客户端(这只是我的预期)。 但是有时您在使用Outlook时可能会遇到严重的问题。 而且,如果不修复它们,可能会遇到很大的麻烦。 在本文中,我将向您展示一些有关Microsoft Outlook故障排除的有用提示。

Microsoft Outlook Troubleshooting

Microsoft Outlook故障排除

Whenever something unusual happens with a Microsoft Outlook client, users try to resolve the issue by uninstalling/reinstalling the Office installation. Sometimes it's fruitful, especially if they're minor issues. But sometimes this troubleshooting trick may fail and not work for you. In such a situation, you should take a different approach to try and fix the issue. The tips & tricks I'm sharing here are highly effective and convenient so that even a novice user can fix their Outlook problems with ease.  

每当Microsoft Outlook客户端发生异常情况时,用户都会尝试通过卸载/重新安装Office安装来解决此问题。 有时这是富有成果的,尤其是在那些小问题上。 但有时,此故障排除技巧可能会失败,并且对您不起作用。 在这种情况下,您应该采用其他方法来尝试解决此问题。 我在这里分享的提示和技巧非常有效且方便,因此,即使是新手用户也可以轻松解决Outlook问题。

Outlook Troubleshooting #1 - Run in safe mode


Running Microsoft Outlook client in safe mode is the topmost Outlook troubleshooting trick. Though it's not a solution for every Outlook problem. In fact, it helps you debugging the actual problem. And in a case of minor issues, it can resolve the problem. But keep in mind that many features don't work while using the safe mode. 

在安全模式下运行Microsoft Outlook客户端是最重要的Outlook故障排除技巧。 尽管这不是解决所有Outlook问题的方法。 实际上,它可以帮助您调试实际问题。 并且在出现小问题的情况下,它可以解决问题。 但请记住,使用安全模式时许多功能无法使用。

To launch Microsoft Outlook into Safe mode, type Outlook /safe into the run box after pressing Windows+R.

要将Microsoft Outlook启动到安全模式,请在按Windows + R后在运行框中键入Outlook / safe

Outlook Troubleshooting #2 - Disable add-ins


Your Outlook client is likely to be slower than normal if many add-ins have been installed. To remove any doubt, run Microsoft Outlook in safe mode to check its performance, i.e. check how much faster and smoother Outlook runs. If you find that Outlook runs perfectly fine in safe mode, that means add-ins may be causing you issues. 

如果已安装许多加载项,则Outlook客户端可能会比正常情况慢。 为了消除任何疑问,请以安全模式运行Microsoft Outlook以检查其性能,即检查Outlook运行的速度和平滑程度。 如果您发现Outlook在安全模式下运行良好,则意味着加载项可能会导致您出现问题。

Go to "File > Options >  Add-ins" in Outlook and disable all add-ins. Now restart Microsoft Outlook like you normally would. If Outlook runs normally, that means the add-ins were the cause of the problems. Re-enable add-ins one at a time and test to identify any problematic ones.

在Outlook中转到“文件>选项>加载项”,然后禁用所有加载项。 现在像往常一样重新启动Microsoft Outlook。 如果Outlook正常运行,则意味着加载项是问题的原因。 一次重新启用一个外接程序,并进行测试以找出有问题的外接程序。

Outlook Troubleshooting #3 - Run with resetnavpane


Sometimes Outlook users inadvertently make some unnecessary changes to their navigation pane. Those changes could cause Outlook to malfunction. You should try running Microsoft Outlook with the command "Outlook.exe /resetnavpane" to resolve this issue. This will reset all customizations to Outlook's navigation pane back to defaults. But keep in mind that any customizations you've made to the navigation pane will be lost.

有时Outlook用户无意中对其导航窗格进行了一些不必要的更改。 这些更改可能导致Outlook故障。 您应该尝试使用命令“ Outlook.exe / resetnavpane”运行Microsoft Outlook,以解决此问题。 这会将所有自定义项重置为Outlook导航窗格的默认设置。 但是请记住,您对导航窗格所做的任何自定义都将丢失。

Outlook Troubleshooting #4 - Disable Antivirus program 


Sometimes an Antivirus program might be causing a problem. How? Many Antivirus programs have an Outlook connector to scan email messages sent and received by users. This scanning process may slow Outlook down. So if you're not sure about the exact reason for problems, you should try disabling the Antivirus program temporarily and check whether the issue is resolved or not. If it works in your case, this means the actual issue is related to the Antivirus program. You should update it in order to fix the problem. 

有时,防病毒程序可能会引起问题。 怎么样? 许多防病毒程序都有一个Outlook连接器来扫描用户发送和接收的电子邮件。 此扫描过程可能会降低Outlook的速度。 因此,如果不确定问题的确切原因,则应尝试暂时禁用防病毒程序,并检查问题是否已解决。 如果它适合您,则意味着实际问题与防病毒程序有关。 您应该更新它以解决问题。

Outlook Troubleshooting #5 - Adjust calendar permissions 


Improper or undefined calendar permissions may cause abnormal behavior in Outlook. I'm not sure, but there's no harm in checking it. If an Outlook user sends an invitation to other users for using the calendar, the permissions need to be changed/modified on a priority basis. The users can't make or edit appointments until it's done. In order to adjust calendar permissions: 

不正确或未定义的日历权限可能会导致Outlook中的异常行为。 我不确定,但是检查它没有害处。 如果Outlook用户向其他用户发送使用日历的邀请,则需要优先更改/修改权限。 完成之前,用户无法进行约会或编辑约会。 为了调整日历权限:

  • First, open the calendar in Microsoft Outlook

    首先,在Microsoft Outlook中打开日历。
  • Now right-click the shared calendar, and click Properties

  • Go to the Permissions tab where you need to add users to the calendar. Also, you need to set the permissions there for all users.

    转到需要将用户添加到日历的“ 权限”选项卡。 另外,您需要在那里为所有用户设置权限。

So if you receive an invitation for using a shared calendar, ask the sender to set a user permission for you.


Outlook Troubleshooting #6 - Rename OST file


If you're connected to an Exchange Server and using the offline storage table (commonly known as OST) on your local system, sometimes it sufficient to resolve many issues just by renaming the OST file. It's very simple.

如果连接到Exchange Server并在本地系统上使用脱机存储表(通常称为OST),则有时仅重命名OST文件就足以解决许多问题。 非常简单

  • First, close your Microsoft Outlook program. 

    首先,关闭您的Microsoft Outlook程序。
  • Now open the folder where the Outlook data files have been stored. 

  • Find the OST file which you want to rename. Select it and change the extension .ost to anything like .old. You're done.

    找到要重命名的OST文件。 选择它,并将扩展名.ost更改为.old 。 你完成了。

The next time you'll open the Microsoft Outlook client, you'll see a new OST file is rebuilt and the problem is no more. 

下次打开Microsoft Outlook客户端时,您会看到一个新的OST文件已重建,问题不再存在。

Outlook Troubleshooting #7 - Delete or rebuild Outlook profile 


If any of the above Outlook troubleshooting tricks fail or don't work, you should delete the Outlook profile and rebuild it. A few points need to be considered before you can rebuild your Outlook profile:

如果上述任何Outlook故障排除技巧都失败或不起作用,则应删除Outlook配置文件并重新生成它。 在重建Outlook配置文件之前,需要考虑以下几点:

  • If the Outlook profile is using a POP account, you need to export the current Inbox folders and other information to an Outlook PST data file. So once your Outlook profile has been recreated, you can successfully import them all back without any hassle. 

    如果Outlook配置文件使用POP帐户,则需要将当前的收件箱文件夹和其他信息导出到Outlook PST数据文件。 因此,一旦重新创建了Outlook配置文件,就可以成功地将它们全部重新导入,而不会遇到任何麻烦。
  • And if the Outlook profile is connected to Exchange Server or using an IMAP account, you can simply delete the profile and re-add it.
    • Open the Control Panel and go to the Mail > Profiles.
    • Now delete the Outlook profile and add a new one.

    而且,如果Outlook配置文件连接到Exchange Server或使用IMAP帐户,则只需删除该配置文件并重新添加即可。
    • 打开控制面板,然后转到邮件 > 配置文件
    • 现在删除Outlook配置文件并添加一个新的。

Outlook Troubleshooting #8 - Migrate PST file from the server


If there's a large PST file stored on a server in a shared drive, there is a high chance of degradation in Outlook's performance. Make sure you don't have more than one PST file that needs to be connected to a remote location. A local drive is the best place for PST files. In order to improve Outlook's performance and resolve performance issues, you should move the PST files to the C drive of your local system.

如果共享驱动器上的服务器上存储着较大的PST文件,则Outlook性能很有可能会下降。 确保没有多个需要连接到远程位置的PST文件。 本地驱动器是PST文件的最佳位置。 为了提高Outlook的性能并解决性能问题,应将PST文件移动到本地系统的C驱动器。

Outlook Troubleshooting #9 - Archive PST file 


Though it's not a troubleshooting tip, sometimes this may be very useful. Sometimes a PST file grows so large that it starts causing serious Outlook problems. Being a smart Outlook user, you should never let a PST file grow more than its specified size limit. To overcome this situation, you should archive PST files by year. Microsoft Outlook has a built-in Archive feature which you can use for this purpose. Also, you can try to split the PST file into two or multiple parts. By doing this, you can successfully reduce any issues associated with a large PST file. 

尽管这不是故障排除技巧,但有时这可能非常有用。 有时PST文件过大以至于开始引起严重的Outlook问题。 作为Outlook的智能用户,您绝对不应让PST文件的增长超过其指定的大小限制。 为了克服这种情况,您应该按年份归档PST文件。 Microsoft Outlook具有内置的存档功能,可用于此目的。 另外,您可以尝试将PST文件分成两个或多个部分。 这样,您可以成功减少与大型PST文件相关的任何问题。

Outlook Troubleshooting #10 - Run scanpst.exe to scan PST file


Finally, it's time to run the Inbox Repair tool, aka scanpst.exe. An Outlook data file is prone to errors which can lead to a corruption. Any type of corruptions in PST files may cause serious Outlook problems. You should run the Inbox Repair tool for each PST file associated with your Outlook profile. It may take some time to scan the PST file, resolving the errors (if found), and repair it. And if you have a large PST file, it may take even longer. Firstly, you must locate the scanpst.exe file on your system before running/using it.  

最后,是时候运行收件箱修复工具,也称为scanpst.exe。 Outlook数据文件容易出错,可能导致损坏。 PST文件中的任何类型的损坏都可能导致严重的Outlook问题。 您应该为与Outlook配置文件关联的每个PST文件运行“收件箱修复”工具。 扫描PST文件,解决错误(如果找到)并进行修复可能需要一些时间。 而且,如果您的PST文件很大,则可能需要更长的时间。 首先,您必须在运行/使用scanpst.exe文件之前在系统上找到它。

Microsoft Outlook users may also be interested in this 5 Common Outlook Problems Faced by Outlook Users article.

Microsoft Outlook用户可能也对此Outlook用户面临的5个常见Outlook问题感兴趣。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/31751/Some-Useful-Tips-Tricks-for-Microsoft-Outlook-Troubleshooting.html






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