I'm sure this is not a silver bullet for many developers out there, but I've found it really useful and I think it's a good idea to share it with the whole EE community.
Surely you all know that usually connection strings are stated on Web.config files in .NET web applications.
当然,你们都知道,连接字符串通常是在.NET Web应用程序的Web.config文件中声明的。
This is not exactly a security issue, not exactly because those files are not reachable from outside the webserver, so your database user and password aren't there to be exploited by any wit user.
However, many developers (among whose I am) state that Web.config is potentially vulnerable to an internal intrusion, as anyone with access to the server filesystem would be able to retrieve that sensible info. As most of security issues at company levels came from an "enemy within" our task as security concerned developers is to, at least, difficult this task to a potential breacher.
但是,许多开发人员(其中包括我)声称Web.config可能容易受到内部入侵的影响,因为任何有权访问服务器文件系统的人都可以检索该明智的信息。 由于公司级别的大多数安全问题都来自“内部敌人”,因此作为安全相关开发人员,我们的任务至少是使潜在的入侵者难以完成此任务。
The easiest way to do this is to encrypt connectionStrings section on Web.config files, wich is also ideal as .NET Framework will decrypt them automatically when accessing it without you having to code any complex "on the fly" decrypt method.
最简单的方法是对Web.config文件中的connectionStrings部分进行加密,这也是理想的选择,因为.NET Framework将在访问它时自动对其进行解密,而无需编写任何复杂的“即时”解密方法。
I used to do this using aspnet_regiis command, wich have some options to easily encrypt sections on the configuration files.
However this was far to be optimal, as on my usual work environment, where projects suffer constant variations even after going live and new builds are often uploaded to the server, I find myself forgetting usually to reencrypt Web.config after an update.
This was a pain, as I actually was concerned and prone to tight security on our developments, but it was just dependant to my memory (wich is not exactly in good shape :( ).
So I was googling for a way to automatize the process, and I was surprised about how many different options there were to programatically encrypt sections on the Web.config while none of them (at least none I've found) explained how to automatize the process to avoid publishing an update with an unencrypted Web.config.
So I decided to try something: Many tutorials and code snippets showed how to create a simple view to encrypt/decrypt sections on the code, but I wanted to execute that code each time I upload a new build, not just on user interaction. Then... why not calling a method to encrypt the sensible data on Application_OnStart?
因此,我决定尝试一下:许多教程和代码片段展示了如何创建一个简单的视图来对代码中的各个部分进行加密/解密,但是我想每次上载新版本时都执行该代码,而不仅是基于用户交互。 然后...为什么不调用Application_OnStart上的加密敏感数据的方法?
This method (located as you surely know on Global.asax file) is executed each time your whole app restarts, and this includes each time you upload a recompiled new build.
So I take one of the multiple examples on the web that liked me more than others and simplified it at maximum to create a static class with a method to encrypt the connectionStrings section of Web.config:
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;
public static class StringConnEncryption {
public static void Encrypt() {
//Encryption provider
string strProvider = "RSAProtectedConfigurationProvider";
Configuration oConfiguration = null;
ConnectionStringsSection oSection = null;
try {
oConfiguration = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~");
if (oConfiguration != null) {
bool bChanged = false;
oSection = oConfiguration.GetSection("connectionStrings") as ConnectionStringsSection;
if (oSection != null) {
if (!oSection.ElementInformation.IsLocked && !oSection.SectionInformation.IsLocked) {
if (!oSection.SectionInformation.IsProtected) {
bChanged = true;
if (bChanged) {
oSection.SectionInformation.ForceSave = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw (ex);
You just need to call this method on your Application_OnStart() method:
You can check the original code I used for the class at this article of Dariush Tasdighi
您可以在Dariush Tasdighi的本文中查看我用于该班级的原始代码
This way your Web.config will get encrypted on the first access to the site each time you rebuild your app. You still need to access the site to fire the code, but surely after an update you check that everything it's ok, and this will be enough to fire the encrypting code.
这样,您每次重新构建应用程序时,Web.config都会在首次访问该站点时得到加密。 您仍然需要访问该站点以触发代码,但是一定要在更新后检查一切正常,这足以触发加密代码。
Also, you don't need to fear that on iis restart the code fires again an re-encrypt your Web.config, as the class check if the section is already encrypted before procceeding.
Note that you can easily extend the class to encrypt other sections on Web.config and to add a decryption system (check Dariush's article).
I hope this simple idea helps you.