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The first thing that new or small companies forget about is design. Every app well, every product for that matter begins with design. And if you have no idea what your app will look like on screen, then you have to first account for design hours. This can take weeks, especially if the client has not begun wireframing or mocking up their product beforehand. It helps to begin by asking 'how do you see it in your head?' or 'how will people use it? What do they see first when they open it?'. This usually gets the mind jogging with ideas for color schemes, look and feel, and the entire user experience in general. From there, it really helps the developers if you've got a high-fidelity design built out in Sketch, Experience Design (XD), or Photoshop.

新公司或小公司忘记的第一件事是设计。 每个应用程序都很好,与此相关的每个产品都始于设计。 而且,如果您不知道应用程序在屏幕上的外观,那么您必须首先考虑设计时间。 这可能需要数周的时间,尤其是如果客户尚未开始进行线框图设计或模拟其产品。 首先询问“您如何在脑海中看到它?”会有所帮助。 或“人们将如何使用它? 打开时,他们首先看到的是什么? 通常,这会引起人们对配色方案,外观和感觉以及总体用户体验的想法的困扰。 从那里开始,如果您具有以Sketch,Experience Design(XD)或Photoshop内置的高保真设计,它确实对开发人员有帮助。

Once you finally begin a project, you will likely need project management. That is, a dedicated individual to work out the timeline, missing elements, task management, billing, and overall client-to-developer communication. Often times, people assume they can do this themselves and the project manager role is not needed for their project. However, this role is absolutely critical to the success of a project. It takes a strong history of project experience, technical knowledge, communication, and people management skills to pull off smoothly. 

最终开始一个项目后,您可能需要项目管理。 也就是说,有专人负责制定时间表,缺少要素,任务管理,账单以及客户与开发人员之间的整体沟通。 通常,人们认为自己可以做到这一点,并且项目不需要项目经理角色。 但是,此角色对于项目的成功至关重要。 要想顺利实现目标,就需要丰富的项目经验,技术知识,沟通和人员管理技能。

If a project manager does their job correctly, they'll know what your project needs even before you do, and often before the developers themselves know. They become a personal liaison to you; part of their job is to understand your vision, your business, your wants, and needs, and then translate this in an understandable way to a team of techies and developers who work behind the scenes to make your product a reality. “Operations keeps the lights on, strategy provides a light at the end of the tunnel, but project management is the train engine that moves the organization forward.” Joy Gumz

如果项目经理正确地完成工作,他们甚至会在开发之前就知道您的项目需要什么,而且通常在开发人员自己知道之前就知道了。 他们成为您的个人联络人; 他们工作的一部分是了解您的愿景,您的业务,您的需求和需求,然后以一种易于理解的方式将其转化为技术专家和开发人员团队,他们在幕后努力使您的产品成为现实。 “运营可以保持正常运转,策略可以在隧道尽头提供照明,但是项目管理是使组织前进的火车引擎。” 乔伊·古姆兹(Joy Gumz)

Lastly, almost nobody has budgeted or planned for ongoing support of the application. It is highly likely that your app will need patches or bug fixes as new software versions are released from Apple, Android, or another dependent platform. Additionally, clients almost always want to make updates to the product as it either gains popularity, or they receive feedback from users about what they would like to see next, or what they think is unnecessary. 

最后,几乎没有人为持续支持该应用程序制定预算或计划。 从Apple,Android或其他从属平台发布新软件版本时,您的应用很可能需要修补程序或错误修复。 此外,客户几乎总是希望对产品进行更新,因为它要么受到欢迎,要么从用户那里收到关于他们接下来想看什么或他们认为不必要的反馈。

Included in your support budget, it's important to account for server costs. Running the backend of your application can cost anywhere from $100 to $100,000 a month, depending on how much traffic you have. To estimate this, it might be helpful to take a look at pricing calculators like the one offered by Google, or the commonly used startup backend, Firebase.


包括在支持预算中,会计入服务器成本很重要。 运行您的应用程序的后端每月可能花费100到100,000美元不等,具体取决于您的流量。 要估算这一点,最好看一下价格计算器,例如Google提供的价格计算器或常用的启动后端Firebase。


When all the planning is complete, the project has been executed, and the code is written, there are still some final hurdles in getting your app to market. Notably, you are now at the whim of both Apple and Google to review, approve, and publish your app live to their respective app stores. This process can take days even weeks to complete. Both Apple and Google are becoming more and more protective of their stores, allowing fewer types of content to be posted, and blurring the lines between what is 'acceptable' and what is not. Fortunately, they are getting quicker about the process, and you can now see the average app store review times to help you estimate how long your app will remain in 'review limbo'. 

完成所有计划,执行项目并编写代码后,将您的应用程序推向市场仍然存在一些最终障碍。 值得注意的是,您现在对Apple和Google都很感兴趣,可以实时将其应用程序审阅,批准和发布到各自的应用程序商店。 此过程可能需要几天甚至几周才能完成。 苹果和谷歌都在对其商店进行越来越多的保护,允许发布更少类型的内容,并且模糊了“可接受”与“不可接受”之间的界限。 幸运的是,他们可以更快地了解该过程,现在您可以查看平均应用商店审查时间,以帮助您估算应用在“审查边缘”中的保留时间。

Along with this process, there comes a few preliminary steps that you might also want to consider. For example, each app requires app store 'screenshots', although these screenshots have since morphed into a full-on marketing piece for your business. You'll also need an app store description, an acceptable title, and subtitle for your app, and you'll need to think about which keywords to include with your app's posting so that the app store search algorithm delivers the most eyes to your download page as possible. At Red Shepard, we are happy to do all of this for you. However, it's often best for the business to attempt this themselves, as no one will understand your desired market position and brand identity as well as the business owners or the visionaries for the product.

在此过程中,您可能还需要考虑一些初步步骤。 例如,每个应用程序都需要应用程序商店的“屏幕快照”,尽管此后这些屏幕快照已演变为适合您企业的完整营销手段。 您还需要一个应用商店描述,一个可接受的标题以及该应用的副标题,并且需要考虑在应用发布中包含哪些关键字,以便应用商店搜索算法为您的下载带来最大的眼光页面。 在Red Shepard,我们很高兴为您完成所有这些工作。 但是,对于企业来说,通常最好自己尝试一下,因为没有人会理解您想要的市场地位和品牌形象,以及企业主或产品的远见卓识。

Ultimately, this final process is never cut and dry. We have had apps go through 4 to 5 rounds of app store reviews, taking weeks for Apple to finally deem the product 'acceptable' to be posted to the store. Often times, it's nothing we can help. For example, we once had a client's app get denied because Apple first wanted a screen recorded video showing a full app walkthrough, just to make sure they didn't miss anything. At this point, it's nearly expected that your app will be denied at least once before it is finally approved.

最终,这个最终过程永远不会割裂和干燥。 我们已经对应用程序进行了4至5轮应用程序商店审查,苹果花了数周的时间才最终将产品“可接受”发布到商店。 通常,我们无能为力。 例如,我们曾经使客户的应用程序被拒绝,因为苹果公司首先希望通过屏幕录像来显示完整的应用程序演练,以确保他们不会错过任何内容。 在这一点上,几乎可以预料的是,您的应用将至少在最终批准之前被拒绝一次。

The go-to-market process is not quite as simple as a file upload and a description, but it's worth the time and attention to make a stellar app store presence. Search results alone can generate thousands of daily views for your app's page, and a top-notch app store listing can pull in millions of downloads organically.

上市过程并不像文件上传和描述那样简单,但值得一时间和精力来打造出色的应用商店。 仅搜索结果一项就可以为您的应用页面生成数千个每日视图,而一流的应用商店列表可以自然地吸引数百万次下载。


When you've finally got your apps uploaded to their respective stores, and the calm sets in, take a moment to congratulate yourself like I am when I help someone how to make an app or code or when I see clients satisfaction. Not many people can say that they've built a small business, let alone release an entire software product to market. 

当您终于将应用程序上载到各自的商店并平静下来时,请花点时间祝贺自己,就像我在帮助他人制作应用程序或代码时或当我看到客户满意时一样。 没有多少人可以说他们已经建立了一家小型企业,更不用说将整个软件产品推向市场了。

Now it's time to grow make sure you get feedback from your users, ask your friends and family to download and leave an app review and do your best to spread the word organically about your work. Plan for your next update, and pivot your market position if need be; it's time to build your brand from a product to a business.

现在是成长的时候,请确保您得到用户的反馈,要求您的朋友和家人下载并留下应用评论,并尽最大努力将您的工作有机地传播出去。 计划下一次更新,并根据需要调整市场地位; 现在是时候从产品到业务建立您的品牌了。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/31989/Taking-to-Market.html

市场 进入 饼状图

要实现点击饼状图进入对应的数据,可以通过 echarts 的事件监听来实现。具体步骤如下: 1. 在组件中引入 echarts 库,并在 mounted 钩子函数中初始化 echarts 实例: ```javascript import echarts from 'echarts' export default { data() { return { chartInstance: null } }, mounted() { // 获取容器元素 const container = this.$refs.chartContainer // 初始化 echarts 实例 this.chartInstance = echarts.init(container) // 渲染饼状图 this.renderPieChart() } } ``` 2. 在 renderPieChart 方法中设置饼状图数据和事件监听: ```javascript renderPieChart() { const data = [ { value: 335, name: '直接访问' }, { value: 310, name: '邮件营销' }, { value: 234, name: '联盟广告' }, { value: 135, name: '视频广告' }, { value: 1548, name: '搜索引擎' } ] const option = { series: [ { type: 'pie', // 饼状图数据 data, // 饼状图每个扇形区域的点击事件 emphasis: { itemStyle: { borderWidth: 5, borderColor: '#fff' } }, label: { show: true, formatter: '{b}:{c} ({d}%)' } } ] } // 设置事件监听 this.chartInstance.on('click', params => { console.log(params) // 打印出被点击的扇形区域的信息,包括名称、值等 // 可以在这里根据点击的扇形区域进行跳转或其他操作 }) // 使用刚指定的配置项和数据显示图表。 this.chartInstance.setOption(option) } ``` 在这里,我们通过设置 `this.chartInstance.on('click', params => {...})` 监听饼状图的点击事件,当用户点击饼状图的某个扇形区域时,会触发这个事件并执行回调函数。在回调函数中,我们可以根据被点击的扇形区域的信息进行跳转或其他操作。




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