
The Dublin Tech Summit 2017 of course! The event was held earlier this year, February 15th and 16th in The Convention Centre Dublin. Chic, diverse in the major themes covered and a welcome replacement for the departed Web Summit. It was a lively two days with some sensational  and eloquent keynote speakers offering fantastic insights into the workings of their respective industries. There were 8 themes covered, namely: Business, IoT (Internet of Things), Marketing, Fintech, Medtech, Big Data and Analytics, Creativity and Fashion. Some of the speakers in the line-up included Cindy Gallop, famous for the MakeLoveNotPorn movement, Gary Vaynerchuk of VaynerMedia and Robo Thespian, the conspicuous robot attendant.

当然, 2017年都柏林技术峰会 ! 该活动于今年2月15日至16日在都柏林会议中心举行。 别致,涵盖的主要主题多种多样,并且可以替代已故的Web Summit。 这是 为期两天 的 热闹活动 ,一些 激动人心 且雄辩的主旨演讲者提供了对各自行业运作方式的出色见解。 涵盖了8个主题,分别是:业务,物联网(物联网),市场营销,金融科技,医疗科技,大数据和分析,创意和时尚。 阵容中的一些发言人包括因MakeLoveNotPorn运动而闻名的Cindy Gallop,VaynerMedia的Gary Vaynerchuk和著名的机器人服务员Robo Thespian。

A few speakers and panels really stood out at the DTS. Gary Vaynerchuk, A.K.A Gary Vee A.K.A god of the social media universe A.K.A the guy you can’t help getting your ass off the couch and chasing your dreams every time you listen to. For those unfamiliar with Gary, he’s a self made entrepreneur with a cult following among millenials and a sterling record in the world of social media marketing strategy.

在DTS上确实有一些演讲者和小组成员脱颖而出。 Gary Vaynerchuk ,又名Gary Vee,又名社交媒体世界之神,又是这个家伙,每次听到您的声音,您都会忍不住将它从沙发上挪开,追逐自己的梦想。 对于那些不熟悉加里的人来说,他是一位白手起家的信奉企业家,在社交媒体营销策略领域拥有千百年的历史和骄人的业绩。

Dublin Tech Summit Gary Vaynerchuk Keynote | Ireland 2017

都柏林科技峰会Gary Vaynerchuk主题演讲| 爱尔兰2017

The CEO of the summit, Noelle O’Reilly pointed out in her introduction of him that he was one of the people who inspired her to start the whole thing. The delirium that rang through the hall as he made his entrance was a sight to behold. His trademark authenticity and no-sugarcoat-honesty were evident in the speech which rang true with most of the audience. The slew of quotes that is going to come from that speech is a matter I can only speculate on. With killer lines like “If you don’t like your job, stop f***ing crying. Get a new one.” I’m just waiting for the creative heads to bring out the line of memes.

峰会首席执行官Noelle O'Reilly在介绍他时指出,他是启发她开始整件事的人​​之一。 当他进入大门时,整个大厅里都ir绕着del妄,真是让人眼前一亮。 他的商标真实性和无糖衣诚实在大多数观众中都可见。 我只能推测这句话将引起大量的引用。 像“如果你不喜欢自己的工作,别哭了。 换一个新的。” 我只是在等待有创意的负责人提出模因系列。

Twitter was a key talking point during the panel session, where Gary Vee was joined by Ross Kingsland of Inception Business Solution, Bruce Daisley from Twitter, and HubSpot’s Kieran Flanagan. While the panel disagreed on various aspects of the site’s business model, they were at consensus concerning its purity as a social media platform.

Twitter是座谈会期间的关键话题,盖里·维(Gary Vee),Inception Business Solution的Ross Kingsland ,Twitter的Bruce Daisley和HubSpot的Kieran Flanagan参加了会议。 虽然小组成员对该网站的业务模式的各个方面均持不同意见,但他们对于该网站作为社交媒体平台的纯洁度却达成了共识。

Female participation at the summit was remarkable with a tech summit attendance record of 48%. Dublin Tech Summit set a global benchmark when they decided to allocate €200,000 to free tickets for women with another €200,000 appropriated in the form of half-priced tickets for women only. There was valuable advice and food for thought coming from all corners such as Collette Balou of Balou PR telling women how they can hit the road running as angel investors. Anne Ravanona from Global Invest Her hit a raw nerve as she tackled the issue of the funding ceiling faced by women and the growing gap in funds between women and men globally.

女性参加峰会的表现令人瞩目,科技峰会的出席人数达到48%。 都柏林科技峰会(Dublin Tech Summit)设定了全球基准,当时他们决定分配200,000欧元用于女性的免费门票,另外200,000欧元以半价女性门票的形式拨出。 Balou PR的Collette Balou告诉妇女,她们可以如何走上天使投资人的道路,各个方面都有宝贵的建议和思想思考。 全球投资部的安妮·拉瓦诺娜(Anne Ravanona)急切地感到不安,因为她解决了女性面临的资金上限问题以及全球女性与男性之间越来越大的资金缺口问题。

Of note was Cindy Gallop of MakeLoveNotPorn who gave many of us a new piece of vocabulary for our arsenals: SexTech. In her words, it stands for “any technology or business that focuses on human sexuality or experience”. Gallop started her site MakeLoveNotPorn in response to what she considered unrealistic standards being set by the porn industry and is pushing for the growth of the movement to properly socialize sex against all odds.

值得注意的是MakeLoveNotPorn的Cindy Gallop ,他为我们中的许多人提供了新词汇:SexTech。 用她的话来说,它代表“任何关注人类性行为或经验的技术或业务”。 盖洛普(Gallop)创立了她的网站MakeLoveNotPorn,以回应她认为色情行业设定的不切实际的标准,并推动该运动的发展,以在各种情况下正确地进行性交。

Cindy Gallop, CEO, MakeLoveNotPorn - Dublin Tech Summit 2017

MakeLoveNotPorn首席执行官Cindy Gallop-都柏林科技峰会2017

In the business and marketing arena the panel discussion on data in marketing was very interesting with powerful points being put across by all the speakers, including James Parton and Drin Mulliqi among others. The talk was a real eye-opener for most of us who have no idea just how much data the apps in our phones are collecting from us and how all this data is being use to tailor-make our social media experience as well as the specific advertising targeted at us.

在商业和营销领域,有关营销数据的小组讨论非常有趣,包括James Parton和Drin Mulliqi在内的所有发言人都提出了有力的论点。 对于大多数我们不知道手机中的应用正在从我们那里收集多少数据以及如何将所有这些数据用于量身定制我们的社交媒体体验以及具体情况的人来说,这次演讲真是大开眼界针对我们的广告。

Among the major issues considered were a few real thorns in every mind’s side, like the issue of artificial intelligence and whether AI is coming to simply replace us or augment our intelligence by giving us the required boost. Accenture, the digital tech company, led here by pointing out that the whole Terminator-themed sentiment against the age of the robots is misplaced.

在考虑的主要问题中,每个人的脑海里都有一些真正的棘手,例如人工智能问题,以及人工智能是要取代我们还是通过给我们所需的动力来增强我们的智力。 数字技术公司埃森哲(Accenture)在此指出,针对机器人年龄的整个以终结者为主题的情绪都是错误的。

Quantum computing was another hot topic and, based on what the speakers presented; it was pretty obvious that this is going to be perhaps the greatest breakthrough of the 21st century. With the kind of speeds and processing power quantum computers will be operating at, blockchain, nuclear codes and all forms of online security protocols won’t stand a chance. It is therefore imperative that this technology be developed and utilized properly lest we find ourselves at the dawn of a new era in cyber-crime .

量子计算是另一个热门话题,并且基于演讲者的演讲。 很明显,这将是21世纪的最大突破。 由于量子计算机将以这种速度和处理能力运行,因此,区块链,核代码和所有形式的在线安全协议将不再有机会。 因此,必须正确开发和利用该技术,以免我们在网络犯罪新时代的来临之际发现自己。

The Dublin Tech Summit’s first instalment was not a disappointment. There were long lines to deal with and the food selection wasn’t exactly five-star material but the organization was splendid and the focus on women and their role in development was a breath of fresh air in a world where tech summits are more like male geek summits.

都柏林科技峰会的第一期并不令人失望。 有很多工作要做,食物选择不完全是五星级的材料,但是组织很棒,在科技峰会更像男性的世界中,对女性及其在发展中的作用的关注是新鲜空气极客峰会。

The next event will be held next year (April 2018), of course, in Dublin and we expect it to be another great event covering vast topics in the field of business and IoT. Make sure to check it out if you are in the neighborhood.

下一次活动当然会在明年(2018年4月)在都柏林举行,我们希望这将是另一个涵盖商业和物联网领域广泛主题的盛会。 如果您在附近,请务必检查一下。

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翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/29626/The-Dublin-Tech-Summit-in-A-Nutshell.html

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