

We’ve seen some incredible technological advancements in the past five years. Our devices have become smarter and more connected. We saw the rise of autonomous vehicles and drones. Reality became more virtual.

在过去的五年中,我们已经看到了令人难以置信的技术进步。 我们的设备变得更加智能,连接更加紧密。 我们看到了自动驾驶汽车和无人驾驶飞机的兴起。 现实变得更加虚拟。

These devices make our lives more convenient. They add excitement and give us new capabilities. Sometimes, they make us safer. They also open up new opportunities for hackers, making cyber security a top priority.

这些设备使我们的生活更加便利。 它们增加了兴奋并为我们提供了新的功能。 有时,它们使我们更安全。 他们还为黑客创造了新的机会,使网络安全成为重中之重。

The next five years are sure to bring developments that are just astonishing, and we will continue to try to find the balance between connectivity and security.


Here are five major technological developments from the last five years and some predictions for the future.


人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence )


Whichever way we’re headed, Google, Microsoft, IBM and others have made major investments in the technology in the last few years.


We’ve seen especially impressive advance in the field of deep learning, a field in which machines use algorithms to learn complex skills. In 2016, deep learning allowed a Google Deepmind computer program to defeat Lee Sodel, one of the world’s best Go players, at the game, which is considered to be one of the most complex board games in the world.

我们已经在深度学习领域看到了令人印象深刻的进步,深度学习是机器使用算法学习复杂技能的领域。 2016年,深度学习使Google Deepmind计算机程序可以在游戏中击败世界上最好的围棋玩家之一Lee Sodel ,该游戏被认为是世界上最复杂的棋盘游戏之一。

In the coming years, we’ll probably see tech companies make advancements in practical uses for deep learning in areas like autonomous cars and language translation.


虚拟和增强现实 (Virtual and Augmented Reality )

Virtual reality headsets, such as Sony’s PlayStation VR and Facebook division Oculus VR’s Oculus Rift, captured the imagination of gamers and tech enthusiasts in recent years.

索尼的PlayStation VR和Facebook部门Oculus VR的Oculus Rift等虚拟现实耳机近年来吸引了游戏玩家和技术爱好者的想象。

Augmented reality, which combines the real world with the computer-generated, got pretty popular, too — Pokémon Go being the primary example.


Gaming is currently the main use for these reality-altering technologies. Apple CEO Tim Cook, however, has expressed interest in augmented reality. Perhaps, it will play a role in the next version of the iPhone.

游戏是目前这些改变现实的技术的主要用途。 但是, 苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)已表示对增强现实感兴趣。 也许,它将在下一版iPhone中发挥作用。

物联网(IoT) (Internet of Things (IoT))

近来,越来越多的设备具有连接到Internet并相互通信的能力。 这些智能设备或连接的设备可以涵盖从汽车到建筑物再到冰箱的所有事物,并且可以相互链接形成物联网(IoT)。

IoT crates lots of opportunities for increased convenience and efficiency. Devices in a smart home can communicate with each other and adjust the amount of energy they pull based on usage patterns, saving electricity. This idea can also be expanded to more large-scale applications, such as the electrical grid in a city, allowing the flow of electricity to be more easily monitored and controlled based on demand.

物联网创造了许多机会,以提高便利性和效率。 智能家居中的设备可以相互通信,并可以根据使用模式调整它们消耗的能量,从而节省电力。 该想法还可以扩展到更大规模的应用,例如城市的电网 ,从而可以根据需求更轻松地监视和控制电流。

In the near future, an increasing number of devices will become connected, especially those used by businesses and government. Cyber security will continue to be a hot topic as security professionals and hackers battle it out for control of this emerging technology. It might start to look a bit like the Wild West out there, but let’s hope for the best.

在不久的将来,将有越来越多的设备连接在一起,尤其是企业和政府使用的设备。 网络安全将继续成为热门话题,因为安全专业人员和黑客正在争夺对这种新兴技术的控制权。 它可能看起来有点像荒野西部,但让我们希望最好。

云端 (The Cloud)


The cloud has allowed for increased resource sharing and provided the ability to access data from anywhere. It has transformed the business world, allowing employees to easily share files and information. Various companies have also started using the Software as a Service (SaaS) business model, in which access to software is offered on a subscription basis.

云增加了资源共享,并提供了从任何地方访问数据的能力。 它改变了商业世界,使员工可以轻松共享文件和信息。 多家公司还开始使用软件即服务(SaaS)业务模型,其中以订阅方式提供对软件的访问。

Individual consumers, too, have taken advantage of the cloud’s benefits with companies like Google, Microsoft and Dropbox offering convenient access to cloud technology.


In the near future, we’re likely to see more companies using the cloud and a broader range of services being offered over the cloud. Remote access and connectivity also mean that, like with IoT, security will be a big concern.

在不久的将来,我们可能会看到更多的公司使用云计算,并通过云计算提供更多的服务。 远程访问和连接性也意味着,与物联网一样,安全性将是一个大问题。

自动驾驶汽车 (Autonomous Vehicles )

像Google和Uber这样的科技公司以及像Ford和Tesla这样的汽车制造商都在研究自动驾驶汽车。 在过去的几年中,自动驾驶技术经历了多次成功的测试。

Widespread commercial availability won’t likely be a reality for a few years, but our vehicles are slowly becoming more automated and connected. These technologies have the potential to make our personal transportation much more efficient, safe and productive.

几年内不可能实现广泛的商业可用性,但是我们的车辆正在逐渐变得更加自动化和互联。 这些技术有可能使我们的个人运输更加高效,安全和高效。

Through 2019, driver assistance features will likely become more useful, and by the 2020s, fully autonomous vehicles will likely start to become widely available.

到2019年, 驾驶员辅助功能将可能变得更加有用 ,到2020年代,全自动驾驶汽车将可能开始广泛使用。

展望未来 (Looking to the Future)

技术正在飞速发展,并且随着我们步入未来,这种趋势将继续如此。 我们的世界将变得越来越紧密,更加智能,这将导致人们越来越关注网络安全。

As the tech industry expands, so will opportunities in the field. Although the road may not be easy, we’ll see more diversity in the tech workforce, too.

随着科技行业的发展,该领域的机会也将不断增加。 尽管道路并不容易,但我们也会看到技术人员的多样性。

The industry has in the past been largely composed of white and Asian males, something that has drawn plenty of criticism. Women currently represent only 30 percent of the Information Technology (IT) workforce, although they comprise almost half of the workforce across all occupations. Studies have shown that women are now showing more interest in the tech field. In the future, it will be up to employers to hire them at a fair rate.

过去,该行业主要由白人和亚洲男性组成,这一点引起了很多批评。 目前,女性仅占信息技术(IT)劳动力的30% ,尽管它们在所有职业中均占劳动力的近一半。 研究表明,女性现在对科技领域表现出更大的兴趣。 将来,将由雇主以合理的价格雇用他们。

The tech industry is evolving and expanding, as it always does. As it changes, it transforms our world as well. The future is here, and, while we don’t have flying cars yet, it’s certainly high-tech.

科技行业一如既往地在发展和壮大。 随着变化,它也改变了我们的世界。 未来就在这里,尽管我们还没有飞行汽车,但它无疑是高科技。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/29324/The-Evolution-of-the-Technology-Field.html


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