java 函数反射调用函数_如何使Java函数更容易遵循

java 函数反射调用函数

Java functions are among the best things for programmers to work with as Java sites can be very easy to read and prepare. Java especially simplifies many processes in the coding industry as it helps integrate many forms of technology and different display functions to keep the overall setup running more care and control.

对于程序员来说,Java函数是最好的东西,因为Java站点很容易阅读和准备。 Java特别有助于简化编码行业中的许多流程,因为它有助于集成多种形式的技术和不同的显示功能,以使整体设置运行时更加谨慎和控制。

However, there is always plenty of room for improvement when getting any kind of Java process running right. There are many things that can be done to make it easier for Java functions to be run the right way.

但是,正确运行任何类型的Java进程时,总是有很大的改进空间。 为了使Java函数更容易以正确的方式运行,可以做很多事情。

Don’t Create Unnecessary Objects


First, it is important to ensure that the objects being created through Java are absolutely functional to the success of a website. A website must be designed with an organization that is doesn’t include anything unnecessary. Unnecessary objects can make it harder for a website to operate and load up. Keeping and unnecessary items out will help keep the coding setup shorter and therefore easier to load.

首先,重要的是要确保通过Java创建的对象对于网站的成功绝对起作用。 网站的设计必须不包含任何不必要的组织。 不必要的对象会使网站更难以操作和加载。 保留不必要的物品将有助于使编码设置更短,因此更易于加载。

Avoid Wrapper Classes


Wrapper classes can store information on everything within a site and may be too complicated. It can take a long time to load up some of these classes. A primitive class may be used instead as this focuses on values above all else.

包装器类可以将信息存储在站点中的所有内容上,并且可能太复杂了。 加载其中的某些类可能需要很长时间。 可以代替使用原始类,因为它着重于其他所有值。

Avoid Null Collections


Some arrays, collections and other features may end up being empty. You have to return them as being empty instead of being null. This is to keep the testing process from being hurt by a slow setup that is far too complicated and difficult to follow. If used right, it should make for a setup that is not too complicated and should be easy to follow.

某些数组,集合和其他功能可能最终为空。 您必须将它们返回为空而不是null。 这是为了防止测试过程因太慢且难以执行的缓慢设置而受到伤害。 如果使用正确,它应该使设置不太复杂并且易于遵循。

A blank string can be returned if anything null is to appear. This is to keep the testing process simple without wasting more of an effort than necessary.

如果出现任何null,则可以返回空白字符串。 这是为了保持测试过程简单而不浪费不必要的精力。

Keep Class Fields from Being Public


Class fields need to be private so no one can potentially change values of certain codes. Any changes can cause bugs and other serious errors to develop within a program. Private strings can be created to ensure data is controlled carefully and that the right details are aired to the public within the code.

类字段必须是私有的,因此没有人可以更改某些代码的值。 任何更改都可能导致程序内产生错误和其他严重错误。 可以创建专用字符串,以确保对数据进行仔细控制,并在代码中向公众公开正确的详细信息。

A clone of an array may also be incorporated at this point instead of an actual array on its own. This is to keep the method or public data being easier to follow.

此时也可以合并数组的克隆,而不是单独使用实际的数组。 这是为了使方法或公共数据更易于遵循。

Avoid Abstract Ideas


Many interfaces can be created within Java to make data accessible and easier to read. The interfaces should be coded when the developer knows everything about how a program is to be generated. All abstract concepts must be avoided; these refer to points where the interface might be fluid or flexible.

可以在Java中创建许多接口,以使数据可访问且更易于读取。 当开发人员了解有关如何生成程序的所有信息时,应该对接口进行编码。 必须避免所有抽象概念。 这些指的是界面可能是流动或灵活的点。

While the idea of making a code less flexible doesn’t sound appealing to all, the need to avoid abstract ideas in the interface is critical. There may be times when a certain program cannot be easier accessed; these include times when a mobile device is unsuccessfully trying to get onto a website that it cannot easily read. An interface must be designed to where a certain format may be used depending on where access comes.

虽然使代码的灵活性降低的想法听起来并不吸引所有人,但避免在界面中使用抽象概念的需求至关重要。 有时可能无法轻松访问某个程序。 其中包括移动设备尝试进入无法轻松阅读的网站失败的时间。 接口必须设计为可以根据访问的位置使用某种格式。

Keep Local Variable Limited


Local variables may be reviewed with care but you must keep them as small as possible when generating codes. Local variables that are too long or detailed can take a long time to load up and are often harder for a website to read. Avoid local variables that are too hard to follow and it should be easier for your site to stay active and quick-loading.

可以仔细检查局部变量,但是在生成代码时必须将它们保持尽可能小。 太长或太详细的局部变量可能需要很长时间才能加载,并且通常使网站难以阅读。 避免使用太难追踪的局部变量,这样可以使您的站点更容易保持活动状态并快速加载。

Java is a great programming language when used right. Be careful when you are getting it ready to work for your needs. You must keep your Java plans as fluid and easy to figure out as possible. This is to allow anything you are doing within your business as easy to follow as possible

如果使用正确,Java是一种很棒的编程语言。 当您准备好根据需要工作时,请务必小心。 您必须保持Java计划的流畅性并易于找出。 这是为了使您在公司内所做的任何事情都尽可能容易地被遵循


java 函数反射调用函数





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