java ee 的使用方法_EE对话的NICE方法

java ee 的使用方法



Here is an interesting hierarchy of learning.  Let's identify four groups.

这是一个有趣的学习层次。 让我们确定四个组。

  • Neophyte

  • Inquirer

  • Competent

  • Expert




When you enter German 101, you start with the most basic rules of grammar and pronunciation. You learn that plurals end in "en." Your learning is nearly 100% rules-guided, and built up with rote practice. You memorize the alphabet. You need to be told what to do and say. 

输入德语101时,您将从语法和发音的最基本规则入手。 您了解复数以“ en”结尾。 您的学习几乎是100%由规则指导的,并且是死记硬背的练习。 你记住字母。 您需要被告知该怎么做并说。

In software development, when you're a novice, you're just learning the rules of syntax and the basic structure of program flow. An introductory tutorial is helpful. You may not understand the expressive power of the language yet. You begin reading the language reference.

在软件开发中,当您是新手时,您只是在学习语法规则和程序流程的基本结构。 入门教程会有所帮助 。 您可能还不了解该语言的表达能力 。 您开始阅读语言参考

Questions at this level need straightforward, prescriptive answers.




By the time you're far enough along to be called an Inquirer, you're able to read and understand common German phrases and you're picking up a few idioms. You can ask simple questions in German. Your learning is still mostly memorization, but your knowledge is developing within the framework of the rules you learned in the first year. You might diagram sentences. You might construct simple original paragraphs. Your pronunciation is improving.

等到您足够远而被称为“问询者”时,您就可以阅读和理解常见的德语短语,并且掌握了一些习语。 您可以用德语问一些简单的问题。 您的学习仍然主要是记忆,但是您的知识是在第一年学习的规则的框架内发展的。 您可能会绘制句子图。 您可以构造简单的原始段落。 您的发音正在提高。

If you're a programmer, your title is probably "junior," and you're advancing under the guidance of senior colleagues. You have identified several good learning resources, and you may be taking a class in the language of choice. You understand and practice the SSCCE. You may need some help, but you can write small programs that do something interesting or useful. Through experience, you have come to understand the necessity and utility of test data. You may benefit from guidance in design and program logic. You have begun to create your own library of programming examples.

如果您是一名程序员,那么您的头衔可能是“初级”,并且您将在高级同事的指导下前进。 您已经找到了一些不错的学习资源 ,并且您可能正在选择的语言上课。 您了解并实践SSCCE 。 您可能需要一些帮助,但可以编写一些有趣或有用的小程序。 通过经验,您已经了解了测试数据的必要性和实用性 。 您可能会受益于设计和程序逻辑方面的指导。 您已经开始创建自己的编程示例库。

Questions at this level benefit from code examples, especially with comments.




As you achieve competence in German language, the learning process changes. The rules you learned earlier are no longer in the forefront; they have become the underpinnings of your expanding knowledge. You think in the language and you begin to infer meaning in unfamiliar vocabulary. You read literature and form opinions about the viewpoints of the authors. In this level of learning, special exceptions and cultural sensitivity are useful cues; you no longer need to hear more repetition of the basics. 

当您获得德语能力后,学习过程就会改变。 您先前学习的规则不再位于最前列。 它们已成为您不断扩展的知识的基础。 您使用语言进行思考,并且开始用陌生的词汇来推断含义。 您阅读文学作品并形成关于作者观点的观点。 在这种学习水平上,特殊的例外情况和文化敏感性是有用的提示; 您不再需要听到更多重复的基础知识。

In software development, you're able to do some original research. You practice the principles of Object-Oriented Design and use Unit Tests. You've probably put aside the SSCCE in favor of the MCVE. You're probably using version control, and you're conversant in the principles of Agile methodologies. You know how to catch and correct most of your own errors, and the nature of your errors changes. You no longer make errors of design or logic; most of your errors are simply typographical.

在软件开发中,您可以进行一些原创研究。 您将练习面向对象设计的原理并使用单元测试 。 您可能已经将SSCCE放在一边,以支持MCVE 。 您可能正在使用版本控制 ,并且熟悉敏捷方法论的原理。 您知道如何捕获和纠正大多数自己的错误,并且错误的性质也会发生变化。 您不再犯错误的设计或逻辑; 您的大多数错误都是印刷错误。

Questions at this level are often exploratory or complex and may be best answered with links to reference materials.




At the expert level you can write fluent German poetry, and you can teach the language. Your learning now consists mostly of conversations and exchange of ideas. You have read most or all of the greatest books. Cultural and current-events issues dominate your learning process, as you learn by doing. You are capable of linguistic experiments and independent study. You can write speeches for native speakers. 

在专家级别,您可以写流利的德国诗歌,并且可以讲授语言。 现在您的学习主要包括对话和思想交流。 您已经阅读了大部分或所有最伟大的书籍。 当您边做边学时,文化和时事问题主导着您的学习过程。 您有能力进行语言实验和独立学习。 您可以为母语人士撰写演讲。

As an expert software developer, you're able to compare and translate solutions between programming languages. You can be constructively critical of the shortcomings in your languages of choice. You can use modern design principles to produce innovative solutions to common problems. You know why Eric Lippert  and Taylor Otwell are considered important thinkers. Your testing framework uses Mock Objects to advantage. You may be a contributor to open-source projects. You can lead a team of software developers.

作为专业的软件开发人员,您可以在编程语言之间比较和翻译解决方案。 您可以建设性地批评所选语言的缺点 。 您可以使用现代设计原则为常见问题提供创新的解决方案 。 您知道为什么埃里克·利珀特Eric Lippert)泰勒·奥特威尔Taylor Otwell)被认为是重要的思想家。 您的测试框架使用Mock Objects具有优势。 您可能是开源项目的贡献者。 您可以领导一个软件开发团队。

Questions at this level are usually looking for guidance about industry standards and best practices.


A NICE Approach to E-E Questions


This NICE hierarchy of learning seems applicable to the questions we see at E-E. Novice and Inquirer questions need succinct "do this" responses. Questions from the more advanced viewpoints usually need more nuanced responses, since they probably already tried the "do this" approaches. If we know the Author's level of understanding it's usually easy to craft an appropriate response. 


Ways of Misunderstanding Questions and Answers


The most frequent misunderstandings seem to arise around questions that sound like they come from one NICE level when they actually come from a level above or below. A question from a Competent Author with a typographical error may get answered as if it were a Neophyte question, and the Author may feel insulted. Nobody wants that! A question from a Inquirer with some (possibly misused) technical terminology may get answered with truly detailed and Expert guidance, and the Author may become frustrated and confused, or a technical dialog may arise over irrelevant and misunderstood parts of the question. These misunderstandings are not infrequent -- we are often separated by languages and time zones.


I find the absence of this hierarchical frame of reference to be the single biggest reason that answers (and people) can be misunderstood in the E-E forums. Therefore I'd like to propose a solution.

我发现缺少这种分层的参考框架是在EE论坛中可能会误解答案(和人员)的唯一最大原因。 因此,我想提出一个解决方案。

Use the NICE Principles to Clarify Our Perspectives


Maybe I have a question about how to do something with the Laravel framework. I happen to be "E" in PHP but only "I" in Laravel. If you know that, you can immediately know that a link to a code example showing the "Laravel way" would be the perfect, 500-point, A+ answer. If you knew that the Author was competent in HTML, but only an "N" in JavaScript, you would be able to suggest good JavaScript reference materials.

也许我对如何使用Laravel框架有疑问。 我碰巧在PHP中是“ E”,但在Laravel中只有“ I”。 如果您知道这一点,则可以立即知道指向显示“ Laravel方式”的代码示例的链接将是完美的500点A +答案。 如果您知道作者在HTML方面胜任,但在JavaScript中只有“ N”,那么您将可以提出好JavaScript参考资料

When you're the Author of a question consider self-rating your knowledge on the NICE scale. When you read a question that could have different answers depending on the Author's knowledge base, consider sharing this article. A common understanding of our perspectives can save us huge amounts of time. And it will make the forums a friendlier place to ask and answer questions.


Further Reading


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如果您发现本文有帮助,请单击下面的“竖起大拇指”按钮。 这样做可以使EE社区了解对EE成员有价值的内容,并为将来的文章提供指导。 如果您有任何问题或意见,请添加。 谢谢!


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