输入框access查询_Microsoft Access 2013+的现代/地铁样式消息框和输入框


背景 (Background)

The native message box of Microsoft Access 2013 is boring and lousy compared to the strong and clean Modern/Metro style of Windows 8+. 

与强大而干净的Windows 8+的Modern / Metro风格相比,Microsoft Access 2013的本机消息框既乏味又糟糕。

You are probably just too familiar with the traditional message box of Windows 8 and 10:

您可能对Windows 8和10的传统消息框太熟悉了:


as well as the input box:




Wouldn't it be nice with a more attractive style that fits Windows 8+ and 10 much better? Well, here it is:

具有更吸引人的风格以适合Windows 8+和Windows 10会更好吗? 好吧,这里是:



and likewise:




With Microsoft Access 2013 it is possible to create a Modern/Metro look using the full-screen forms. Then the difference stands out. Here you have called:

使用Microsoft Access 2013,可以使用全屏表单创建现代/地铁外观。 然后区别就突出了。 在这里您已致电:

Result = MsgBox( _
    "This will delete all entries for this plan!", _
    vbOKCancel + vbExclamation + vbDefaultButton2, _
    "Reset Plan") 

and this could be the result:



This clash between styles is avoided with our Modern Box. The calling code is identical:

我们的Modern Box避免了样式之间的冲突。 调用代码是相同的:

Result = MsgMox( _
    "This will delete all entries for this plan!", _
    vbOKCancel + vbExclamation + vbDefaultButton2, _
    "Reset Plan") 

and this is the result:



Clearly, a much better match.


造型 (Styling)

All styling is applied when opening the form:


Private Sub Form_Load() 
    ' Adjust top and/or height of some controls. 
    Call SetControlSizes 
    ' Apply modern colours to form. 
    Call SetColours 
    ' Show specified icon. 
    Call SetIcon 
End Sub 
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) 
    Dim NoCancel    As Boolean 
    ' Set the messagebox style variables. 
    Call SetMsgBoxStyle 
    ' Set caption of title bar. 
    Call SetTitle 
    ' Set prompt. 
    Call SetPrompt 
    ' Set active buttons and captions and taborder. 
    ' Eventually resize form to accommodate buttons and a supersized prompt. 
    Call SetButtonSequence 
    ' NoCancel has been set by SetButtonSequence. 
    If Not NoCancel Then 
        ' Set close button status. 
        Call SetCloseButton(False) 
    End If 
    ' Set default result value. 
    Result = vbCancel 
End Sub  

The exception is the colouring of the buttons as this changes according to which button is the default:


Private Sub ButtonFocus(ByVal ButtonIndex As Long) 
' Style buttons to indicate the new default button. 
    ' Set (new) default button. 
    Me("Button" & CStr(ButtonIndex)).Default = True 
    ' Set (new) default result value. 
    Result = Buttons(ButtonIndex)(ButtonProperty.Value) 
    ' Recolour visible buttons. 
    Call StyleCommandButtons(Me) 
End Sub 

Public Sub StyleCommandButtons(ByRef frm As Form) 
' Apply a style to all non-transparent command buttons on a form. 
' 2014-10-10. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH. 
' Version 1.0.0 
' License: MIT. 
' Requires: 
'   Module: 
'       ModernThemeColours 
' Typical usage: 
'   Private Sub Form_Load() 
'       Call StyleCommandButtons(Me) 
'   End Sub 
    Dim ctl                 As Control 
    For Each ctl In frm.Controls 
        If ctl.ControlType = acCommandButton Then 
            If ctl.Transparent = True Then 
                ' Leave transparent buttons untouched. 
                ctl.Height = 454 
                ctl.UseTheme = True 
                If ctl.Default = True Then 
                    ctl.BackColor = wpThemeColor.Cobalt 
                    ctl.BackColor = ctl.Parent.Section(ctl.Section).BackColor 
                End If 
                ctl.HoverForeColor = ctl.BackColor 
                ctl.HoverColor = wpThemeColor.White 
                ctl.PressedColor = wpThemeColor.Darken 
                ctl.BorderWidth = 2 
                ctl.BorderStyle = 1 
                ctl.BorderColor = wpThemeColor.White 
                ctl.ForeColor = wpThemeColor.White 
                ctl.FontName = "Segoe UI" 
                ctl.FontSize = 11 
                ctl.FontBold = True 
                ctl.FontItalic = False 
            End If 
        End If 
    Set ctl = Nothing 
End Sub  

The key function here is the generic StyleCommandButtons which is used throughout the application to control the style of buttons. Therefore it is placed in another module. It retrieves a colour scheme from a third module:

这里的关键功能是通用的StyleCommandButtons ,在整个应用程序中都使用它来控制按钮的样式。 因此,它被放置在另一个模块中。 它从第三个模块检索配色方案:

' Adoption of Windows Phone 7.5/8.0 colour theme for VBA. 
' 2017-04-19. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH. 
' Version 1.1.0 
' License: MIT. 
' * 
' Windows Phone colour enumeration. 
Public Enum wpThemeColor 
    ' Official colour names from WP8. 
    Lime = &HC4A4& 
    Green = &H17A960 
    Emerald = &H8A00& 
    Teal = &HA9AB00 
    Cyan = &HE2A11B 
    Cobalt = &HEF5000 
    Indigo = &HFF006A 
    Violet = &HFF00AA 
    Pink = &HD072F4 
    Magenta = &H7300D8 
    Crimson = &H2500A2 
    Red = &H14E5& 
    Orange = &H68FA& 
    Amber = &HAA3F0 
    Yellow = &HC8E3& 
    Brown = &H2C5A82 
    Olive = &H64876D 
    Steel = &H87766D 
    Mauve = &H8A6076 
    Sienna = &H2D52A0 
    ' Colour name aliases from WP7.5 
    Viridian = &HA9AB00 
    Blue = &HE2A11B 
    Purple = &HFF00AA 
    Mango = &H68FA& 
    ' Used for black in popups. 
    Darken = &H1D1D1D 
    ' Additional must-have names for grey scale. 
    Black = &H0& 
    DarkGrey = &H3F3F3F 
    Grey = &H7F7F7F 
    LightGrey = &HBFBFBF 
    White = &HFFFFFF 
End Enum  
挑战性 (Challenges)

At first, you may think, this task basically is just to design a borderless form and open it in dialogue mode. However, if you do so, the border style of Windows is forced upon the form. Even worse, an uncontrollable title "Message" is applied:

最初,您可能会认为,该任务基本上只是设计一个无边界表单并以对话模式打开它。 但是,如果您这样做,则Windows的边框样式将强制显示在窗体上。 更糟糕的是,应用了无法控制的标题“消息”:


To be honest, this is for a reason. Without this titlebar, you cannot drag the form. Therefor, even if what you want is a dialogue form, you cannot open the form in dialogue mode, so you will have to add custom code to:

老实说,这是有原因的。 没有此标题栏,您将无法拖动表单。 因此,即使您想要的是对话表单,也无法在对话模式下打开该表单,因此必须将自定义代码添加到:

  • simulate the dialogue mode

  • enable dragging of the form


Other tasks to replicate the true function of MsgBox are:


  • enable and arrange the buttons and the icon

  • expand the form to hold four buttons

  • extend the form to hold an extended prompt

  • retrieve localized captions for the buttons

  • enable calling a help file

  • return the correct result for any mouse or key click


Further, the MsgBox can be visually right-to-left mirrored using the style constant vbMsgBoxRtlReading. This, hovewer, is not implemented in MsgMox as I have no need for this feature. Other style constants are also ignored - vbApplicationModal, vbMsgBoxSetForeground, vbSystemModal - as these have little or no impact in Windows 8+.

此外,可以使用样式常量vbMsgBoxRtlReading在视觉上从右到左镜像MsgBox。 但是,由于我不需要此功能,因此无法在MsgMox中实现。 其他样式常量也将被忽略-vbApplicationModal,vbMsgBoxSetForeground,vbSystemModal-因为这些常量在Windows 8+中几乎没有影响。

The input box is simpler as neither the buttons nor an icon can be controlled. The Help button is displayed only if both helpfile and content are specified. The major difference is that the opening position of the form can be specified relative to the top-left screen corner. This has little or no use with the larger screens used today, so this option has been modified to set the position relative to the application window. If left out, the form is centered relative to the application window.

输入框更简单,因为按钮和图标都无法控制。 仅在同时指定了帮助文件和内容的情况下,才会显示“帮助”按钮。 主要区别在于可以相对于屏幕左上角指定表单的打开位置。 对于今天使用的较大屏幕,此功能几乎没有用,甚至没有用,因此已修改此选项以设置相对于应用程序窗口的位置。 如果省略,则窗体相对于应用程序窗口居中。


Finally, wrapper functions must be created to act as a direct replacement for MsgBox and InputBox. This way, the Modern/Metro boxes can be implemented by a simple find/replace requiring zero rewriting of the code.

最后,必须创建包装函数以直接替代MsgBox和InputBox。 这样,可以通过简单的查找/替换来实现Modern / Metro框,而需要零代码重写。

Windows 10样式 (Windows 10 styling)

Under Windows 10, the visual style of the windows is slightly different from Windows 8.0/8.1. The titlebar is smaller, and the close button (if present) is animated to be red when hovered by the mouse.

在Windows 10下,窗口的视觉样式与Windows 8.0 / 8.1略有不同。 标题栏较小,并且当鼠标悬停时,关闭按钮(如果存在)会变为红色。

Both MsgMox and InputMox adopt automatically by calling a small helper function when loading:


' Checks if the primary (current) Windows version is Windows 10.
' Returns True if Windows version is 10, False if not.
' The call to WMI takes about 50 ms. Thus, to speed up repeated calls,
' the result is kept in the static variable OsVersion.
' 2019-04-07. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function IsWindows10() As Boolean

    Const NoVersion     As Integer = 0
    Const Version10     As Integer = 10
    Static OsVersion    As Integer
    Dim OperatingSystem As Object
    Dim Result          As Boolean

    If OsVersion = NoVersion Then
        ' Connect to WMI and obtain instances of Win32_OperatingSystem
        For Each OperatingSystem In GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem")
            If OperatingSystem.Primary = True Then
                OsVersion = Val(OperatingSystem.Version)
                Exit For
            End If
        ' Repeated call. OsVersion has previously been found.
    End If
    Result = (OsVersion = Version10)
    IsWindows10 = Result

End Function 

for example here, where the style of the close button is set:


Private Sub SetCloseButton(ByVal Active As Boolean)

    Static Initialized  As Boolean
    Static Status       As Boolean

    If Not NoCancel Then
        If IsWindows10 Then
            If (Not Initialized) Or (Status <> Active) Then
                Me!PictureCloseActive.Visible = Active
                Me!PictureCloseInactive.Visible = Not Active
                Status = Active
            End If
            If Not Initialized Then
                Me!PictureClose.Visible = True
            End If
        End If
        Initialized = True
    End If

End Sub
模拟对话模式 (Simulating dialogue mode)

This has been implemented by running an endless loop after the form has been opened. The main issue here is to find a sleep time that does not load the CPU while offering fast exit from the loop:

这是通过在打开表单后运行一个无限循环来实现的。 这里的主要问题是找到一个睡眠时间,该睡眠时间在提供快速退出循环的同时不会给CPU造成负担:

' API call for sleep function. 
#If VBA7 Then 
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) 
    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) 
#End If 

' Opens a modal form in non-dialogue mode to prevent dialogue borders to be displayed 
' while simulating dialogue behaviour using Sleep. 
' If TimeOut is negative, zero, or missing: 
'   Form FormName waits forever. 
' If TimeOut is positive: 
'   Form FormName exits after TimeOut milliseconds. 
' 2018-04-26. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH. 
Public Function OpenFormDialog( _ 
    ByVal FormName As String, _ 
    Optional ByVal TimeOut As Long, _ 
    Optional ByVal OpenArgs As Variant = Null) _ 
    As Boolean 
    Const SecondsPerDay     As Single = 86400 
    Dim LaunchTime          As Date 
    Dim CurrentTime         As Date 
    Dim TimedOut            As Boolean 
    Dim Index               As Integer 
    Dim FormExists          As Boolean 
    ' Check that form FormName exists. 
    For Index = 0 To CurrentProject.AllForms.Count - 1 
        If CurrentProject.AllForms(Index).Name = FormName Then 
            FormExists = True 
            Exit For 
        End If 
    If FormExists = True Then 
        If CurrentProject.AllForms(FormName).IsLoaded = True Then 
            ' Don't reopen the form should it already be loaded. 
            ' Open modal form in non-dialogue mode to prevent dialogue borders to be displayed. 
            DoCmd.OpenForm FormName, acNormal, , , , acWindowNormal, OpenArgs 
        End If 
        ' Record launch time and current time with 1/18 second resolution. 
        LaunchTime = Date + CDate(Timer / SecondsPerDay) 
        Do While CurrentProject.AllForms(FormName).IsLoaded 
            ' Form FormName is open. 
            ' Bring form to front; it may hide behind a popup form. 
            DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, FormName 
            ' Make sure form and form actions are rendered. 
            ' Halt Access for 1/20 second. 
            ' This will typically cause a CPU load less than 1%. 
            ' Looping faster will raise CPU load dramatically. 
            Sleep 50 
            If TimeOut > 0 Then 
                ' Check for time-out. 
                CurrentTime = Date + CDate(Timer / SecondsPerDay) 
                If (CurrentTime - LaunchTime) * SecondsPerDay > TimeOut / 1000 Then 
                    ' Time-out reached. 
                    ' Close form FormName and exit. 
                    DoCmd.Close acForm, FormName, acSaveNo 
                    TimedOut = True 
                    Exit Do 
                End If 
            End If 
        ' At this point, user or time-out has closed form FormName. 
    End If 
    ' Return True if the form was not found or was closed by user interaction. 
    OpenFormDialog = Not TimedOut 
End Function  

Study the in-line comments for details.



Enable dragging of the form


One function inside the forms handles this:


' Parameters for mouse action. 
Private Enum MouseAction 
    MouseDown = 1 
    MouseMove = 0 
    MouseUp = -1 
End Enum 

Private Sub FormMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single, _ 
    ByVal MouseAction As MouseAction) 
' Move the form by dragging the title bar or the label upon it. 
    ' WindowLeft and WindowTop must be within the range of Integer. 
    Const TopLeftMax        As Single = 2 ^ 15 - 1 
    Const TopLeftMin        As Single = -2 ^ 15 
    ' Statics to hold the position of the form when mouse is clicked. 
    Static PositionX        As Single 
    Static PositionY        As Single 
    ' Static to hold that a form move is enabled. 
    Static MoveEnabled      As Boolean 
    Dim WindowTop           As Single 
    Dim WindowLeft          As Single 
    ' The value of MoveEnable indicates if the call is from 
    ' mouse up, mouse down, or mouse move. 
    If MouseAction = MouseMove Then 
        ' Move form. 
        If MoveEnabled = True Then 
            ' Form move in progress. 
            If Button = acLeftButton Then 
                ' Calculate new form position. 
                WindowTop = Me.WindowTop + Y - PositionY 
                WindowLeft = Me.WindowLeft + X - PositionX 
                ' Limit Top and Left. 
                If WindowTop > TopLeftMax Then 
                    WindowTop = TopLeftMax 
                ElseIf WindowTop < TopLeftMin Then 
                    WindowTop = TopLeftMax 
                End If 
                If WindowLeft > TopLeftMax Then 
                    WindowLeft = TopLeftMax 
                ElseIf WindowLeft < TopLeftMin Then 
                    WindowLeft = TopLeftMax 
                End If 
                Me.Move WindowLeft, WindowTop 
            End If 
        End If 
        ' Enable/disable form move. 
        If Button = acLeftButton Then 
            ' Only left-button click accepted. 
            'If MoveEnable = True Then 
            If MouseAction = MouseDown Then 
                ' MouseDown. 
                ' Store cursor start position. 
                PositionX = X 
                PositionY = Y 
                MoveEnabled = True 
                ' MouseUp. 
                ' Stop form move. 
                MoveEnabled = False 
            End If 
        End If 
    End If 
End Sub  

Armed with this, the mouse actions control if we can drag the form:


Private Sub LabelTitle_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 
    ' Enable dragging of the form. 
    Call FormMove(Button, Shift, X, Y, MouseDown) 
End Sub 
Private Sub LabelTitle_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 
    Call SetCloseButton(False) 
    ' Drag the form if dragging is enabled. 
    Call FormMove(Button, Shift, X, Y, MouseMove) 
End Sub 
Private Sub LabelTitle_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 
    ' Disable dragging of the form. 
    Call FormMove(Button, Shift, X, Y, MouseUp) 
End Sub  

Button sequence and form resizing 


Setting the button sequence in the message box is a bit more complicated than you may think. Some exclude the normal Cancel button of the form itself or the captions changes, and a Help button can be added. This is solved by stacking four buttons on first position, then repositioning these as needed. The main function is this:

在消息框中设置按钮顺序比您想象的要复杂一些。 有些不包括表单本身的正常“取消”按钮或标题更改,并且可以添加“帮助”按钮。 通过在第一个位置上堆叠四个按钮,然后根据需要重新放置这些按钮,可以解决此问题。 主要功能是这样的:

Private Sub SetButtonSequence() 
' Arrange from one to four visible buttons and refresh their captions. 
    ' Maximum count of enabled (visible) buttons including Help button. 
    Const MaxButtonCount    As Long = 3 + 1 
    ' First button index. 
    Const FirstButton       As Long = 0 
    ' Undefined result value for Help button and inactive buttons. 
    Const MsgBoxResultNone  As Long = 0 
    Dim WindowWidth         As Long 
    Dim WindowExpand        As Long 
    Dim WindowExtend        As Long 
    Dim ActiveButtonCount   As Long 
    Dim HelpButtonCount     As ButtonCount 
    Dim ButtonIndex         As Long 
    Dim LineCount           As Integer 
    ' Fill array of localized captions. 
    Call FillCaptions 
    ' Fill array of button positions. 
    Call FillPositions 
    If HelpButton = vbMsgBoxHelpButton Then 
        ' The Help button shall be displayed. 
        HelpButtonCount = ButtonCount.Help 
    End If 
    ' Set captions and return values on active (visible) buttons. 
    Select Case ButtonSequence 
        Case vbAbortRetryIgnore 
            ActiveButtonCount = ButtonCount.AbortRetryIgnore 
            Buttons(FirstButton) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonAbort), VbMsgBoxResult.vbAbort) 
            Buttons(FirstButton + 1) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonRetry), VbMsgBoxResult.vbRetry) 
            Buttons(FirstButton + 2) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonIgnore), VbMsgBoxResult.vbIgnore) 
            NoCancel = True 
        Case vbOKCancel 
            ActiveButtonCount = ButtonCount.OKCancel 
            Buttons(FirstButton) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonOK), VbMsgBoxResult.vbOK) 
            Buttons(FirstButton + 1) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonCancel), VbMsgBoxResult.vbCancel) 
        Case vbOkOnly 
            ' Note: Any click action (except Help) will result in Cancel. 
            ActiveButtonCount = ButtonCount.OKOnly 
            Buttons(FirstButton) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonOK), VbMsgBoxResult.vbCancel) 
        Case vbRetryCancel 
            ActiveButtonCount = ButtonCount.RetryCancel 
            Buttons(FirstButton) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonTryAgain), VbMsgBoxResult.vbRetry) 
            Buttons(FirstButton + 1) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonCancel), VbMsgBoxResult.vbCancel) 
        Case vbYesNo 
            ActiveButtonCount = ButtonCount.YesNo 
            Buttons(FirstButton) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonYes), VbMsgBoxResult.vbYes) 
            Buttons(FirstButton + 1) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonNo), VbMsgBoxResult.vbNo) 
            NoCancel = True 
        Case vbYesNoCancel 
            ActiveButtonCount = ButtonCount.YesNoCancel 
            Buttons(FirstButton) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonYes), VbMsgBoxResult.vbYes) 
            Buttons(FirstButton + 1) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonNo), VbMsgBoxResult.vbNo) 
            Buttons(FirstButton + 2) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonCancel), VbMsgBoxResult.vbCancel) 
        Case Else 
            ' Identical to OKOnly. 
            ' Note: Any click action (except Help) will result in Cancel. 
            ActiveButtonCount = ButtonCount.OKOnly 
            Buttons(FirstButton) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonOK), VbMsgBoxResult.vbCancel) 
    End Select 
    ' Add a Help button at far right if requested. 
    If HelpButtonCount = 1 Then 
        HelpButtonIndex = ActiveButtonCount 
        Buttons(HelpButtonIndex) = Array(True, Captions(ButtonCaption.ButtonHelp), MsgBoxResultNone) 
        ActiveButtonCount = ActiveButtonCount + HelpButtonCount 
    End If 
    ' Reset remaining buttons. 
    For ButtonIndex = ActiveButtonCount To MaxButtonCount - 1 
        Buttons(ButtonIndex) = Array(False, vbNullString, MsgBoxResultNone) 
    ' Set display status for all buttons. 
    For ButtonIndex = FirstButton To MaxButtonCount - 1 
        With Me("Button" & CStr(ButtonIndex)) 
            .Visible = Buttons(ButtonIndex)(ButtonProperty.Visible) 
            .Caption = Buttons(ButtonIndex)(ButtonProperty.Caption) 
        End With 
    ' Expand the form to make room for multiple buttons. 
    WindowExpand = Positions(ActiveButtonCount - 1) - Positions(FirstButton) 
    WindowWidth = Me.WindowWidth + WindowExpand 
    Me.Move Me.WindowLeft, Me.WindowTop, WindowWidth 
    ' Remove form's close button for certain button combinations. 
    If NoCancel = True Then 
        Me!ButtonCancel.Enabled = False 
        ' Reposition Cancel button and form's close button (picture). 
        Me!ButtonCancel.Left = Me!ButtonCancel.Left + WindowExpand 
        Me!PictureClose.Left = Me!PictureClose.Left + WindowExpand 
        Me!PictureCloseActive.Left = Me!PictureCloseActive.Left + WindowExpand 
        Me!PictureCloseInactive.Left = Me!PictureCloseInactive.Left + WindowExpand 
        Me!BoxInactive.Left = Me!BoxInactive.Left + WindowExpand 
    End If 
    ' Extend the form to fit a supersized prompt. 
    LineCount = PromptLineCount() 
    If LineCount > 0 Then 
        ' Extend the form and controls (except buttons) to 
        ' make room for multiple prompt lines. 
        WindowExtend = FormExtend(LineCount) 
    End If 
    ' Position active buttons. 
    For ButtonIndex = FirstButton To ActiveButtonCount - 1 
        With Me("Button" & CStr(ButtonIndex)) 
            .Left = Positions(ButtonIndex) 
            .Top = .Top + WindowExtend 
        End With 
    ' Apply tab settings. 
    Call SetDefaultButton 
End Sub 

You will notice the extensive use of arrays for holding the buttons and their properties, and that the form is expanded and extended as needed. Here is an example:

您会注意到数组广泛用于保存按钮及其属性,并且该表单根据需要进行了扩展和扩展。 这是一个例子:



Localized captions


Notice the localized captions above. These are pulled from user32.dll with a few API calls:

请注意上面的本地化字幕。 这些是通过一些API调用从user32.dll中提取的:

' API functions for retrieval of localized button captions. 
#If VBA7 Then 
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function LoadString Lib "user32" Alias "LoadStringA" ( _ 
        ByVal hInstance As LongPtr, _ 
        ByVal wID As Long, _ 
        ByVal lpBuffer As String, _ 
        ByVal nBufferMax As Long) _ 
        As Long 
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" ( _ 
        ByVal lpFileName As String) _ 
        As LongPtr 
    Private Declare Function LoadString Lib "user32" Alias "LoadStringA" ( _ 
        ByVal hInstance As Long, _ 
        ByVal wID As Long, _ 
        ByVal lpBuffer As String, _ 
        ByVal nBufferMax As Long) _ 
        As Long 
    Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" ( _ 
        ByVal lpFileName As String) _ 
        As Long 
#End If 

Private Sub FillCaptions() 
' Retrieve localized button captions into array Captions. 
    Const FileName          As String = "user32.dll" 
    Const BufferMax         As Long = 256 
#If VBA7 Then 
    Dim Instance            As LongPtr 
    Dim Instance            As Long 
#End If 
    Dim Buffer              As String 
    Dim StringLength        As Long 
    Dim CaptionId           As Long 
    Instance = LoadLibrary(FileName) 
    ' Read localized captions into static array. 
    For CaptionId = FirstCaptionId To LastCaptionId 
        Buffer = String(BufferMax, vbNullChar) 
        StringLength = LoadString(Instance, CaptionId, Buffer, BufferMax) 
        Captions(CaptionId) = Left(Buffer, StringLength) 
End Sub 

Calling a help file


Though hardly used very often, this feature is implemented. In version 1.2.0, all the code related to the API call has been moved to a separate module, HtmlHelp, as it can be used separately, and to not clutter the ModernBox module. 

尽管很少使用,但已实现了此功能。 在1.2.0版中,所有与API调用相关的代码已移至一个单独的模块HtmlHelp ,因为它可以单独使用,并且不会使ModernBox模块混乱。

What's left is a set of simple functions to open and close the Help Viewer:


' Open a help file at context ContextID if found.
' Note:
'   An opened help viewer window must be closed before exiting the application,
'   or, most likely, Access will chrash.
' Requires:
'   HtmlHelp
' 2018-04-26. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function OpenHelp( _
    ByVal HelpFile As String, _
    Optional ByVal ContextID As Long = 1) _
    As Boolean
    Const MinimumContextID  As Long = 1
    Dim Success             As Boolean
    ' Adjust invalid context IDs.
    If ContextID < MinimumContextID Then
        ContextID = MinimumContextID
    End If
    ' Open help file.
    ' Fails silently if help file or context ID is not found.
    Success = HelpControl(OpenContext, HelpFile, ContextID)
    OpenHelp = Success
End Function
' Close all open HTML Help Viewer windows.
' Requires:
'   HtmlHelp
' 2018-04-26. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function CloseHelp() As Boolean
    Dim Success             As Boolean
    ' Close help file.
    ' Fails silently if no Help Viewer windows are open.
    Success = HelpControl(CloseAll)
    CloseHelp = Success
End Function 

Return the result


The message result to return is preset every time a button gains focus:


Private Sub ButtonFocus(ByVal ButtonIndex As Long) 
' Style buttons to indicate the new default button. 
    ' Set (new) default button. 
    Me("Button" & CStr(ButtonIndex)).Default = True 
    ' Set (new) default result value. 
    Result = Buttons(ButtonIndex)(ButtonProperty.Value) 
    ' Recolour visible buttons. 
    Call StyleCommandButtons(Me) 
End Sub 

and at the same time the buttons are recoloured to indicate which button now is the default button.


The input box simply returns the typed in string to the global variable mbInputText if OK is clicked, or an empty string if Cancel is clicked.


包装全部 (Wrapping it all up)

As mentioned earlier, the forms are controlled by functions, MsgMox and InputMox, very similar to MsgBox and InputBox:


' Global variables for forms ModernBox and ModputBox. 
Public mbPrompt             As String 
Public mbTitle              As Variant 
Public mbHelpFile           As String 
Public mbContext            As Long 
' Global variables for form ModernBox. 
Public mbButtons            As VbMsgBoxStyle 
' Global variables for form ModputBox. 
Public mbDefault            As String 
Public mbXPos               As Variant 
Public mbYPos               As Variant 
' Global variable set by form ModernBox when closed. 
Public mbResult             As VbMsgBoxResult 
' Global variable set by form ModputBox when closed. 
Public mbInputText          As String 
' Form name of the modern message box. 
Private Const ModernBoxName As String = "ModernBox" 
' Form name of the modern input box. 
Private Const ModputBoxName As String = "ModputBox" 

' Opens a message box, using form ModernBox, similar to VBA.MsgBox. 
' Syntax. As for MsgBox with an added parameter, TimeOut: 
' MsgMox(Prompt, [Buttons As VbMsgBoxStyle = vbOKOnly], [Title], [HelpFile], [Context], [TimeOut]) As VbMsgBoxResult 
' If TimeOut is negative, zero, or missing: 
'   MsgMox waits forever as MsgBox. 
' If TimeOut is positive: 
'   MsgMox exits after TimeOut milliseconds, returning the result of the current default button. 
' 2018-04-26. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH. 
Public Function MsgMox( _ 
    Prompt As String, _ 
    Optional Buttons As VbMsgBoxStyle = vbOkOnly, _ 
    Optional Title As Variant = Null, _ 
    Optional HelpFile As String, _ 
    Optional Context As Long, _ 
    Optional TimeOut As Long) _ 
    As VbMsgBoxResult 
    ' Set global variables to be read by form ModernBox. 
    mbButtons = Buttons 
    mbPrompt = Prompt 
    mbTitle = Title 
    mbHelpFile = HelpFile 
    mbContext = Context 
    Call OpenFormDialog(ModernBoxName, TimeOut) 
    ' Return result value set by form ModernBoxName. 
    MsgMox = mbResult 
End Function 

' Opens an input box, using form ModputBox, similar to VBA.InputBox. 
' Syntax. As for InputBox with an added parameter, TimeOut: 
' InputMox(Prompt, [Title], [Default], [XPos], [YPos], [HelpFile], [Context], [TimeOut]) As VbMsgBoxResult 
' Note: 
'   XPos and YPos are relative to the top-left corner of the 
'   application, not the screen as it is for InputBox. 
' If TimeOut is negative, zero, or missing: 
'   InputMox waits forever as InputBox. 
' If TimeOut is positive: 
'   InputMox exits after TimeOut milliseconds, returning an empty string. 
' 2018-04-26. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH. 
Public Function InputMox( _ 
    Prompt As String, _ 
    Optional Title As Variant = Null, _ 
    Optional Default As String, _ 
    Optional XPos As Variant = Null, _ 
    Optional YPos As Variant = Null, _ 
    Optional HelpFile As String, _ 
    Optional Context As Long, _ 
    Optional TimeOut As Long) _ 
    As String 
    ' Set global variables to be read by form ModernBox. 
    mbPrompt = Prompt 
    mbTitle = Title 
    mbDefault = Default 
    mbXPos = XPos 
    mbYPos = YPos 
    mbHelpFile = HelpFile 
    mbContext = Context 
    Call OpenFormDialog(ModputBoxName, TimeOut) 
    ' Return return value set by form ModputBoxName. 
    InputMox = mbInputText 
End Function  

When opened, the form reads the global variables that control its behaviour and, when closing, it returns the result in another global variable, mbResult or mbInputText, that then is returned by the function.


You will notice that one feature compared to MsgBox and InputBox has been added: A timeout. This can be useful for unattended operation or other situations where you don't want the application to hang waiting for a user interaction.

您会注意到,与MsgBox和InputBox相比,已添加了一项功能:超时。 这对于无人值守的操作或其他您不希望应用程序挂起等待用户交互的情况很有用。

错误框随时可以使用 (Error box ready to use)

If you provide friendly error handling with error code and description for the user to report, you may take advantage of the function ErrorMox which wrap MsgMox so you can display useful error information with just about zero additional code:


' Opens a MsgMox predefined for displaying the error number, source, and description if Err <> 0. 
' Also reestablishes the application window, if Echo is False, and the cursor, if Hourglass is True, 
' and resets the Status line. 
' 2018-04-26. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH. 
Public Function ErrorMox( _ 
    Optional ByVal Topic As String) _ 
    As String 
    ' Text to prefix the error number. 
    Const Prefix    As String = "Error" 
    Dim Prompt      As String 
    Dim Title       As String 
    Dim Buttons     As VbMsgBoxStyle 
    Dim Message     As String 
    If Err = 0 Then 
        ' No error. Exit. 
        ' Reestablish display. 
        DoCmd.Hourglass False 
        DoCmd.Echo True 
        ' Display error message. 
        Title = ApplicationTitle 
        Title = Title & ": " & Application.CurrentObjectName 
        If Topic <> "" Then 
            Title = Title & ", " & Topic 
        End If 
        If Prefix <> "" Then 
            Prompt = Prefix & ": " 
        End If 
        Prompt = Prompt & CStr(Err.Number) & vbCrLf & _ 
            Err.Description & "." 
        Buttons = vbOkOnly + vbCritical 
        MsgMox Prompt, Buttons, Title 
        ' Clear status line. 
        ' Return message lines. 
        Message = Title & vbCrLf & Prompt 
    End If 
    ErrorMox = Message 
End Function 

As you can see, it takes info from the Err object and formats these and finish it up with the title of the application.


The project for download contains a tiny demo to demonstrate this, and this is the result:



The complete ModernBox project consists of two forms and four modules which can be copy/pasted into any application.


It has been tested in Access 365 32-bit and 64-bit under Windows 10.

它已在Windows 10下的Access 365 32位和64位中进行了测试。

From version 1.1 also a collection of helper functions for the colour theme is included.


ModernBox 1.3.1.zip ModernBox 1.3.1.zip

Also, always the newest version at GitHub: VBA.ModernBox

另外,始终是GitHub上的最新版本: VBA.ModernBox

I hope you found this article useful. You are encouraged to ask questions, report any bugs or make any other comments about it below.

希望本文对您有所帮助。 鼓励您在下面提出问题,报告任何错误或对此作出任何其他评论。

Note: If you need further "Support" about this topic, please consider using the Ask a Question feature of Experts Exchange. I monitor questions asked and would be pleased to provide any additional support required in questions asked in this manner, along with other EE experts.

注意 :如果您需要有关此主题的更多“支持”,请考虑使用Experts Exchange 的“提问”功能。 我会监督提出的问题,并很高兴与其他电子工程师一起为以这种方式提出的问题提供所需的任何其他支持。

Please do not forget to press the "Thumbs Up" button if you think this article was helpful and valuable for EE members.


翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/17684/Modern-Metro-style-message-box-and-input-box-for-Microsoft-Access-2013.html






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