vss跟tfs_从VSS 2005迁移到TFS 2010后,VS 2008出现“差异”错误


After installing Visual Studio 2010 (see my tip on that

安装Visual Studio 2010之后(请参阅我的提示)

here) and migrating Visual SourceSafe 2005 to Team Foundation Server 2010, I needed to connect my remaining Visual Studio 2008 solutions (the ones that are really SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence Design Studio projects) to also use TFS 2010. I found the VS 2008 Team Explorer download and applied VS 2008 SP1 and the TFS 2010 forward compatiblity patch (supplied on the TFS 2010 DVD) to it so that everything worked. 这里 )和迁移的Visual SourceSafe 2005 Team Foundation Server的2010年,我需要连接我剩下的Visual Studio 2008的解决方案(的那些是真正SQL Server 2008商业智能设计工作室项目)也使用TFS 2010年我找到了VS 2008团队资源管理器下载并对其应用了VS 2008 SP1和TFS 2010前向兼容性修补程序(在TFS 2010 DVD上提供),以便一切正常。

I often work remotely over VPN and converting to TFS 2010 yielded a big performance improvement (even though I was using the VSS LAN accelerator previously). The only problem was that now every time I opened a a VS/BIDS 2008 solution an alert box with the following message popped up:

我经常通过VPN进行远程工作,并且转换为TFS 2010可以显着提高性能(即使我以前使用的是VSS LAN加速器)。 唯一的问题是,现在每次我打开VS / BIDS 2008解决方案时,都会弹出一个警告框,并显示以下消息:

To resolve this discrepancy it will be necessary to check out the project file(s) and update them.  If the check out fails, however, and the solution is closed without saving, you will see this warning again the next time you open this solution.

要解决此差异,必须检出项目文件并进行更新。 但是,如果签出失败,并且解决方案没有保存就被关闭,那么下次打开此解决方案时,您将再次看到此警告。

OK, fine. The check out did not fail. I saved the solution before closing it. And the warning continued to pop up every time I opened the solution again.

好的。 签出未失败。 在关闭解决方案之前,我已经保存了解决方案。 每次我再次打开解决方案时,警告都会继续弹出。

I noticed that some or all of the project files in the solution were indeed being checked out, and I surmised that there was something in those project files that needed to be updated.  I also noticed that when I checked them back in, TFS reported that nothing had changed and proceeded to simply undo the changes.

我注意到该解决方案中的某些或所有项目文件确实已被检出,我推测这些项目文件中有一些需要更新的东西。 我还注意到,当我重新签入它们时,TFS报告没有任何更改,然后继续简单地撤消更改。

That would be OK if no changes were needed, but changes were needed.  The way I finally resolved it was to identify each project that was being checked out, right click the project name, change something (anything! -- almost) in the project properties so as to "dirty" it, change that property right back to what it was again, and then close the properties dialog, save, and check in the project.

这将是确定的,如果是不需要任何改变, 在项目属性,以“脏”了 ,更改,产权回-我终于解决了它是识别正被检出每一个项目的方式, 右键单击该项目名称,改变这又是什么,然后关闭属性对话框,保存并检入项目。

Once the project properties were dirtied, VS 2008 fixed whatever it was bothering it and the annoying alert box no longer appeared; nor did any automatic checkouts occur.

一旦对项目属性进行了污染,VS 2008就解决了困扰它的问题,并且不再显示烦人的警报框。 也没有发生任何自动结帐。

If you do this, you do need to change a project property that is something that is actually stored in the project file. You can tell by checking the project back in and then making the change and changing it back and closing the project properties dialog. If changing/changing back causes the project file to check out then you got it. Otherwise try another property.  Exactly what you change will depend upon what kind of project it is.

如果这样做,则确实需要更改项目属性,该属性实际上是存储在项目文件中的。 您可以通过检入项目,然后进行更改,然后将其更改回并关闭项目属性对话框来判断。 如果更改/回退导致项目文件签出,那么您就可以了。 否则,请尝试其他属性。 确切地说,您所做的更改将取决于它是哪种项目。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/2960/Discrepancy-error-from-VS-2008-after-migrating-from-VSS-2005-to-TFS-2010.html






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