


I recently purchased a Bluetooth headset called the


Music Jogger (model BSH10). The control buttons on it look like this:

音乐慢跑者 (BSH10型)。 其上的控制按钮如下所示:


One of my goals is to use it as the microphone and speakers for Skype calls. In that respect, it works well. However, I also want to be able to answer a Skype call with its Multi-Function Button (MFB), so that I don't have to be sitting at the computer when a call comes in. In that respect, the headset fails.

我的目标之一是将其用作Skype通话的麦克风和扬声器。 在这方面,它运作良好。 但是,我还希望能够通过其多功能按钮 (MFB)接听Skype呼叫,这样,当有电话打进来时,我不必坐在电脑旁。在这方面,头戴式耳机会出现故障。

One possible solution is to configure Skype to answer incoming calls automatically, but I don't like this idea, for two reasons. First, most of the time I am at my computer. In those cases, I may not always want to answer a call – especially when I see CallerID . Second, I may not be at the computer and may not have the headset on, in which case I don't want Skype to answer the call. I could try to remember to enable/disable Skype's automatic answer feature depending on my whereabouts, but that is likely to be error-prone – and a nuisance to boot. The better solution is to configure the MFB to answer a call. Fortunately, there's a way to do this easily – and with free software.

一种可能的解决方案是将Skype配置为自动接听来电,但是由于两个原因,我不喜欢这个想法。 首先,大多数的在我的电脑上的时间。 在这种情况下,我可能并不总是希望接听电话-尤其是当我看到CallerID时。 其次,我可能不在电脑旁也可能没有打开耳机,在这种情况下,我不希望Skype接听电话。 我可能会记得根据我的下落来启用/禁用Skype的自动应答功能,但这很容易出错,并且很讨厌启动。 更好的解决方案是将MFB配置为接听电话 。 幸运的是,有一种方法可以通过免费软件轻松完成。

The solution presented in this article should work on many Bluetooth headsets. For example, here's another one from Kinivo (model BTH220) with similar controls (excellent headset – I own this one, too):

本文介绍的解决方案应可在许多蓝牙耳机上使用。 例如,这是Kinivo的另一 (型号BTH220),具有类似的控件(出色的耳机-我也拥有它):


As long as your Bluetooth headset has a Play-Pause button, the solution in this article has a good chance of working. Please post your results here when you try it with your headset – it will be good to know which Bluetooth headsets do or do not work with this technique.

只要您的蓝牙耳机具有“ 播放暂停”按钮,本文中的解决方案就很有可能起作用。 当您尝试使用耳机时,请在此处发布结果-最好了解哪些蓝牙耳机可以使用此技术或不可以使用此技术。

The method presented in this article requires AutoHotkey, an excellent (free!) programming/scripting language. The quick explanation for installing AutoHotkey is to visit its website and click the big blue Download button. A more comprehensive explanation is to read my EE article, AutoHotkey - Getting Started. After installation, AutoHotkey will own the AHK file type, supporting the solution discussed in the remainder of this article.

本文介绍的方法需要使用一种出色的(免费!)编程/脚本语言AutoHotkey 。 安装AutoHotkey的快速说明是访问其网站 ,然后单击蓝色的大下载按钮。 更全面的解释是阅读我的EE文章AutoHotkey-Getting Started 。 安装后,AutoHotkey将拥有AHK文件类型,支持本文其余部分讨论的解决方案。

AutoHotkey allows you to send specified keystrokes when the Media Play-Pause button is pressed (it also lets you do this for the Media Next, Media Previous, and Media Stop buttons). Skype allows you to define keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) for many functions, including answering a call and hanging up a call. In the latest release of Skype on Windows at the time this article was written (Version, this is done via:

AutoHotkey允许您在按下Media Play-Pause按钮时发送指定的击键(还可以对Media NextMedia PreviousMedia Stop按钮执行此操作)。 Skype允许您为许多功能定义键盘快捷键(热键),包括接听电话和挂断电话。 在撰写本文时,Windows的最新版本的Skype(版本6.11.0.102)是通过以下方式完成的:





Advanced settings




This brings up the following dialog (testing and screenshots were done on W7/64-bit running the latest Skype):

这将弹出以下对话框(测试和屏幕截图是在运行最新Skype的W7 / 64位上完成的):

Skype Hotkeys

The default Skype hotkey for Answer call is Alt-PgUp and the default for Hang up is Alt-PgDn. Of course, you may change those to whatever you want (I kept the defaults). So all that needs to be done is to write an AHK script, telling it to send Alt-PgUp (or whatever key you define in Skype for Answer call) when the Media Play-Pause button is pressed. This is a simple three-line script in AHK, as follows:

应答呼叫的默认Skype热键为Alt-PgUp,而挂断的默认为Alt-PgDn。 当然,您可以将其更改为所需的任何值(我保留了默认值)。 因此,所有要做的就是编写一个AHK脚本,告诉它在按下“媒体播放暂停”按钮时发送Alt-PgUp(或您在Skype中定义的用于应答呼叫的任何键)。 这是AHK中的简单三行脚本,如下所示:

Send !{PgUp}

You may also want a Hang up button on the headset. I chose the headset's Previous button for this, so my AHK code is this:

您可能还需要耳机上的挂断按钮。 我为此选择了耳机的“ 上一个”按钮,所以我的AHK代码是这样的:

Send !{PgDn}

That's it! A simple way to make sure the AHK script runs is to put it in your Startup Program Group (there are other techniques, such as the Task Scheduler or simply running it manually). All you need is a shortcut to the AHK script with the appropriate Target, such as:

而已! 确保AHK脚本运行的一种简单方法是将其放入启动程序组中(还有其他技术,例如任务计划程序或只是手动运行它)。 您所需要的只是带有适当目标的AHK脚本的快捷方式,例如:


D:\ My_Batch_Files \ hotkeys- 启动 ķ

An AHK script is a plain text file. You may create it in any text editor, such as Notepad, but make the file type AHK (not TXT). After installing AHK, it will own the file type AHK, so the shortcut above will work, as Windows will automatically run AutoHotkey on that file type.

AHK脚本是纯文本文件。 您可以在任何文本编辑器(例如记事本)中创建它,但将文件类型设置为AHK(不是TXT)。 安装AHK后,它将拥有文件类型AHK,因此上面的快捷方式将起作用,因为Windows将自动对该文件类型运行AutoHotkey。

Of course, you may put the AHK script wherever you want and name it whatever you want. In my case, my AHK startup script has many mapped keys, as I make heavy use of AHK to define hotkeys. But at the very least, your AHK script would contain the two code snippets shown above.

当然,您可以将AHK脚本放在任意位置,并随便命名。 就我而言,我的AHK启动脚本具有许多映射键,因为我大量使用AHK定义热键。 但是至少,您的AHK脚本将包含上面显示的两个代码段。

Enjoy being able to answer and hang up Skype calls from your Bluetooth headset!


If you find this article to be helpful, please click the thumbs-up icon below. This lets me know what is valuable for EE members and provides direction for future articles. Thanks very much! Regards, Joe

如果您发现本文有帮助,请单击下面的大拇指图标。 这使我知道什么对EE成员有价值,并为以后的文章提供了指导。 非常感谢! 问候乔

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/12756/Answer-Skype-Calls-with-Bluetooth-Headset.html


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