如何将Windows 2003服务器“升级”到文件服务器的2008 R2

With the withdrawal of support for Windows Server 2003 this summer, many clients face the issue of moving away from their 2003 installs. There are a few options out there that many people/companies are selling. But the clients I have, haven't wanted to spend a lot or tip their toes into newer tech (such as Azure). So based on those projects here is my step by step guide to take a Windows Server 2003 File Share server, backup the data using Robocopy, rebuild the same physical server with Windows Server 2008 R2 and again using Robocopy, more the data and more importantly the file permissions back.

随着今年夏天对Windows Server 2003的支持的取消,许多客户端面临离开其2003安装的问题。 有许多人/公司正在出售的几种选择。 但是我拥有的客户并不想花很多钱,也不想花些钱去买新技术(例如Azure)。 因此,基于这些项目,这是我的逐步指南,其中包括使用Windows Server 2003文件共享服务器,使用Robocopy备份数据,使用Windows Server 2008 R2并再次使用Robocopy重建同一台物理服务器,更多的数据以及更重要的是文件权限恢复。

您将需要什么 (What you will need)

  1. Somewhere to store the files that need to be migrated. The last few times I have run a project like this I used a 6TB External WD Drive

    用于存储需要迁移的文件的位置。 最近几次我运行过这样的项目,我使用了6TB外部WD驱动器
  2. Licenses. The client needs to have the correct Windows Server licenses in place

    许可证。 客户端需要正确的Windows Server许可证
  3. Hardware that the client is happy to run the 2008 R2 servers on. The last few times I did this, the hardware was new enough that I was able to re-use the same hardware

    客户端很乐意在其上运行2008 R2服务器的硬件。 我最近几次这样做,硬件足够新,可以重新使用相同的硬件
  4. Robocopy - The beauty of Robocopy is that you can copy the existing file shares from the server and preserve the file permissions. You can run it multiple times and each time Robocopy will copy the files it missed the last time (great if running the task in hours)

    Robocopy -Robocopy的优点是您可以从服务器复制现有文件共享并保留文件权限。 您可以多次运行它,并且Robocopy每次都会复制上次错过的文件(如果在数小时内运行任务,则效果很好)

推荐建议 (Recommendations)

我强烈建议您进行计划,甚至是最小的迁移。 您需要考虑:
  1. Hardware

  2. Software

  3. Licenses

  4. RAID Configurations

  5. How the logical drives should be made up


简短的任务清单: (Short task list:)

  1. Plan

  2. Plan

  3. PLAN

  4. Use Robocopy to back up

  5. Wipe server RAIDs (if using same tin)

  6. Rebuild server RAIDs and configure drives as required (if using same tin)

  7. Install new OS (if using same tin)

  8. Use Robocopy to copy files back

  9. Setup share/s

  10. Test

  11. Go Live


一步步 (Step By Step)

首先,您需要查看当前的硬件和磁盘配置。 计划客户的需求。 与客户端数据增长进行讨论。 这也是一个很好的机会来调整任何来自预建的供应商的服务器系统驱动器的尺寸,这些供应商的驱动器尺寸小得离谱(大多数人都会明白我的意思,所以我没有指定任何制造商!)。 计划非常重要,没有错,这是不对的。 我参加了这样的任务,并花了一个周末踢自己,因为我没有适当的计划就去参加这项任务(在这里在线搜索6/7 P !!)。

Next you need to get to grips with Robocopy. The most useful sites (IMHO) are:

接下来,您需要掌握Robocopy。 最有用的网站(IMHO)是:

Technet 科技网 SS64 SS64 Wikipedia 维基百科

The tool itself is very robust (pun intended) yet simple -- which also means dangerous. Familiarise yourself with the switches and always use the test mode first before running live tasks!

该工具本身非常健壮(用于双关语),但非常简单-这也意味着危险。 熟悉开关,并在运行实时任务之前始终先使用测试模式!

For my last migration these are the Robocopy scripts I used:


robocopy D:\ E:\ITADataServerWork\DATA01\D_Drive /MIR /SEC /XF *.sys *.dat *.log *.cfd /XD "System Volume Information"/R:1 /W:1 /REG /V /LOG+:"E:\Logs\DATA01DDrive.txt"

The break down of this script (which is saved as a .bat) is:


robocopy - launches the application


D:\ - the source folder


E:\ITADataServerWork\DATA01\D_Drive - the destination folder

E:\ ITADataServerWork \ DATA0 1 \ D_Drive-目标文件夹

/MIR - switch which will MIRROR all folders and files

/ MIR-将忽略所有文件夹和文件的开关

/SEC - copies NTFS Security

/ SEC-复制NTFS安全性

/XF  - exclude the following file types '*.sys *.dat *.log *.cfd'

/ XF-排除以下文件类型'* .sys * .dat * .log * .cfd'

/XD - exclude the following folder/s "System Volume Information"

/ XD-排除以下文件夹的“系统卷信息”

/R:1 - Specifies the number of retries on failed copies. The default value of N is 1,000,000 (one million retries).

/ R:1-指定失败副本的重试次数。

/W:1 - Specifies the wait time between retries, in seconds. The default value of N is 30 (wait time 30 seconds).

/ W:1-指定重试之间的等待时间,以秒为单位。

/REG - store the above two settings in the registry

/ REG-将以上两个设置存储在注册表中

/V - Produces verbose output, and shows all skipped files.

/ V-产生详细的输出,并显示所有跳过的文件。

/LOG+:"E:\Logs\DATA01DDrive.txt" - Writes the status output to the log file (appends the output to the existing log file).

/ LOG +:“ E:\ Logs \ DATA01DDriv e.txt”-将状态输出写入日志文件(将输出追加到现有日志文件)。

/NP - Specifies that the progress of the copying operation (the number of files or directories copied so far) will not be displayed in the command window

/ NP-指定复制操作的进度(到目前为止已复制的文件或目录的数量)将不会显示在命令窗口中

The great thing about using Robocopy is that every time you ran the same script, Robocopy will only copy files that have changed. So you can run the script during production hours and any file that is open (i.e. locked) and therefore won't copy, but when you next run the script Robocopy will try to copy those files. I find that once you see results like this:

使用Robocopy的妙处在于,每次您运行相同的脚本时,Robocopy只会复制已更改的文件。 因此,您可以在生产时间内运行脚本,并且任何已打开(即已锁定)且因此无法复制的文件都可以运行,但是下次运行脚本时,Robocopy将尝试复制那些文件。 我发现一旦您看到如下结果:

ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows     ::     Version XP010
Started : Tue May 19 10:59:37 2015
Source : D:\
Dest : E:\ITADataServerWork\DATA01\D_Drive\
Files : *.*
Options : *.* /V /NDL /NFL /S /E /COPY:DATS /PURGE /MIR /NP /REG /R:1 /W:1
          Total        Copied      Skipped         Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
Dirs :     555036        1          555035            0           0        0
Files :   3325622        6         3325616            0           0        0
Bytes :   357.532 g      7.97 m    357.524 g          0           0        0
Times :   1:40:50   0:00:00                       0:00:00   1:40:49
Speed :            38170283 Bytes/sec.
Speed :            2184.121 MegaBytes/min.
Ended : Tue May 19 17:31:01 2015

Once there were zero counts under the last three columns, I knew that all files I needed had been copied to the external drive.


Next step is to copy the same files back to the new server. This will either be onto a brand new server or you will do what I was able to do which was rebuild the current server. I was able to wipe the RAIDs, create new RAIDs, install Server 2008R2 and configure the OS they way the client wanted. I'm not going to desciibe that here as that is a whole other article!

下一步是将相同文件复制回新服务器。 这将安装到全新的服务器上,或者您将执行我能够做的重建当前服务器的操作。 我能够擦除RAID,创建新RAID,安装Server 2008R2并按照客户端所需的方式配置操作系统。 我不会在这里描述,因为这是另一篇文章!

Once you have the server you want to use to copy the files back, you need to run the robocopy script to do the total opsite of the above! So from the above it would be:

一旦拥有要用于复制文件的服务器,就需要运行robocopy脚本来完成上述操作! 因此从上面可以是:

robocopy E:\ITADataServerWork\DATA01\D_Drive D:\Shares /MIR /SEC /XF *.sys *.dat *.log *.cfd /XD "System Volume Information"/R:1 /W:1 /REG /V /LOG+:"E:\Logs\DATA01DDriveCopyBack.txt"

Once you have checked the new log file and see similar to:


ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows     ::     Version XP010
Started : Fri May 22 10:59:37 2015
Source : E:\ITADataServerWork\DATA01\D_Drive\
Dest :  D:\Shares
Files : *.*
Options : *.* /V /NDL /NFL /S /E /COPY:DATS /PURGE /MIR /NP /REG /R:1 /W:1
          Total        Copied      Skipped         Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
Dirs :     555036        1          555035            0           0        0
Files :   3325622        6         3325616            0           0        0
Bytes :   357.532 g      7.97 m    357.524 g          0           0        0
Times :   1:40:50   0:00:00                       0:00:00   1:40:49
Speed :            38170283 Bytes/sec.
Speed :            2184.121 MegaBytes/min.
Ended : Fri May 22 10:31:01 2015

(Please note that I have change some of the data and time information in the above logs so please don't comment saying the figures don't add up - because they won't! :-)  )


Then you are ready to test file security. You will need to setup Shares and Permissions as Robocopy only copies NTFS permissions.

然后,您就可以测试文件安全了。 您将需要设置共享和权限,因为Robocopy仅复制NTFS权限。

Once you have tested you should find everything as it was before.


Thats it!


If you have any comments or feedback please leave as normal in the comments section below.






翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/18082/How-to-'upgrade'-your-Windows-2003-server-to-2008-R2-for-file-servers.html





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