

I spoke at An Event Apart yesterday, you can see my slides and resources here. One of the themes of my talk is that anyone can contribute to the web platform, and CSS in particular. I had loads of questions from atttendees about this so here is a quick list of getting started suggestions, with a focus on CSS as that’s what I know best. If anyone has similar advice for people wanting to work on other parts of the web platform, let me know on Twitter and I’ll link it up.

我昨天在An Event Apart上发表讲话, 您可以在这里查看我的幻灯片和资源 。 我演讲的主题之一是任何人都可以为Web平台,特别是CSS做出贡献。 我有很多来自与会者的问题,因此这里是快速入门建议的清单,重点是CSS,因为这是我最了解的。 如果有人对希望在Web平台其他部分上工作的人有类似的建议,请在Twitter上告诉我,我将其链接起来。

熟悉规格 (Get familiar with the specifications)

To be able to contribute to specifications you first need to be able to read them. Thankfully modern specs are a lot more readable than they used to be. I wrote an article for 24 Ways last year about researching a property in the CSS specifications, which is a good start in terms of learning to read a spec.

为了能够对规范做出贡献,您首先需要能够阅读它们。 幸运的是,现代规范比以前更具可读性。 去年,我在24 Ways上写过一篇文章,内容是研究CSS规范中的属性 ,这是学习阅读规范的良好起点。

This will be helpful to you as a developer, you’ll be able to look at the source rather than read an interpretation someone else made of it. It may well also offer up initial ways to contribute, you might spot a spec that has issues related to diagrams that are needed, or come across a typo. If there is already an issue raised for something you should be able to follow it to the CSSWG GitHub repo, and if you spot something yourself, you can raise an issue.

这将对您作为开发人员有所帮助,您将能够查看源代码,而不必阅读别人对它的解释。 它也可能会提供最初的贡献方式,您可能会发现某个规范存在与所需图表有关的问题,或者遇到了错字。 如果已经就某个问题提出了问题,那么您应该可以将其跟踪到CSSWG GitHub repo上 ,如果您自己发现了问题,则可以提出一个问题。

回应需要作者反馈的问题 (Respond to issues that request feedback from authors)

When the Working Group talk about authors, they are talking about people who write CSS, so that is web designers and developers - but also people who write CSS for other media. Sometimes we have issues that need feedback from authors. There are a few of us who will use Twitter to send people to these issues. Me, Jen Simmons, Lea Verou and Amelia Bellamy-Royds are all good people to follow in that regard.

当工作组谈论作者时,他们是在谈论写CSS的人,因此,是Web设计人员和开发人员-也是为其他媒体写CSS的人。 有时,我们遇到的问题需要作者的反馈。 我们当中有些人将使用Twitter来引导人们解决这些问题。 在这方面, 简·西蒙斯Jen Simmons)利维Lea Verou)阿米莉亚·贝拉米· 罗伊Amelia Bellamy-Royds)都是好人。

If you have a use case, or some other thoughts on the issue, add a comment. While there are some authors represented in the Working Group, we’d generally rather not become the voice of all authors, so your feedback will be welcomed.

如果您有用例或对此问题有其他想法,请添加评论。 尽管工作组中有一些作者,但我们一般不希望成为所有作者的声音,因此,欢迎您提供反馈。

针对您需要的东西提出问题 (Raise issues for things that you need)

Do you believe there is a use case we haven’t solved yet? Have a search in the issues list to see if other people have already raised something similar, if you can’t find it, raise an issue yourself. Write up the use case, explain why you need this feature and the problems with any existing solutions. Perhaps it is something that people are already doing with JavaScript, as an example see the issue about Masonry layouts. Perhaps something you can do in native mobile environments, or in print, but not on the web. Point to these examples to show that the pattern is needed.

您是否相信有一个用例尚未解决? 在问题列表中进行搜索,以查看是否其他人已经提出类似的问题,如果找不到,请自己提出问题。 写下用例,解释为什么需要此功能以及任何现有解决方案的问题。 也许人们已经在使用JavaScript了,例如,请参阅有关Masonry布局的问题。 也许您可以在本机移动环境中或以印刷形式进行某些操作,但不能在网络上进行。 指向这些示例以表明需要该模式。

As I said in my talk yesterday, don’t worry that you haven’t got the solution, or even that your suggested solution might be unimplementable. It takes many heads to actually create new CSS, and that is what the CSS Working Group is for. It may be that your use case is ultimately solvable in a different way to what you imagined, but knowing that authors need a thing is a very good place to start. These suggestions do get brought up at meetings, while it may seem that othing happens on an issue for a long while, it isn’t because we aren’t interested. It is likely that the things it touches just haven’t been a recent focus.

正如我昨天在演讲中所说的那样,不必担心您还没有解决方案,甚至不用担心建议的解决方案可能无法实现。 实际创建新CSS需要很多负责人,这就是CSS工作组的目的。 最终您的用例可能会以与您想象的方式不同的方式解决,但是知道作者需要一件东西是一个很好的起点。 这些建议确实在会议上提出来了,尽管似乎在一个问题上已经发生了很长时间,但这并不是因为我们不感兴趣。 它所涉及的事物可能并不是最近的关注焦点。

编写测试 (Write tests)

I mentioned the Web Platform Tests project to a few people after my talk yesterday. Writing tests is a very good way to get into the world of the web platform, it is also an excellent way to contribute as it takes work off the plate of specification authors. Also for 24 Ways I wrote about how to get started.

昨天我的演讲结束后,我向几个人提到了Web Platform Tests项目。 编写测试是进入Web平台世界的一种非常好的方法,同时也是贡献代码规范作者的绝妙方式。 我还用24种方式写了关于入门的方法

其他帮助方式 (Other ways to help)

Stepping away from contribution to the specifications directly, having something written up in a spec is only the first step - we also need to have browser implementations, and we need those to work according to the specs. If we take the subgrid feature for Grid Layout, we know that is being implemented right now in Firefox, I’ve been playing with an early implementation. However it is not currently being worked on in Chrome. A two-minute way to help there is to head over to the Chrome bug and star it to show your interest.

直接放弃对规范的贡献,在规范中编写一些内容只是第一步-我们还需要具有浏览器实现,并且我们需要根据规范来工作。 如果我们将子网格功能用于Grid Layout,我们知道该功能现在正在Firefox中实现,我一直在尝试早期实现。 但是,Chrome当前不支持该功能。 两分钟的解决方法是前往Chrome错误并对其进行注视,以表明您的兴趣。

If you find a browser bug - especially with new features - you may be the first person to encounter it. Have a search on the browser bugtrackers and log it if you can’t find a match. Learning how to create a reduced test case is a skill you need to hone to be involved in a lot of this work, reducing and reporting issues a good way to practice!

如果您发现浏览器错误-尤其是新功能-可能是第一个遇到该错误的人。 在浏览器的bugtrackers上进行搜索,如果找不到匹配项,请记录下来。 学习如何创建简化的测试用例是您参与这项工作所需要磨练的技能,减少和报告问题是一种实践的好方法!

Writing up your ideas for features, or your desire to see a feature implemented is also very useful. It demonstrates a need for that feature from authors, and that can help inform the roadmap for browser vendors as well as the working group. Also, if you are a person who has done the work of understanding a spec and thinking deeply about a feature, you can encourage more authors to get excited about it by sharing it in an easy to understand way. Pretty much all of the writing and speaking I do is along those lines, particularly when talking about new features. It definitely takes time to get to a point where you can understand from a spec along how a feature will work, with no implementation to test against, I don’t assume everyone wants to spend that time. Instead I write things which explain the feature as if it already existed, and make diagrams or mocked up examples to show how it works. That approach worked well for Grid Layout, it meant I could get people interested long before they could really play with it.

写下您对功能的想法,或者希望看到已实现的功能也非常有用。 它证明了作者需要该功能,并且可以帮助告知浏览器供应商和工作组的路线图。 另外,如果您是一个了解规范并深入思考功能的人,则可以通过以一种易于理解的方式共享它来鼓励更多的作者对此感到兴奋。 我所做的几乎所有写作和演讲都遵循这些原则,尤其是在谈论新功能时。 一定要花一点时间才能从规范中了解到功能的工作原理,而无需进行任何测试的实现,我不认为每个人都希望花费时间。 相反,我写一些东西来解释该功能,就好像它已经存在一样,并制作图表或模拟示例以展示其工作原理。 这种方法在Grid Layout上效果很好,这意味着我可以在人们真正使用它之前使人们感兴趣。

There isn’t really one way into standards work, it requires curiosity, willingness to understand issues from many points of view, free time unless you have an amenable employer, and often a fair bit of tenacity. There are rarely immediate results! Start by following along with our work via the GitHub issues, comment on relevant things, and learn to read specs. You will probably find that you become more involved over time if this is something that you enjoy doing, and you will definitely learn a lot!

真正没有一种方法可以进行标准工作,它需要好奇心,愿意从多种角度理解问题,有自由的时间(除非您有一个满意的雇主),而且通常还需要一定的韧性。 很少有立竿见影的结果! 首先通过GitHub问题关注我们的工作,评论相关内容,并学习阅读规范。 如果您喜欢做某事,那么您可能会发现自己随着时间的推移变得更加投入,并且肯定会学到很多东西!

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/05/07/getting-involved-with-the-web-platform/






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