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翻译 css grid_砌体是否属于CSS Grid规范?

css grid See the Pen Proposed Masonry by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen. ...

2020-07-15 10:20:58 391

翻译 2019年云计算市场份额_2019年

2019年云计算市场份额翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/12/31/2019/2019年云计算市场份额

2020-07-15 10:10:58 812

翻译 csdn怎么让代码变得好看_使事情变得更好

csdn怎么让代码变得好看 See the Pen multicol overflow by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen. ...

2020-07-15 10:00:58 1007

翻译 unity 子网格_子网格解决的设计模式

unity 子网格翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/05/07/a-design-pattern-solved-by-subgrid/unity 子网格

2020-07-15 09:50:58 492

翻译 css圣杯布局与双飞翼布局_CSS布局大师班

css圣杯布局与双飞翼布局翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2020/01/07/the-css-layout-masterclass/css圣杯布局与双飞翼布局

2020-07-15 09:40:58 148

翻译 css网格_让我们学习CSS网格!

css网格翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2020/04/17/lets-learn-css-grid/css网格

2020-07-15 09:30:58 110

翻译 撰写文章_撰写技术文章:确定理想的读者

撰写文章翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2020/05/14/writing-technical-articles-defining-your-ideal-reader/撰写文章

2020-07-15 09:20:58 165

翻译 端对端需不需要网络层参与_参与网络平台

端对端需不需要网络层参与翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/05/07/getting-involved-with-the-web-platform/端对端需不需要网络层参与

2020-07-15 09:10:58 147

翻译 flutter 网格排序_网格,内容重新排序和可访问性

flutter 网格排序翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/06/04/grid-content-re-ordering-and-accessibility/flutter 网格排序

2020-07-15 09:00:58 278

翻译 w3c和w3_前沿,W3C和我

w3c和w3翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/01/25/fronteers-the-w3c-and-me/w3c和w3

2020-07-15 08:50:58 254

翻译 cas 5 更多属性_更多逻辑属性

cas 5 更多属性 See the Pen Logical Border Radius Properties by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen. ...

2020-07-15 08:40:58 218

翻译 rust nightly_CSS Grid子网格登陆Firefox Nightly

rust nightly翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/05/23/css-grid-subgrid-lands-in-firefox-nightly/rust nightly

2020-07-15 08:30:58 112

翻译 举办在线研讨会-The Smashing Podcast

At SmashingConf we normally run online workships alongside our conferences, with the San Francisco and Austin conferences postponed we decided to take the workshops online. 在SmashingConf上,我们通常会在会议旁边运...

2020-07-15 08:20:58 107

翻译 subgrid 如何传参_CSS Subgrid新闻和演示

subgrid 如何传参翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/04/16/css-subgrid-news-and-demos/subgrid 如何传参

2020-07-15 08:10:58 192

翻译 css 网格布局_准备好CSS网格布局-第二版

css 网格布局翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/08/26/get-ready-for-css-grid-layout-2nd-edition/css 网格布局

2020-07-15 08:00:58 168

翻译 eu和uk_CSSconf EU,Grid Layout和我

eu和uk翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/02/21/cssconf-eu-grid-layout-and-me/eu和uk

2020-07-15 07:50:58 145

翻译 wrf嵌套网格domain_嵌套网格像嵌套表一样吗?

css grid 网格嵌套翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/04/12/are-nested-grids-like-nested-tables/css grid 网格嵌套

2020-07-15 07:40:58 960

翻译 css圣杯布局与双飞翼布局_即将举行CSS布局研讨会

css圣杯布局与双飞翼布局 Thrilled to be at @RustbeltRefresh today, learning about CSS layout from @rachelandrew. It's amazing to hear the explanations behind the "weirdness" of CSS that I've just...

2020-07-15 07:30:58 144

翻译 2018年人均寿命是多少_那是2018年

2018年人均寿命是多少Another year flies by. Here are some of the things I’ve managed to pack into the last 12 months. 又过了一年。 这是我在过去12个月中成功整理的一些内容。 TripIt tells me that I was on the road for 160 days, travell...

2020-07-15 07:20:58 382

翻译 网格设计版式设计_编辑版式,排除项和CSS网格

网格设计版式设计A little while back at An Event Apart Chicago, I chatted to Rob Weychert about a grid use case he felt the spec couldn’t solve. He has now written that use case up, which you can read on his b...

2020-07-15 07:10:58 131

翻译 grid layout_我应该尝试使用IE版本的Grid Layout吗? 回顾2018

grid layoutIn November 2016, I wrote an article in response to a question about Grid support in IE10 and 11. In that piece I wrote a quick rundown of what parts of the modern specification were suppor...

2020-07-15 07:00:58 114

翻译 css 切入切出_HTML,CSS和我们消失的行业切入点

css 切入切出 Picking up a tremendous vibe of "well how else are we supposed to build complex apps?" when *no one is talking about this*. The argument is about raising the baseline of making *a...

2020-07-15 06:50:58 372

翻译 ios 网格格子边距_我们应该如何解决网格和弹性项目的边距百分比和填充?

ios 网格格子边距The CSS Working Group would like your opinion. There is a longstanding issue in both the CSS Grid Layout and Flexbox specifications. CSS工作组希望您的意见。 CSS网格布局和Flexbox规范都存在一个长期存在的问题。 From the C...

2020-07-15 06:40:58 187

翻译 周末散分5_周末5

周末散分5First conference of 2018 was Smashing Conference in London. I had a new talk to present and was also doing a one day workshop. I find workshops exhausting, although I love the immediate feedback ...

2020-07-15 06:30:58 191

翻译 周末散分(2)_周末2

周末散分(2)This week Widget the cat had to go to the vet hospital for an operation. He is home now, quite angry at us, but seems to be a lot better than he was before the op. No flying lessons due to the ...

2020-07-15 06:20:58 222

翻译 周末快乐1_周末1

周末快乐1I have something of a tendency to do stuff and move on, straight into whatever is next. I thought in 2018 I would have a bit of an experiment and write these weekly notes. Here is the first one, ...

2020-07-15 06:10:58 181

翻译 周末快乐3_周末3

周末快乐3I am well into conference preparation now. Smashing Conf London is just over a week away, and I’ll be presenting a new talk and updated CSS Layout workshop. I’m also working on a new talk for des...

2020-07-15 06:00:58 137

翻译 vc2017和c+2017_那就是2017年

vc2017和c+2017Time for another of these roundup posts where I look back, baffled at how quickly time has passed. 我回头回顾这些综述文章的时间,对时间的流逝感到困惑。 TripIt tells me that I spent 158 days on the road last year...

2020-07-15 05:50:58 6963

翻译 css网格_一年CSS网格

css网格A year ago today, Firefox was the first browser to ship into stable their CSS Grid implementation. Closely followed by Chrome and Safari. It’s been quite a year for my favourite layout method. ...

2020-07-15 05:40:58 144

翻译 ajax周记_周记4

ajax周记Slides, slides and more slides. That really is what I’ve been working on this week, getting all these talks and workshops sorted out. I’ve also written three, as yet unpublished articles, and st...

2020-07-15 05:30:58 176

翻译 css css2 css3_CSS调查综述

css css2 css3As part of preparing for the An Event Apart talk that I’m giving for the next few shows, I published a survey. I wanted to have some more data on how people were using CSS and how they fe...

2020-07-15 05:20:58 315

翻译 网格顶点的拉普拉斯算子_网格2级和子网格

网格顶点的拉普拉斯算子CSS Grid fans are probably already aware that I have been very keen to see subgrid implemented in CSS Grid Layout after having been removed from the Level 1 specification last year in order...

2020-07-15 05:10:58 437

翻译 css css2 css3_我们谈论CSS的方式

css css2 css3 The Way We Talk About CSS 我们谈论CSS的方式 Published on the 发表于 04 October 2018 2018年10月4日 and tagged css. 并标记为CSS。 I've been writing new talks , creating new workshop material, and thinki...

2020-07-15 05:00:58 228

翻译 css网格_CSS网格入门-在线课程

css网格Earlier this year I spent a fun day at the Skillshare offices filming a short course on CSS Grid Layout. The focus is newcomers to the spec, and I take you through developing a layout such as you...

2020-07-15 04:50:58 142

翻译 css知识点:布局_今天发布:新CSS布局

css知识点:布局I am author or co-author of 22 books, book number 22 is The New CSS Layout, published by my good friends over at A Book Apart, and launching today. 我是22本书的作者或合著者,第22本书是The New CSS Layout ,由...

2020-07-15 04:40:58 108

翻译 macos 迁移数据 闪退_为什么我要从MacOS迁移到Windows

macos 迁移数据 闪退Over the past week I’ve been moving my primary development machine from a Macbook Pro to a Surface Book. I will write up some of the detail of actually switching, however this post is ess...

2020-07-15 04:30:58 500

翻译 网格虫

There is an excellent list of Flexbox bugs, curated by Philip Walton and Greg Whitworth. It’s a site I’ve referred to many times while working on my own projects or writing articles. I thought it migh...

2020-07-15 04:20:58 126

翻译 CSS发生了什么?

A list of links I use to track what is happening in CSS and browsers. Anything to add? Pop it in the comments and I’ll update the list. 我用来跟踪CSS和浏览器中发生的情况的链接列表。 有什么要补充的吗? 在评论中弹出它,我将更新列表。 跟随CSS工作组 (...

2020-07-15 04:10:58 118

翻译 需求规格说明书的参考文献_参考规格

需求规格说明书的参考文献As people have started to work with CSS Grid Layout I’ve been getting more questions. Most of these could be easily answered by taking a look at the spec. I’m also seeing several popular a...

2020-07-15 04:00:58 1115

翻译 请参阅应用程序_请参阅规格:简介

请参阅应用程序 This is the next post in a series where I am explaining the CSS Grid specification, bit by bit. This time we are going to read the first section of the introduction. The introducti...

2020-07-15 03:50:58 436



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