一次常旅客之行 看懂_健康常旅客的5个秘诀

一次常旅客之行 看懂

I travel quite a lot to speak at and attend conferences. I enjoy travel, meeting people and seeing new places, however travel can leave you feeling tired and risking illness. If you only travel once or twice a year, it’s a special occasion and a time to let your hair down, this post is not for you. This is for people like me who need to travel for work and want to ensure it doesn’t play havoc with health, fitness and the ability to work on your return.

我经常出差演讲和参加会议。 我喜欢旅行,结识新朋友并看到新地方,但是旅行会使您感到疲倦和生病。 如果您每年仅旅行一次或两次,那么这是一个特殊的场合,也是一次放下头发的时间,此帖子不适合您。 这是针对像我这样需要出差工作并希望确保它不会对健康,健身和回国工作能力造成破坏的人们的。

As an ex-dancer I’ve done all the silly dieting in the past, and I put weight on easily. These days I want my diet to help me feel good, stay healthy and active, and I want that whether I am at home or traveling abroad. I’m not an expert or dietician, this is just what works for me, and after talking about it on Twitter I thought I’d write it down in case it helps others.

作为前舞蹈演员,我过去曾经做过所有愚蠢的节食,而且我的体重很容易增加。 这些天,我希望自己的饮食能帮助我感觉良好,保持健康和活跃,无论我是在家还是出国旅行,我都希望如此。 我不是专家或营养师,这对我来说就是行得通的,在Twitter上谈论它之后,我想我会写下来,以防它对其他人有帮助。

1.好好开始每一天 (1. Start each day well)

When staying in hotels breakfast is often your best chance of a healthy meal, and a good way to stop yourself snacking on junk later.


I try and have a high protein breakfast, you can generally get eggs of some type anywhere. If I’ve managed to get a run in first thing I might have some oatmeal or muesli with yoghurt as well. I used to find the idea of salad items at breakfast strange but now I take them as a chance to stock up on fresh veg!

我尝试吃高蛋白早餐,您通常可以在任何地方买到某种鸡蛋。 如果我设法在第一件事上遇到了麻烦,那么我可能还会有一些燕麦片或麦片和酸奶。 我以前发现早餐时吃沙拉的想法很奇怪,但是现在我把它们当作一个机会来购买新鲜的蔬菜!

2.没有会议点心 (2. No conference snacks)

Conference snacks are usually muffins, pastries, biscuits, cupcakes. All of this is just crap. You don’t need it, you will eat it because it is there. It will spike your blood sugar and make you feel tired later, and you’ll still be hungry and eat as many calories at dinner later.

会议小吃通常是松饼,糕点,饼干,纸杯蛋糕。 所有这些都只是胡扯。 您不需要它,因为它在那里,您会吃掉它。 它会增加血糖,使您以后感到疲倦,并且您仍然会饿着,以后在晚餐时吃掉尽可能多的卡路里。

If you know you will be tempted to eat them take your own healthy snacks with you. Having a good breakfast should also help you not be tempted by the junk.

如果您知道自己会很想吃它们,那就带上自己的健康零食。 吃一顿丰盛的早餐还可以帮助您避免被垃圾所吸引。

3.没有碳酸饮料或甜食 (3. No fizzy drinks or sweets)

I like my coffee and drink coffee either black or with skimmed milk (mostly because I don’t like milk as opposed to being worried about the fat content). I also drink lots of water. Fizzy drinks and sweets (candy) are just a way to eat sugar. Stay hydrated with plenty of water and you’ll feel more awake and also avoid lots of extra calories from sugar.

我喜欢喝咖啡,也可以喝黑咖啡或脱脂牛奶(主要是因为我不喜欢牛奶而不是担心脂肪含量),我喜欢喝咖啡。 我也喝很多水。 碳酸饮料和糖果(糖果)只是一种吃糖的方法。 保持充足的水分来补充水分,您会更加清醒,并且避免糖中的大量卡路里。

4.当心会议午餐 (4. Beware the conference lunches)

The wonderful ConFoo provide a lovely sitdown meal each lunchtime, however most often conference lunches are carb heavy and likely to just make you feel sleepy in the afternoon sessions. I scope out where I can sneak off and get a salad or soup for lunch – especially if I know I want to enjoy a nice dinner later.

精彩的ConFoo每次午餐时间都会为您提供一顿可爱的坐下来用餐,但是大多数会议午餐中的碳水化合物含量很高,很可能会让您在下午的会议中感到困倦。 我会在可以溜走的地方寻找午餐的沙拉或汤,尤其是在我知道以后想享用一顿美餐的时候。

Try and avoid bread and pasta, in particular avoid white bread and highly processed things. Something like an egg or tuna sandwich on wholemeal is a reasonable choice if sandwiches are the only option.

尽量避免吃面包和面食,尤其要避免白面包和高度加工的东西。 如果三明治是唯一的选择,那么像鸡蛋或金枪鱼三明治这样的全麦三明治是一个合理的选择。

5.晚餐时做出明智的选择 (5. Make sensible choices at dinner)

Dinner at a conference is often a great time to chat with other people and be sociable. Being too worried about what you are eating can spoil that. One reason I am careful not to eat junk all day is that it means I can feel more relaxed about my dinner choices.

会议上的晚餐通常是与其他人聊天并保持社交关系的好时间。 过于担心自己吃的东西会破坏这一点。 我不整天不吃垃圾的原因之一是,这意味着我可以在晚餐选择上更加放松。

Once again however you can make smart choices. Avoid picking at bread or other nibbles pre-dinner. When the bread basket comes round just pass it on. Most restaurants – especially those in major cities – will do you some plain veg if you ask. Ask for any butter, dressings or sauces “on the side” as then you can choose how much you put on your food. Check the side dishes for additional vegetable options or side salads and swap fries or other potato sides for those.

但是,您可以再次做出明智的选择。 避免在餐前在面包或其他小点心上采摘。 当面包篮变圆时,将其传递。 如果您要求的话,大多数餐厅,尤其是大城市的餐厅,都会为您提供一些简单的蔬菜。 索要任何“黄油”,“调味料”或“调味料”,然后就可以选择在食物上放多少。 检查配菜是否有其他蔬菜选择或沙拉配菜,然后将炸薯条或其他土豆配菜更换。

Alcoholic drinks obviously contain a lot of calories, and can make you feel dehydrated and tired the next day. If you like a drink then avoiding sugary cocktails and making sure that you also drink plenty of water will mean you drink less and stay hydrated.

含酒精的饮料中显然含有大量的卡路里,第二天会使您感到脱水和疲倦。 如果您喜欢喝饮料,那么避免喝含糖鸡尾酒,并确保还喝大量的水将意味着您少喝水并保持水分。

My rule for dessert is to avoid it unless it is something I know I really love. It really is about eating in a thoughtful way – rather than just having things because they are offered.

我对甜点的规矩是避免食用它,除非它是我真正喜欢的东西。 这实际上是关于以一种周到的方式进食–而不是仅仅因为提供东西而吃东西。

非常无聊的是关于自我控制 (It is, very boringly, about self-control)

I run. I run a lot and I’d advise everyone to also try and get some exercise when travelling – outside if possible but the hotel gym is better than nothing. Even so, running for 10 minutes burns only around 100 calories. You have to be doing a huge amount of exercise to burn off the number of calories that you can eat just grazing on cakes and pastries. So if I want to keep at a healthy weight and also feel healthy, I feel it is worth walking past the snacks.

我跑 我经常跑步,我建议大家旅行时也要尝试运动—如果可能的话,在户外,但是酒店的健身房总比没有强。 即使这样,跑步10分钟也只能燃烧约100卡路里。 您必须进行大量运动才能消耗掉仅吃蛋糕和糕点即可吃的卡路里。 因此,如果我想保持健康的体重,同时又感到健康,那么我觉得值得尝试一下零食。

If you are trying to lose weight then starting to log what you eat using a calorie counter app like My Fitness Pal is very revealing. You can see how quickly the numbers add up from small snacks. Even if you don’t want to constantly count calories, using an app for a week or so can help you work out the places where you can cut calories without missing out too much.

如果您想减肥,那么使用My Fitness Pal这样的卡路里计数器应用来开始记录您的饮食非常有启发。 您会看到小点心中的数字加起来有多快。 即使您不想不断地计算卡路里,使用一个星期左右的应用程序也可以帮助您找到可以减少卡路里而又不会遗漏太多的地方。

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Rohn

动机是让您开始的动力。 习惯是让你前进的动力。” –吉姆·罗恩(Jim Rohn)

If you set up the rules before you travel, it makes it much easier not to go off plan. It will be hard at first to say no to tempting things. However as you practice self-control you get better at it. It becomes a habit, and you will probably start to notice physically when you haven’t been following your rules as you will feel tired and sluggish.

如果您在出行之前设置了规则,则可以轻松完成计划。 起初很难拒绝诱人的事情。 但是,当您练习自我控制时,您会变得更好。 这成为一种习惯,当您不遵守规则时,您可能会开始注意到身体,因为您会感到疲倦和迟钝。

By eating in a mindful way I find that I enjoy food more, not less. When I choose to have a lovely dessert, have that extra glass of wine or try the local specialty in the country I am staying in, I can enjoy it and not feel guilty – because I know that during the day I have eaten healthily and will do so the next day.

通过节食,我发现自己喜欢的食物更多而不是更少。 当我选择吃点甜品,多喝一杯葡萄酒或在我所居住的国家尝试当地特色菜时,我会喜欢它,不会感到内–因为我知道我白天健康饮食,并且会第二天这样做。

These are my tips – I’d love to hear your suggestions or travel food horror stories in the comments.


翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2014/03/24/5-tips-for-the-healthy-frequent-traveller/

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