

For one reason or another you might be thinking of moving away from PayPal to your own merchant account and payment gateway. We did just that for our CMS product, Perch. However the process of getting set up with such a system is often fairly opaque to a person who hasn’t dealt with it before and the processors and banks don’t exactly help to make it easier. So here is my guide to moving away from a reliance on PayPal.

由于某种原因,您可能正在考虑从PayPal转移到自己的商家帐户和支付网关。 我们为CMS产品Perch做到了这一点。 但是,对于以前从未使用过这种系统的人来说,建立这样一个系统的过程通常是相当不透明的,并且处理者和银行并不能完全帮助简化它。 因此,这是我摆脱对PayPal依赖的指南。

Please note that this article is based on my experience for our own product and when working with clients. Please add a comment if you have any additional thoughts or recommended suppliers. We are based in the UK so this article is UK specific however the situation is similar in my experience in other countries.

请注意,本文基于我对自己的产品以及与客户合作时的经验。 如果您有其他想法或推荐的供应商,请添加评论。 我们的总部设在英国,因此本文仅针对英国,但是根据我在其他国家/地区的经验,情况类似。

你需要什么? (What do you need?)

You will need a merchant account with an acquiring bank – this is the thing than enables you or your business to accept credit cards at all. You will also need a way to validate and process card transactions from the internet to that account – Payment Service Provider (PSP) sometimes referred to as a “payment gateway”. As we are talking about a direct replacement for PayPal here, you are looking for a PSP which offers a payment page – this is a page hosted on their servers where your users can enter their card details. There will also be some functionality that allows information to be passed back to your site as to whether the payment was successful (much like PayPal’s IPN).

您将需要在收单银行开设一个商户帐户-这使您或您的企业根本无法接受信用卡。 您还需要一种方法来验证和处理从Internet到该帐户的卡交易-付款服务提供商( PSP ),有时也称为“付款网关”。 正如我们在这里谈论的直接替代贝宝,你正在寻找一个PSP它提供了一个支付页面-这是托管自己的服务器在您的用户可以输入他们的信用卡详细信息的页面。 还有一些功能可以使有关付款是否成功的信息传递回您的站点(类似于PayPal的IPN )。

Many UK banks also offer merchant accounts, however you don’t need to go to them, you can use any bank that offers you good terms. We’ll discuss terms later.

许多英国银行也提供商户帐户,但是您无需转到它们,您可以使用任何提供优惠条件的银行。 稍后我们将讨论条款。

Your merchant account provider will probably also have a PSP that they encourage you to use. You don’t need to use it – the two things can be completely separate which gives you the ability to find the bank which offers you the best terms and the PSP which offers you the best integration.

您的商家帐户提供商可能还会有一个鼓励您使用的PSP 。 您不需要使用它-两者可以完全分开,这使您能够找到为您提供最佳条款的银行和为您提供最佳集成的PSP

商家帐户示例 (Example merchant accounts)

In the UK the following acquiring banks offer merchant services – this isn’t a full list. You will see that they all promote their own PSP as well as the merchant account, however all of these will work with third party PSPs.

在英国,以下收单行提供商户服务-这不是完整的清单。 您将看到它们都推广了自己的PSP以及商家帐户,但是所有这些都可以与第三方PSP一起使用

示例付款服务提供商 (Example Payment Service Providers)

If you visit either of the above sites you will see they offer services for people without a merchant account. What this generally means is that they will find the merchant account on your behalf. In my experience this isn’t a bad way to proceed, find the PSP which offers the best integration for your site and get them to negotiate with the acquiring banks to find the one who will offer the best terms. You will still end up with a PSP and merchant account, and will be billed by both, however you don’t need to deal with the acquiring bank yourself and the pressure from them to use their PSP solution!

如果您访问以上任何一个站点,您都会看到它们为没有商户帐户的人们提供服务。 这通常意味着他们将代表您找到商家帐户。 以我的经验,这不是一个不好的方法,找到可以为您的站点提供最佳集成的PSP ,然后让他们与收单行进行谈判,以找到可以提供最佳条款的银行。 您最终仍将拥有一个PSP和商家帐户,并且都将由这两家公司计费,但是您无需自己与收单银行打交道,也不必面对来自收单银行使用PSP解决方案的压力!

获得商家帐户的实用性 (The practicalities of obtaining a merchant account)

You are going to be asked to jump through some hoops to get your merchant account. The bank is going to want to know a lot of information such as details of your company, your trading history and what you will be taking payment for (be that software, subscriptions or events). They will use this information to decide if they can offer you an account and what terms that will be. These terms will include how much the bank takes from each payment they receive and also any “rolling reserve” or delay in transferring payments to your account.

您将被要求跳过一些障碍以获得您的商人帐户。 银行将要了解很多信息,例如您的公司详细信息,您的交易历史以及您将要付款的内容(软件,订阅或事件)。 他们将使用此信息来决定是否可以为您提供帐户以及将使用哪些条款。 这些条款将包括银行从收到的每笔付款中收取多少费用,以及任何“滚动准备金”或将付款转至您的帐户的延迟。

滚动准备金和付款延迟 (Rolling reserves and payment delays)

When you hear stories of PayPal hanging onto huge sums of event organisers money, what they are doing is holding a 100% rolling reserve. The rolling reserve is an amount of money the acquiring bank keeps in case of chargebacks – this is where the customer decides they will claim their money back from the credit card company, who then need to claim it via the acquiring bank from you. The problem with PayPal is that they don’t ask for details of what you are doing up front, therefore they suddenly slap on this reserve without warning when they decide that you are doing something risky. It’s the without warning bit that can be crippling to a business. With a proper merchant account they will find out what you are doing up front and, if they feel it is risky, may offer you an account with a rolling reserve in place – so for example if they hold a 20% rolling reserve they will always hold 20% of cash on an ongoing basis. This covers their risk that you go out of business and people start claiming money back.

当您听到PayPal的故事stories 绕在活动组织者的巨额资金上时 ,他们正在做的是持有100%的滚动准备金。 滚动准备金是收款银行在发生退款时保留的金额–客户决定要从该笔款项中退还信用卡公司的款项,然后信用卡公司需要通过收款银行向您要求这笔钱。 贝宝(PayPal)的问题在于,他们不询问您正在做的事情的详细信息,因此,当他们决定您正在做危险的事情时,他们突然在没有任何警告的情况下拍了这笔储备。 毫无疑问,这可能会给企业造成严重影响。 有了适当的商家帐户,他们会发现您的前期准备,并且,如果他们觉得有风险,可以为您提供一个有固定储备的帐户-例如,如果他们持有20%的可变储备,他们将始终持续持有20%的现金。 这掩盖了他们破产,人们开始要求退款的风险。

Another way that banks can cover their risk is to delay transferring payments to your account. When the acquiring bank transfers the money they have taken to your business bank account this is known as settlement – payments from each day being processed as a batch. If you are an established business, have a good credit rating and are not selling anything deemed particularly risky the bank will settle each working day any amounts taken. In practice this means they show up in your business account about 3 days after the person make payment with their card. However the bank may offer you an account with a settlement delay of a few days, even up to a month. Both rolling reserves and delays are not usually permanent and if you accept an account with one of these in the terms, you should be able to negotiate their removal or reduction once you have a trading history and the bank can see you are not getting a lot of chargebacks. Of course this works both ways – if you do get a lot of chargebacks you will probably find the bank imposing one of these on your account.

银行承担风险的另一种方法是延迟将付款转入您的帐户。 当收单行将他们已收取的款项转入您的商业银行帐户时,这称为清算–从每天开始的付款中分批处理。 如果您是一家既有企业,则具有良好的信用等级,并且不会出售任何被认为特别有风险的产品,银行将在每个工作日结清所收取的任何款项。 实际上,这意味着他们在用卡付款后的3天左右就会出现在您的公司帐户中。 但是,银行可能会为您提供一个帐户,其结算延迟可能会长达几天,甚至长达一个月。 滚动准备金和延误通常都不是永久性的,并且如果您接受条款中的其中一个帐户,一旦拥有交易历史并且银行看到您收不到多少钱,就应该能够协商将其减少或减少退款。 当然,这是双向的,如果您确实收到大量拒付,您可能会发现银行在您的帐户中强加了其中之一。

选择PSP时要考虑的事项 (Things to consider when selecting a PSP)

If you are sorting out your merchant account and PSP separately it is worth knowing who you want to use when setting up the merchant account as they will also want to know how you will process the online payments.

如果您要分别整理商户帐户和PSP ,则值得了解在设置商户帐户时要使用的人,因为他们也想知道您将如何处理在线支付。

As we are going to use Pay Page then you should look at what functionality that gives you. If you have been using the PayPal IPN you will need to check that your systems can be changed to use whatever system the PSP uses for their callbacks. You should be able to get hold of the integration documentation for any PSP you are thinking of using to check that.

当我们将要使用“付款页面”时,您应该查看为您提供的功能。 如果您一直在使用PayPal IPN ,则需要检查您的系统是否可以更改为使用PSP用于其回调的任何系统。 您应该能够掌握要考虑用来检查的任何PSP的集成文档。

You should also look at their reporting, what functionality you get in terms of doing things like refunding payments and whether you can configure the templates of the payment page in any way.


While we didn’t want to fully rely on PayPal with Perch we did know that some of our customers would still want to use PayPal, so we selected a PSP that allowed PayPal as a payment method. There are lots of other features offered by PSPs in terms of services they integrate with so it is worth thinking if any of these might be beneficial to your business.


费用 (Costs)

There is a general assumption that moving away from PayPal is going to be more expensive. This isn’t necessarily true. However if you are doing a very small number of transactions that may be the case. With your new system instead of just paying a transaction fee per transaction you will have to pay some or all of the following:

有一个普遍的假设,即离开贝宝会更昂贵。 这不一定是正确的。 但是,如果您执行的事务数量很少,则可能是这种情况。 使用您的新系统,您不仅需要支付每笔交易的交易费用,还必须支付以下部分或全部费用:

  • Initial set up fee for the merchant account
  • Initial set up fee to the PSP
  • Monthly set fee to the PSP
  • and/or % of transaction value to the PSP
  • % of transaction value to the acquiring bank
  • 商户帐户的初始设置费用
  • PSP的初始设置费
  • PSP的每月固定费用
  • 和/或对PSP的交易价值的百分比
  • 收单行交易金额的百分比

So even if the % of transaction values add up to the same or less than PayPal you will also have the monthly and setup fees to take into account. At the point we moved Perch to this setup it made very little difference in terms of cost, however as we process more sales the new setup will work out cheaper in comparison to PayPal.

因此,即使交易金额百分比加起来等于或小于PayPal,您也需要考虑每月费用和设置费用。 在这一点上,我们将Perch移至此设置,在成本方面变化不大,但是,随着我们处理更多的销售,与PayPal相比,新设置的价格会更便宜。

一切如何融合 (How it all fits together)

Once you are all set up and have replaced the PayPal payment page with your PSPs payment page you can wait for your first transactions. Assuming you don’t have a rolling reserve or a delay on your account you can expect the following.

完成所有设置并将PayPal付款页面替换为PSP的付款页面后,您可以等待第一次交易。 假设您没有滚动准备金或帐户没有延迟,则可以预期以下情况。

  1. Customer pays via your payment page and you will get emails and notification from your PSP
  2. At the end of the day all payments are processed via the acquiring bank as a batch and settled as one combined transaction as a payment to your business account
  3. The batch will then appear in your business account 2 or 3 days later
  4. Each month you should receive a statement from your acquiring bank with details of all transactions and batches so you can reconcile your accounts with this. The statement will include the amount owed to the bank (a % of each transaction) which usually is then taken from your business account by direct debit
  5. Each month you will also get a bill from your PSP with monthly and per transaction charges as per your agreement
  1. 客户通过您的付款页面付款,您将收到来自PSP的电子邮件和通知
  2. 在一天结束时,所有付款都将通过收单银行进行批量处理,并作为一项合并交易作为对您企业帐户的付款进行结算
  3. 批处理将在2或3天后显示在您的企业帐户中
  4. 每个月您都会收到收单行的对账单,其中包含所有交易和批次的详细信息,以便您与此进行对帐。 该对帐单将包括对银行的欠款(每笔交易的百分比),然后通常通过直接借记从您的企业帐户中提取
  5. 每个月,您还将从PSP获得账单,其中包含按协议收取的每月和每笔交易费用

避免的事情 (Things to avoid)

Your PSP will have all kinds of other things to offer. They may allow you to take credit card payments over the phone using a virtual terminal or to integrate via an API meaning that you can keep payments on your site rather than going out to a Pay Page. I would suggest you think very carefully about doing either of these things because they will make your compliance with the PCI DSS that much harder and more expensive on an ongoing basis.

您的PSP将提供各种其他功能。 他们可能允许您使用虚拟终端通过电话进行信用卡付款,或者通过API进行集成,这意味着您可以将付款保留在您的网站上,而不用转到付款页面。 我建议您对这两种方法中的任何一种进行仔细考虑,因为它们会使您对PCI DSS的合规性变得越来越困难,而且成本越来越高。

支付卡行业数据安全标准( PCI DSS (The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS))

As this blog post was turning into a bit of an epic, I will cover the PCI DSS in a separate post. The important thing to remember is that you still need to confirm your compliance with the PCI DSS even if you and your server never touch any card numbers. I’ll explain how that works in part two of this post.

当这篇博客文章变得有点史诗般的时候,我将在另一篇文章中介绍PCI DSS 。 要记住的重要一点是,即使您和您的服务器从不接触任何卡号,您仍然需要确认是否符合PCI DSS 。 我将在本文的第二部分中解释其工作原理。



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