
I’ve just got back from @media2008. I’ve written up the conference over on the Sitepoint blogs – day one and day two – so I’ll not reiterate any of that here, however I didn’t want to turn those posts into a grumble so I’m back on home territory, where grumbling is almost obligatory.

我刚从@ media2008回来。 我已经写了在会议上Sitepoint博客- 每天一2天 -所以我不会重申任何的,在这里,但我不想把这些职位成叽所以我回来了回家几乎是必须抱怨的地区。

Once again I sat through a Ruby on Rails demo which started with the presenter showing a slide of a PHP loop, throwing up his hands in mock horror and telling us how utterly horrible this is in comparison to the beauty of Ruby. The attitude seems to border on pity for or amusement at us poor PHP developers who obviously are too stupid to know better. This is usually backed up by an example of some crufty looking procedural PHP mixed up with HTML.

我再次坐在Ruby on Rails演示中,演示者展示了一个PHP循环的幻灯片,举起双手模拟恐怖,并告诉我们与Ruby的美丽相比,这是多么的可怕。 这种态度似乎使我们可怜的PHP开发人员感到可惜或娱乐,他们显然太愚蠢而无法更好地了解。 这通常以一些看上去有些粗糙的过程PHPHTML混合在一起的示例为后盾。

I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t write crufty procedural PHP mixed up with HTML. The PHP that tends to be demonstrated in these examples doesn’t look anything like the PHP that I write on a daily basis, because these examples don’t compare like with like. A better comparison would be between a Ruby on Rails application and PHP using a framework such as CakePHP. And yes, it is possible to write horrible PHP, but that doesn’t mean that everyone does.

我对其他人一无所知,但不会编写将HTMLHTML混合使用的程序性PHP 。 倾向于的PHP在这些例子证明并不像PHP的,我每天写的基础上什么,因为这些例子不比较类似。 更好的比较是在Ruby on Rails应用程序和使用诸如CakePHP之类的框架的PHP之间进行比较。 是的,有可能编写可怕的PHP ,但这并不意味着每个人都可以。

I’ve been a back-end developer for a long time, I’ve developed using Perl, Classic ASP, Java and PHP as well as playing with most other things at one time or another, and poking fun or rubbishing other languages has always been part of the landscape. It’s just the same thing as Mac devotees expressing mock pity for Windows users. However the problem with someone standing up at a conference and poking fun at PHP is that not everyone sat in the audience has 10 years of development experience in order to see through the enthusiasm of the recent convert to make an objective decision on what is right in any particular situation.

我从事后端开发已经很长时间了,我使用Perl,Classic ASP ,Java和PHP进行开发 ,并且一次或多次玩大多数其他事物,并且一直在玩弄或弄乱其他语言成为景观的一部分。 这与Mac奉献者为Windows用户表达可怜之情一样。 但是,有人站在会议上并在PHP上取乐的问题在于,并不是每个坐在听众上的人都有10年的开发经验,以便了解最近的转换者的热情,以便对什么是正确的做出客观的决定。任何特殊情况。

I like building web applications, and at this moment I choose to do so using PHP. I don’t want this to turn into a PHP apologetics post so for now I’ll just say that I believe that PHP is the best choice for the clients that we build applications for and the type of applications we are launching. However I do feel that PHP seems to have something of an image problem at the conferences I attend and generally on the web with the articles that are being written. The Rails community is nothing if not enthusiastic and also has the benefit of everyone being on the same page with Rails. If you use Ruby on Rails you do things in a certain way, because you are using a framework that helps you do that. This is a good thing, particularly for novice developers as they are being taught a solid way of working from the outset.

我喜欢构建Web应用程序,此刻,我选择使用PHP进行构建。 我不希望这变成PHP致歉的帖子,所以现在我只想说,我相信PHP是我们为其构建应用程序的客户端以及我们正在启动的应用程序类型的最佳选择。 但是,我确实感到PHP在我参加的会议上以及在撰写文章时通常在网络上似乎存在图像问题。 即使没有热情,Rails社区也不是什么,而且每个人都与Rails处于同一页面,这使所有人受益匪浅。 如果您使用Ruby on Rails,则您将以某种方式进行操作,因为您使用的框架可以帮助您做到这一点。 这是一件好事,特别是对于新手开发人员,因为他们从一开始就被教导一种可靠的工作方式。

So does PHP have an image problem? There are a lot of people doing great things with PHP and a lot of huge sites relying on it, but had I not known better I would have thought it was a dying language over the last few days. Should those of us who are developing web applications in PHP be talking about it a bit more? Should we be presenting and writing about how we built our applications with non-crufty PHP, whether using our own frameworks or existing ones? Should we be selling the benefits of our chosen language so that people can make a more informed choice? I’d love to see a high profile PHP site that clearly explains the benefits in the way that does for Rails. The homepage is great for developers but doesn’t do much to sell the language to anyone interested. Comparing PHP to Ruby on Rails isn’t comparing like with like, but as someone who uses and likes PHP as a tool to successfully build web applications, I’d love to see the good stuff being sold as effectively as the Rails community are doing for their tool.

那么PHP有图像问题吗? 有很多人在使用PHP进行出色的工作,并且有很多依赖它的大型站点,但是如果我不知道得更好,我会以为这是最近一门垂死的语言。 我们中使用PHP开发Web应用程序的人是否应该再谈论它呢? 无论是使用我们自己的框架还是现有的框架,我们是否应该展示和撰写有关如何使用非粗糙PHP构建应用程序的信息? 我们应该出售自己选择的语言的好处,以便人们可以做出更明智的选择吗? 我希望看到一个备受瞩目的PHP网站,该网站清楚地说明rubyonrails.org对Rails的好处。 PHP .net主页非常适合开发人员,但在将语言出售给感兴趣的人方面做得并不多。 将PHP与Ruby on Rails进行比较并没有像其他人那样进行比较,但是作为一个使用并喜欢PHP作为成功构建Web应用程序的工具的人,我很乐意看到这些好东西可以像Rails社区一样有效地出售。他们的工具。






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