dell perch330_Perch-适用于小型站点的轻量级但功能强大的CMS

dell perch330

At we have been developing content management systems since the company began in 2001. We have developed completely custom systems, implemented third party and open source systems, moved data from one system to the other, and developed our own CMS framework that we now use for most of the websites we develop that require a content management system or where content management is part of the spec.

自从公司于2001年成立以来,我们在edgeofmyseat.com上一直在开发内容管理系统。我们已经开发了完全定制的系统,实现了第三方和开源系统,将数据从一个系统迁移到另一个系统,并开发了我们自己的CMS框架 。现在用于我们开发的大多数需要内容管理系统或内容管理是规范一部分的网站。

While our full scale CMS framework is fantastic (if I do say so myself!) it’s a big solution for when a site needs real content management functionality – usually along with a whole host of other features. We also often get requests for something on a much smaller scale – the situation where a client doesn’t want to manage large amounts of content, they just want to be able to edit the text on a few pages, so that they aren’t tied into having to come back to a web developer every time a bit of copy needs changing.

尽管我们的全面CMS框架很棒(如果我自己也这么说!),但它是站点需要真正的内容管理功能时(通常连同其他功能一起使用)的一个很好的解决方案。 我们还经常收到较小规模的请求–客户不想管理大量内容的情况下,他们只希望能够在几页上编辑文本,因此他们不会每次需要更改一些副本时,都必须重新找Web开发人员。

We began thinking about this requirement for a simple CMS late last year. How could we provide a simple content management solution that didn’t require compromises to be made in the quality of the site, and ease of production? We wanted something that was simple to install and that allowed designers to create their site as normal and not be forced into battling with fiddly template tags just to edit a basic text area. However we still wanted to maintain the concept of structured data – enabling the use of microformats – as this is a core concept in our full scale CMS.

去年下半年,我们开始考虑对简单CMS的要求。 我们如何提供一种简单的内容管理解决方案,而又无需在网站质量和易用性方面做出妥协? 我们希望安装的东西易于安装,并且允许设计人员正常创建其网站,而不必为了编辑基本文本区域而被迫与复杂的模板标签进行竞争。 但是,我们仍然希望保留结构化数据的概念(允许使用微格式),因为这是我们全面CMS的核心概念。

Perch is the result of our development to meet this requirement for simple yet structured content management. We’re launching at the end of May, however there is a video on the website that shows just how simple editing content on a website can be. If you are interested in the potential of the product check out this example screenshot on Flickr showing a custom news item edit page. Perch – as with our full scale CMS – contains many years of CMS development experience by Drew and myself, distilled down to something that can be up and running in minutes. We’re really very proud of it and are very excited about seeing it ‘out there’ helping people to give content editing functionality to their clients.

Perch是我们开发的结果,可以满足简单但结构化的内容管理的这一要求。 我们将于5月底启动,但是网站上有一个视频,显示了如何轻松编辑网站上的内容。 如果您对产品的潜力感兴趣,请查看Flickr上的此示例屏幕快照 ,其中显示了自定义新闻项目编辑页面。 Perch(与我们的全尺寸CMS一样 )包含Drew和我本人多年的CMS开发经验,并精简到可以在几分钟内启动并运行的内容。 我们为此感到非常自豪,并为看到它“帮助人们为他们的客户提供内容编辑功能”而感到非常兴奋。


dell perch330





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