

The digital computer is a digital system that performs various computational tasks. The word digital implies that the information in the computer is represented by variables that take a limited number of discrete values. These values are processed internally by components that can maintain a limited number of discrete states.

数字计算机是执行各种计算任务的数字系统。 “ 数字 ”一词表示计算机中的信息由采用有限数量的离散值的变量表示。 这些值由可以在有限数量的离散状态下运行的组件内部处理。

The decimal digits 0, 1, 2, ..., 9, for example, provide 10 discrete values. The first electronic digital computer, developed in the late 1940s, was used primarily for numerical computations and the discrete elements were the digits. From this application the term digital computer emerged.

例如,十进制数字0、1、2,...,9提供10个离散值。 1940年代末期开发的第一台电子数字计算机主要用于数值计算,而离散元素是数字。 从此应用程序中出现了数字计算机一词。

In practice, digital computers function more reliably if only two states are used. Because of the physical restriction of components, and because human logic tends to be binary (i.e. true or false, yes or no statements), digital components that are constrained to take discrete values are further constrained to take only two values and are said to be binary.

实际上,如果仅使用两种状态,数字计算机将更可靠地运行。 由于组件的物理限制,并且由于人工逻辑倾向于是二进制的(即,对或错,是或否的陈述),被约束为采用离散值的数字组件被进一步约束为仅采用两个值,并被认为是二进制

Digital computers use the binary number system, which has two digits: 0 and 1. A binary digit is called a bit. Information is represented in digital computers in groups of bits. By using various coding techniques, groups of bits can be made to represent not only binary numbers but also other discrete symbols, such as decimal digits or letters of the alphabet.

数字计算机使用二进制数字系统,该系统具有两个数字: 01 。 二进制数字称为bit 。 信息在数字计算机中以位组的形式表示。 通过使用各种编码技术,可以使比特组不仅代表二进制数,而且代表其他离散符号,例如十进制数字或字母。

数字计算机:计算机组织 (Digital Computers: Computer Organization)

Computer Organization is concerned with the way the hardware components operate and the way they are connected together to form the computer system.


The various components are assumed to be in place and the task is to investigate the organizational structure to verify that the computer parts operate as intended.


数字计算机:计算机设计 (Digital Computers: Computer Design)

Computer Design is concerned with the hardware design of the computer. Once the computer specifications are formulated, it is the task of the designer to develop hardware for the system.

计算机设计与计算机的硬件设计有关。 制定了计算机规格后,设计人员的任务就是为系统开发硬件。

Computer design is concerned with the determination of what hardware should be used and how the parts should be connected. This aspect of computer hardware is sometimes referred to as computer implementation.

计算机设计与确定应使用哪种硬件以及如何连接部件有关。 计算机硬件的这一方面有时称为计算机实现

数字计算机:计算机体系结构 (Digital Computers: Computer Architecture)

Computer Architecture is concerned with the structure and behaviour of the computer as seen by the user.


It includes the information, formats, the instruction set, and techniques for addressing memory. The architectural design of a computer system is concerned with the specifications of the various functional modules, such as processors and memories, and structuring them together into a computer system.

它包括信息,格式,指令集和寻址存储器的技术。 计算机系统的体系结构设计涉及各种功能模块(例如处理器和内存)的规范,并将它们一起构成计算机系统。

Two basic types of computer architecture are:


  1. von Neumann architecture


  2. Harvard architecture


1.冯·诺依曼建筑 (1. von Neumann architecture)

The von Neumann architecture describes a general framework, or structure, that a computer's hardware, programming, and data should follow. Although other structures for computing have been devised and implemented, the vast majority of computers in use today operate according to the von Neumann architecture.

冯·诺依曼体系结构描述了计算机硬件,程序和数据应遵循的通用框架或结构。 尽管已经设计和实现了其他用于计算的结构,但是当今使用的绝大多数计算机都是根据von Neumann体系结构运行的。

von Neumann envisioned the structure of a computer system as being composed of the following components:

冯·诺伊曼(von Neumann)设想计算机系统的结构由以下组件组成:

  1. ALU: The Arithmetic-Logic unit that performs the computer's computational and logical functions.


  2. RAM: Memory; more specifically, the computer's main, or fast, memory, also known as Random Access Memory(RAM).

    RAM:内存; 更具体地说,计算机的主存储器或快速存储器,也称为随机存取存储器(RAM)

  3. Control Unit: This is a component that directs other components of the computer to perform certain actions, such as directing the fetching of data or instructions from memory to be processed by the ALU; and

    控制单元控制单元 ,它指导计算机的其他组件执行某些操作,例如指导从内存中提取数据或指令,以由ALU处理; 和

  4. Man-machine interfaces; i.e. input and output devices, such as keyboard for input and display monitor for output.

    人机界面; 即输入和输出设备,例如用于输入的键盘和用于输出的显示监视器。

Block diagram of a Digital Computer


Digital Cpmputers

An example of computer architecture base on the von Neumann architecture is the desktop personal computer.

基于von Neumann体系结构的计算机体系结构示例是台式个人计算机

2.哈佛建筑 (2. Harvard architecture)

The Harvard architecture uses physically separate storage and signal pathways for their instructions and data. The term originated from the Harvard Mark I and the data in relay latches (23- digits wide).

哈佛架构将物理上独立的存储信号路径用于其指令和数据。 该术语起源于哈佛Mark I和继电器锁存器中的数据(23位宽)。

In a computer with Harvard architecture, the CPU can read both an instruction and data from memory at the same time, leading to double the memory bandwidth.


Microcontroller(single-chip microcomputer)-based computer systems and DSP(Digital Signal Processor)-based computer systems are examples of Harvard architecture.

基于微控制器 (单芯片微计算机)的计算机系统和基于DSP (数字信号处理器)的计算机系统是哈佛体系结构的示例。

翻译自: https://www.studytonight.com/computer-architecture/digital-computers


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