js data-rel_拥抱作者身份-rel = me和rel = author对内容的SEO和Google的重要性

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js data-rel

There's a lot of garbage out of there on the internet. I know, I've been writing some on this blog for almost 10 years. ;) One way to let Google and Friends know that you are a real person and are really the writer of something is to use microformats like authorship markup like rel="author" to markup your content.

互联网上有很多垃圾。 我知道,我已经在此博客上撰写了将近10年的文章。 ;)让Google和Google朋友知道您是真实人物并且确实是某事的作者的一种方法是使用诸如rel =“ author”之类的作者身份标记之类的微格式来标记您的内容。

When you write a blog post, make sure that the rel="author" attribute is on the page with a link back to your "About Me" page or to your Google+ profile. The easiest way is to just include a link like this:

撰写博客文章时,请确保rel =“ author”属性在页面上,并带有指向您的“关于我”页面或Google+个人资料的链接。 最简单的方法是仅包含这样的链接:

by <a title="Scott Hanselman is on Google+" rel="author" href="http://profiles.google.com/hanselman.scott?rel=author" alt="Google+" title="Google+">Scott Hanselman</a>

But it's not proof enough that you wrote something just to link to a profile. You have to close the loop by linking back to your site from your profile, indicating that the page is about your. This will end up looking like this with a rel="me" attribute:

但这还不足以证明您写了一些东西只是为了链接到个人资料。 您必须通过从个人资料链接回您的网站来关闭循环,表明该页面与您有关。 这样最终将带有rel =“ me”属性,如下所示:

<a href="https://www.hanselman.com/blog/" rel="me" title="Scott Hanselman">Scott Hanselman</a>

While this isn't a perfect way to guarantee to Google that you actually authored and own some content, it's a good start. Presumably if Google trusts your Profile and your website there is an implied chain of trust. If some spammer decides to programmatically steal your entire site, or even just suck it down with RSS and reblog it, it's now possible for Google to downrank those splogs (spam blogs) or delist them, while simultaneously assigning a higher Page Rank - or Author Rank - to your site.

虽然这不是向Google保证您实际编写并拥有某些内容的完美方法,但这是一个好的开始。 据推测,如果Google信任您的个人资料和您的网站,则隐含信任链。 如果某些垃圾邮件发送者决定以编程方式窃取您的整个网站,甚至只是通过RSS将其吸纳并重新博客,则Google现在可以降低这些博客(垃圾博客)的等级或将其删除列表,同时分配更高的网页等级-或作者排名-您的网站。

Alternatively you can have an "author page" or About Me page on your site within the same domain and use rel="author" to point to it. You then use rel="me" to markup links that all point to sites that represent the same person. If you are using rel="author" to point to an About Me page, that page should the include a link with rel="me" that points to your Google Profile.

或者,您可以在同一域中的站点上拥有“作者页面”或“关于我”页面,然后使用rel =“ author”指向该页面。 然后,您可以使用rel =“ me”标记所有指向代表同一个人的网站的链接。 如果您使用rel =“ author”指向“关于我”页面,则该页面应包含指向您的Google个人资料的带有rel =“ me”的链接。

If this seems confusing, you can use the Rich Snippets Testing Tool to test our your pages and how they might show up if Google decides to trust you.


My site as seen by the Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool

The most important part with the Rich Snippets Testing Tool is the Extracted Author info. Does Google successfully extract that you are an author and show those links without  errors or warnings?

丰富网页摘要测试工具最重要的部分是提取的作者信息。 Google是否成功提取出您是作者并显示这些链接而没有错误或警告?

At this point, you know only that Google doesn't think you suck but you have no idea if they will actually use the data. This appears to be where magic pixie dust comes in. You essentially wait a week or two and if it works, when you start Googling for your articles they will start showing up like this in search results:

在这一点上,您只知道Google不会认为您很烂,但是您不知道他们是否会实际使用这些数据。 这似乎是魔术般的尘土飞扬的地方。您基本上需要等待一两个星期,如果可以,当您开始对文章进行谷歌搜索时,它们将开始在搜索结果中显示如下:

Or a specific article, for example:


Note that Google shows that I'm in some Google+ circles and that there's 31 comments on a G+ post on this blog post.

请注意,Google显示我在某些Google+圈子中,并且该博客文章的G +帖子上有31条评论。

Aside: This starts to seem a little unbalanced to me, as Google could have looked at my RSS feed or RSS Comments Feed and determined how many actual comments there are on that post on my site. Or, I could include microformat metadata on comments to indicate that they are comments vs. original content. I want the discussion to happen on my blog, not on Google+. Or maybe I want the conversation to happen on Disqus, or on Facebook. It's too bad that Google doesn't support a microformat like rel="comments" (I made that up) so that I might take control of the URL where comments should be left. Maybe I want Twitter or Facebook profiles to be used with rel="author." With the addition of Google+ and the "convenience" of using Google+ for rel="author" and the automatic retrieval of comment metadata, again from Google+, the open markup-based Google The Search Engine plus Google+ The Social Networks becomes a walled garden without choice, like Facebook.

另外:对于我来说,这似乎有点不平衡,因为Google可以查看我的RSS feed或RSS Comments Feed,并确定在我的网站上该帖子中有多少实际评论。 或者,我可以在评论中包含微格式元数据,以表明它们是评论与原始内容。 我希望讨论在我的博客上进行,而不是在Google+上进行。 或者,也许我想让对话发生在Disqus或Facebook上。 谷歌不支持像rel =“ comments”这样的微格式,这太糟糕了(我弥补了这一缺点),以至于我可以控制应该留下评论的URL。 也许我希望将Twitter或Facebook个人资料与rel =“ author”一起使用。 再次添加了Google+和使用rel =“ author”使用Google+的“便利性”,并自动从Google+中检索评论元数据,基于开放标记的Google搜索引擎和Google+ The Social Networks变成了一个围墙花园,选择,例如Facebook。

Commentary on openness put aside, the usefulness of rel="author" in the context of Google users and from the perspective of the content author is obvious.

放开对开放性的评论,rel =“ author”在Google用户的上下文中以及从内容作者的角度来看都是有用的。

  • Search results that list pages written by actual humans alongside their smiling faces will be more likely to be clicked on.

  • Folks can +1 results directly from the results AND add you, the author, to their Google+ circles.


Of course, I'm not sure what I think about searching Google for the word "phony" and finding my face show up as the result. ;)

当然,我不确定如何在Google上搜索“ phony”一词,结果发现我的面Kong。 ;)

The task for you, Dear Reader, is to go forth and implement rel="author" for your blogs and content.

亲爱的读者,您的任务是继续为博客和内容实施rel =“ author”。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/embrace-authorship-the-importance-of-relme-and-relauthor-on-your-contents-seo-and-google

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