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翻译 perfview_在PerfView,SpeedScope,Chromium事件跟踪分析,火焰图等中用于.NET Core跟踪的dotnet-trace!

Speedscope.app is an online "flamegraph visualizer" that you can also install offline. It's open source and on GitHub. It will allow you to view flamegraphs that have been generated by diagnostic tool...

2020-10-14 18:57:53 1232

翻译 为ASP.NET Core Web App制作更简洁,更有目的的azure-pipelines.yml

A few months back I moved my CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Development) to Azure DevOps for free. You get 1800 build minutes a month FREE and I'm not even close to using it with three occas...

2020-10-14 17:27:45 565

翻译 git 哈希值作为版本号_将git commit哈希和Azure DevOps内部版本号和内部版本ID添加到ASP.NET网站

git 哈希值作为版本号A few months back I moved my CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Development) to Azure DevOps for free. You get 1800 build minutes a month FREE and I'm not even close to using it with...

2020-10-14 16:48:32 1090

翻译 windows子系统wsl_您(或我)不知道的Cool WSL(Linux的Windows子系统)提示和技巧

It's no secret I dig WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and now that WSL2 is available in Windows Insiders Slow it's a great time to really explore the options that are available. What I'm finding is s...

2020-10-14 16:19:37 935

翻译 官方支持从Windows上的Visual Studio在WSL2中远程调试.NET Core Linux应用

vs调试linux wslI've blogged before about Developing on Docker with the new and improved Visual Studio Container Tools (and WSL2) and also Remote Debugging a .NET Core Linux app in WSL2 from Visual Studi...

2020-10-14 16:00:00 479

翻译 wsl打开函数位置_一个奇妙的邪恶联盟-带有WSL函数包装的PowerShell的真实Linux命令

I posted recently about What's the difference between a console, a terminal, and a shell? The world of Windows is interesting - and a little weird and unfamiliar to non-Windows people. You might use U...

2020-10-14 15:21:24 297

翻译 如何在Windows终端中使用电力线,书呆子字体,Cascadia代码,WSL和oh-my-posh进行漂亮提示

I've blogged about Patching the new Cascadia Code to include Powerline Glyphs and other Nerd Fonts for the Windows Terminal but folks have asked very specifically, how do I make my prompt look like th...

2020-10-14 14:30:38 1293

翻译 他们在学校#2中没有教过的计算机知识-代码页,字符编码,Unicode,UTF-8和BOM

utf-8编码代码OK, fine maybe they DID teach you this in class. But, you'd be surprised how many people think they know something but don't know the background or the etymology of a term. I find these thing...

2020-10-14 14:19:45 176

翻译 隔离工作不是远程工作

I have written a lot about Remote Work and done a number of podcasts on the topic. I've been working from my home now, full time, for 13 years. It's fair to say that I am an experienced Remote Worker ...

2020-10-14 13:20:31 299

翻译 Azure静态Web应用上的Blazor WebAssembly

Many apps today are just static files on the front end - HTML and JavaScript - with something powerful on the server side. They aren't "static apps" as they have very dynamic front end experiences, bu...

2020-10-14 12:52:00 214

翻译 raspberry pi4_如何在几分钟内在Raspberry Pi 4上安装Visual Studio Code

Four years ago I wrote how to BUILD (literally compile) Visual Studio Code for a Raspberry Pi ARM machine. Just a few months later in November, community member Jay Rodgers released his labor of love ...

2020-10-14 10:02:29 387

翻译 现在是时候制作一个新的Windows Terminal profile.json

I've been talking about it for months, but in case you haven't heard, there's a new Windows Terminal in town. You can download it and start using it now from the Windows Store. It's free and open sour...

2020-10-14 09:43:38 413

翻译 Yori-现在需要安装的安静的小型CMD替代品

I did a post on the difference between a console, a terminal, and a shell a while back. We talk a lot about alternative "Terminals" like the Windows Terminal (that you should download immediately) but...

2020-10-14 08:53:33 529

翻译 .net 调用webapi_使用Blockly可视化编程编辑器调用.NET Core WebAPI

I like to showcase interesting and cool open source projects that need more attention! Go give our friend a star on GitHub! NetCoreBlockly on GitHub is clever and fun! 我喜欢展示有趣且酷炫的开源项目,需要更多关注! 去给我们的朋友在...

2020-10-14 08:02:15 447

翻译 如何从Linux或Windows或任何地方通过SSH进入Windows 10计算机

I've been shushing all over the place lately. I SSH into Linux from Windows using the built-in OpenSSH Client that Windows 10 has shipped for years that you didn't know about. ;) You don't need Putty ...

2020-10-14 07:42:29 633

翻译 蜥蜴法则_您很累,因为您的蜥蜴大脑知道Zoom会议不自然

蜥蜴法则Remote work isn't normal. It's great when it's not quarantine work, to be clear. I've worked remotely with success for over 13 years and written about it extensively. I'm pro-remote work. But. 远程工...

2020-10-14 06:13:09 1026

翻译 rdp微软远程桌面rdp_如何仅使用多个显示器来远程桌面全屏RDP

I saw this over on the Microsoft Remote Desktop Uservoice 我在Microsoft远程桌面Uservoice上看到了这一点允许为RDP会话选择本地监视器的子集(全屏)(Allow ability to choose subset of local monitors for RDP session (full screen))Allow a...

2020-10-14 05:53:43 2938

翻译 评论:Logitech MX键盘和鼠标-MX键和MX Master 3

Logitech makes some beautiful keyboards and mice. Frankly, for me there's just Logitech and Microsoft in the keyboard and mouse game. I've never been a big fan of mechanical keyboards. I like a soft t...

2020-10-14 05:33:03 547

翻译 Docker 101和容器如何工作?

Everyone is using containers and talking about containers. Except those for whom it hasn't "clicked." Obvious to some and unendingly frustrating to others, containers are changing how we build and dep...

2020-10-14 05:22:41 201

翻译 解决热键冲突_F7是最强大的PowerShell热键,没有人再使用。 我们必须解决这个问题。

Thousands of years ago your ancestors, and myself, were using DOS (or CMD) pressing F7 to get this amazing little ASCII box to pop up to pick commands they'd typed before.数千年前,您的祖先和我本人都使用DOS(或CMD)按F7键...

2020-10-14 04:22:26 509

翻译 在Windows上使用.NET Core在Windows上使用VS Code对Raspberry Pi进行远程调试

I've been playing with my new "CrowPi" from Elecrow. It's a great Raspberrry Pi STEM kit that is entirely self-contained in a small case. It includes a touch screen and a TON of sensors, LCDs, matrix ...

2020-10-14 03:32:28 439

翻译 steam link 闪屏_使用Steam Link应用将PC游戏直接流式传输到iPhone或移动设备

steam link 闪屏I think that we, as an industry, are still figuring game streaming out. It's challenging to find that sweet spot between quality and frames per second, all while respecting the speed of l...

2020-10-14 03:12:50 2991

翻译 makecode_使用MakeCode和Code Connection轻松教孩子们使用Minecraft Mod进行编码

makecodeBack in the day, making a Minecraft mod was...challenging. It was a series of JAR files and Java hacks and deep folder structures. It was possible, but it wasn't fun and it surely wasn't easy....

2020-10-14 03:02:05 2645

翻译 openssh和ssh_如何使用Windows 10的内置OpenSSH自动SSH到远程Linux计算机

openssh和sshIn working on getting Remote debugging with VS Code on Windows to a Raspberry Pi using .NET Core on ARM in my last post, I was looking for optimizations and realized that I was using plink/...

2020-10-14 02:33:09 461

翻译 打包nuget_NuGet的老兄FuGet为您提供.NET打包生态系统的全新视图

0 years ago). Today you can get your NuGet packages (that contain .NET libraries) from Nuget.exe, from within Visual Studio, from the .NET CLI (command line interface), and from 0年前)。 今天,您可以从Nuget.exe...

2020-10-14 01:30:02 164

翻译 黑匣子采集数据的过程_您的计算机不是黑匣子-通过探索了解Windows上的进程和端口

黑匣子采集数据的过程The Internet is not a Black Box. Virtually nothing is hidden from you. The same is true for your computer, whether it runs Linux, Mac, or Windows.互联网不是黑匣子。 几乎没有任何东西对您隐藏。 无论您的计算机运行的是Linux,Mac...

2020-10-14 00:59:19 576

翻译 开源人工胰腺将在2019年成为糖尿病的新护理标准

开源中国 开源世界2019I've been a Type 1 diabetic for over 25 years. Diabetes sucks. They actually give you an award for staying alive for years on insulin. Diabetics don't usually die of old age, they die of ...

2020-10-14 00:49:19 444

翻译 dotnet全局锁_使用.NET Core的dotnet格式全局工具从命令行设置EditorConfig代码格式

dotnet全局锁"EditorConfig helps maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers working on the same project across various editors and IDEs." Rather than you having to keep your code in whateve...

2020-10-14 00:39:36 316

翻译 如何使用BeatPulse的AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks设置ASP.NET Core 2.2运行状况检查

ASP.NET Core 2.2 is out and released and upgrading my podcast site was very easy. Once I had it updated I wanted to take advantage of some of the new features. ASP.NET Core 2.2已发布并发布,升级我的播客站点非常容易。 更新后...

2020-10-14 00:09:35 524

翻译 修补新的Cascadia代码以包括Windows终端的电力线字形和其他Nerd字体

Microsoft released a nice new ligature-friendly open source font this week called Cascadia Code. It'll eventually be shipped with the open source Windows Terminal (you can get it from the store fee) b...

2020-10-13 23:18:54 333

翻译 开源Windows 10 PowerToys简介

Yesterday the Windows Team announced the first preview and code release of PowerToys for Windows 10. This first preview includes two utilities: 昨天,Windows团队宣布了Windows 10的PowerToys的第一个预览版和代码发布。 第一个预览...

2020-10-13 22:31:00 597

翻译 dosbox全屏游戏花屏_DOSBox在今年圣诞节享受一些DOS游戏

dosbox全屏游戏花屏I blogged about DOSBox five years ago! Apparently I get nostalgic around this time of year when I've got some downtime. Here's what I had to say: 我五年前写了关于DOSBox的博客! 显然,我在每年的这个时候怀有一些停机时间。 这...

2020-10-13 22:00:57 1484

翻译 Visual Studio现在包括一个集成终端

It's early days (preview) but there's now a Terminal integrated into Visual Studio! Taking a nod from the 2017 plugin, the Terminal is now build in as an experimental feature using features from the N...

2020-10-13 21:50:24 2056

翻译 聪明的C#和ASP.NET Core小功能让我感到高兴

I recently needed to refactor my podcast site which is written in ASP.NET Core 2.2 and running in Azure. The Simplecast backed API changed in a few major ways from their v1 to a new redesigned v2, so ...

2020-10-13 20:51:12 126

翻译 开源windows远程控制_Windows的新控制台-这是开源的Windows终端

"My fellow Windows users, our long national nightmare is over." The Windows Terminal is here, it's open source, it's real, and it's spectacular. It's very early days to be clear, but the new Windows T...

2020-10-13 20:31:35 696

翻译 dotnet程序安装包制作_Dotnet Depends是使用Gui.cs制作的出色文本模式开发实用程序

dotnet程序安装包制作I love me some text mode. ASCII, ANSI, VT100. Keep your 3D accelerated ray traced graphics and give me a lovely emoji-based progress bar. 我爱我一些文字模式。 ASCII,ANSI,VT100。 保留您的3D加速射线追踪图形,并为我提供...

2020-10-13 19:01:40 223

翻译 xbox360游戏下载_完成的乐趣-通过Xbox向后兼容性探索旧游戏

xbox360游戏下载One of the reasons I end up using my Xbox more than any of my other consoles is its support for Backwards Compatibility. Backwards Compat is so extraordinary that I did an entire episode of...

2020-10-13 18:30:45 334

翻译 dotnet新工作者-.NET Core中的Windows服务或Linux系统服务

You've long been able to write Windows Services in .NET and .NET Core, and you could certainly write a vanilla Console App and cobble something together for a long running headless service as well. Ho...

2020-10-13 18:11:30 377

翻译 makecode_一键部署MakeCode和出色的AdaFruit Circuit Playground Express

There's a ton of great open source hardware solutions out there. Often they're used to teach kids how to code, but their also fun for adults to learn about hardware! 有很多很棒的开源硬件解决方案。 通常,他们习惯于教孩子们如何编码,但...

2020-10-13 15:10:51 1195

翻译 小程序音频音量_在Windows 10中自动更改每个应用程序的音频输入,输出和音量

I recently blogged about an amazing little utility called AudioSwitcher that makes it two-clicks easy to switch your audio inputs and outputs. I need to switch audio devices a lot as I'm either watchi...

2020-10-13 15:00:07 812



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