

Some time ago I wrote a small script that automated the process of creating a responsive image carousel. While the same result could be achieved using pure CSS, doing so required that keyframes had to be recalculated when the number of images changed. Written in pure , my solution retained the performance advantages of by writing a keyframe animation using a wide range of options.

前段时间,我编写了一个小脚本,该脚本使创建响应式图像轮播的过程自动化 。 尽管使用纯CSS可以实现相同的结果 ,但是这样做需要在图像数量更改时必须重新计算关键帧。 我的解决方案使用纯 ,通过使用多种选项编写关键帧动画来保留的性能优势。

The script presented here accomplishes a similar result, only with a fade-in sequence: again, you can add as many images as you like, in the order you wish. The only requirement is that that all the images must be all the same size:

此处显示的脚本仅用淡入顺序即可达到相似的结果:同样,您可以根据需要添加任意数量的图像。 唯一的要求是所有图像都必须具有相同的大小:

<figure id="fadey">
    <img src="dancer-arch.jpg" alt>
    <img src="white-bridge-jump.jpg" alt>
    <img src="dancer-beams.jpg" alt>
    <img src="bridge-white-walker.jpg" alt>

Naturally, the alt values should be completed for each image; they’ve been left blank here in order to save space.

当然,应该为每个图像完成alt ; 为了节省空间,此处将它们留空。

I’d advise using srcset, the w descriptor and the sizes attribute for each image to achieve the best results:


<img src="dancer-arch.jpg"
srcset="dancer-arch.jpg 750w, dancer-arch-2x.jpg 1500w" 
sizes="(min-width: 750px) 750px, 100vw">

There’s also some basic CSS that is used to format the images and gallery container:


#fadey { 
    width: 100%; 
    position: relative;
#fadey img {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;

#fadey must be 100% of the width of its container. If #fadey is a figure element, left margin should be set to 0:

#fadey必须是其容器宽度的100%。 如果#fadeyfigure元素,则left margin应设置为0:

margin: 0 auto

The script is added at the end of the page:


var cssFadey = function(newOptions) {
    var options = (function() {
        var mergedOptions = {},
        defaultOptions = {
            presentationTime: 3,
            durationTime: 2,
            fadeySelector: '#fadey',
            cssAnimationName: 'fadey',
            fallbackFunction: function() {}
        for (var option in defaultOptions) mergedOptions[option] = defaultOptions[option];
        for (var option in newOptions) mergedOptions[option] = newOptions[option];
        return mergedOptions;
    CS = this;
    CS.animationString = 'animation';
    CS.hasAnimation = false;
    CS.keyframeprefix = '';
    CS.domPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz O Khtml'.split(' ');
    CS.pfx = '';
    CS.element = document.getElementById(options.fadeySelector.replace('#', ''));
    CS.init = (function() {
        if (CS.element.style.animationName !== undefined) CS.hasAnimation = true;
        if (CS.hasAnimation === false) {
            for (var i = 0; i < CS.domPrefixes.length; i++) {
                if (CS.element.style[CS.domPrefixes[i] + 'AnimationName'] !== undefined) {
                    CS.pfx = domPrefixes[i];
                    CS.animationString = pfx + 'Animation';
                    CS.keyframeprefix = '-' + pfx.toLowerCase() + '-';
                    CS.hasAnimation = true;
        if (CS.hasAnimation === true) {
			function loaded() { 
				var imgAspectRatio = firstImage.naturalHeight / (firstImage.naturalWidth / 100);   
				var imageCount = CS.element.getElementsByTagName("img").length,
				totalTime = (options.presentationTime + options.durationTime) * imageCount, 
				css = document.createElement("style"); 
				css.type = "text/css";
	            css.id = options.fadeySelector.replace('#', '') + "-css";
	            css.innerHTML += "@" + keyframeprefix + "keyframes " + options.cssAnimationName + " {\n";
	            css.innerHTML += "0% { opacity: 1; }\n";
	            css.innerHTML += (options.presentationTime / totalTime) * 100+"% { opacity: 1; }\n";
	            css.innerHTML += (1/imageCount)*100+"% { opacity: 0; }\n";
	            css.innerHTML += (100-(options.durationTime/totalTime*100))+"% { opacity: 0; }\n";
	            css.innerHTML += "100% { opacity: 1; }\n";
  css.innerHTML += "}\n";
	            css.innerHTML += options.fadeySelector + " img { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; " + keyframeprefix + "animation: " + options.cssAnimationName + " " + totalTime + "s ease-in-out infinite; }\n";
	          css.innerHTML += options.fadeySelector + "{ box-sizing: border-box; padding-bottom: " + imgAspectRatio + "%; }\n";
	          for (var i=0; i < imageCount; i++) {
	            css.innerHTML += options.fadeySelector + " img:nth-last-child("+(i+1)+") { " + keyframeprefix + "animation-delay: "+ i * (options.durationTime + options.presentationTime) + "s; }\n";
		var firstImage = CS.element.getElementsByTagName("img")[0];
		if (firstImage.complete) {
		} else {
			firstImage.addEventListener('load', loaded);
			firstImage.addEventListener('error', function() {
	} else {
		// fallback function

The script is called with:



There are several possible options when you call the function, which I’ll cover in a moment. A quick explanation of the defaults:

调用该函数时,有几种可能的选择,我将在稍后介绍。 默认值的简要说明:

  • presentationTime is the amount time each image appears on screen, measured in seconds (three seconds, by default)


  • transitionTime is the time of the fade between each image, also measured in seconds (two seconds, by default)


  • fadeySelector is the id of the element that contains the images (by default this is a <figure> element with an id of fadey, although the element and id used is up to you

    fadeySelector是包含图像的元素id (默认情况下,这是一个<figure>元素,其idfadey ,尽管所用的元素和id取决于您

  • cssAnimationName is the name of the keyframe animation generated by the script


  • fallbackFunction is the JavaScript function you wish to use in case the browser does not support CSS animation


  • the script checks if the browser needs a vendor prefix for CSS animation (this is increasingly rare in modern browsers, thankfully)

    该脚本检查浏览器是否需要CSS动画的供应商前缀 (谢天谢地,在现代浏览器中这种情况越来越少)

The script creates an animation for each of the images and adds it in a stylesheet at the bottom of the page. An animation for four images with a duration of four seconds each, with a transition of two seconds, would generate the following:

该脚本为每个图像创建一个动画,并将其添加到页面底部的样式表中。 动画四张图像,每张图像的持续时间为四秒钟,过渡时间为两秒钟,将生成以下图像:

@keyframes fadey {
    0% { opacity: 1; }
    16.66% { opacity: 1; }
    25% { opacity: 0; }
    91.66% { opacity: 0; }
    100% { opacity: 1; }

Each image in the container is directed to the same animation:


#fadey img {
    position: absolute; top: 0;
    animation: fadey 24s ease-in-out infinite;

The container is sized with padding-top as percentage value, since the absolute positioning of the images will not contribute to the height of the container. The percentage amount is determined by finding the first loaded image in the container and dividing its width by its height:

由于图像的绝对位置不会影响容器的高度,因此将容器的大小设置padding-top为百分比值。 通过找到容器中的第一个加载图像并将其宽度除以其高度来确定百分比量:

imgAspectRatio = firstImage.naturalHeight / (firstImage.naturalWidth / 100)

The total duration of the animation is equal to the total number of images × (presentationTime + transitionTime)

动画的总持续时间等于图像总数×( presentationTime + transitionTime )

Each of the images is provided with an animation-delay. The generated CSS counts backwards from the last image in the container element (one that, due to the absolute positioning, is at the top of the image stack) using nth-last-child. CSS produced for the example above would be:

每个图像都具有animation-delay 。 生成CSS使用nth-last-child从容器元素中的最后一张图像(由于绝对定位而位于图像堆栈的顶部 )开始向后计数。 为上面的示例生成CSS将是:

#fadey img:nth-last-child(1) { animation-delay: 0s; }
#fadey img:nth-last-child(2) { animation-delay: 6s; }
#fadey img:nth-last-child(3) { animation-delay: 12s; }
#fadey img:nth-last-child(4) { animation-delay: 18s; }

If you want to call the script using custom options on this markup:


<figure id="gallery">

Use the following:


    presentationTime: 3,
    durationTime: 2,
    fadeySelector: '#gallery',
    cssAnimationName: 'sequence'

I’ve also created a CodePen repo for comments and contributions.


The one downside of this technique is that there’s no immediate method of jumping manually from one image to another. To keep the efficiency of CSS animation, manual control will mean the use of Web Animation API, as I’ll show in the next article.

这种技术的一个缺点是没有立即手动从一个图像跳转到另一个图像的方法。 为了保持CSS动画的效率,手动控制将意味着使用Web动画API,这将在下一篇文章中显示。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/360/CSSFadey-An-Automated-Fade-In-Image-Gallery


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