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翻译 1013: 防水堤坝_当堤坝断裂时:网页溢出问题的解决方案

1013: 防水堤坝After unexpected gaps in pages, perhaps the most common layout problem is content overflow. Thankfully, there are just a few common causes of this problem, and some well-established solution...

2020-08-25 14:22:43 780

翻译 math.min.call_最大化:使用Math.min和.max

math.min.callBeing confronted with a series of numbers and having to find the largest or smallest in the set is a common coding task. While it’s entirely possible to use a mathematical operator in Jav...

2020-08-24 18:37:25 1118

翻译 Web开发人员阅读列表:Web Animations API

animationsCSS animations are relatively straightforward to write and highly performant, but they are also declarative: designers must say exactly what they want to happen, and movement happens the sam...

2020-08-24 18:27:26 664

翻译 创建一个响应性数据透视表

响应数据和响应头Recently my article on creating elegant table data with OpenType gained some attention via a much-appreciated tweet from Smashing Magazine. In response to that, a commenter quite correctly poi...

2020-08-24 18:16:50 381

翻译 web 实现清单表_Web开发人员阅读清单:PHP

web 实现清单表While my teaching, writing and development mostly focusses on front-end web technologies - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - this site also contains content on back-end tech, including PHP and MySQ...

2020-08-24 18:07:10 113

翻译 在css中使用变量_在网站开发中使用CSS变量

在css中使用变量Reading the incredibly useful caniuse.com the other day, I was pleased and surprised to see that CSS variables are now handled in every major browser except one. This means it is overdue for ...

2020-08-24 17:57:28 212

翻译 svg viewbox_了解SVG viewBox

svg viewboxThe viewBox attribute is one of the first encountered by those new to SVG, and potentially one of the most confusing. While it has been covered by others in the past - Sara Soueidan’s long...

2020-08-24 17:46:59 372

翻译 svg web_Web开发人员阅读清单:SVG

svg webI’ve long referred to Scalable Vector Graphics as the “fourth image format”. In the first decade of the web, it felt like the forgotten format, due to lack of browser support. But since IE9, SV...

2020-08-24 17:37:40 105

翻译 svg 渐变_了解线性SVG渐变

svg 渐变While CSS gradients are now a standard approach for most web designers, SVG gradients still hold a few advantages… and if you’re going to use SVG elements, it makes sense to understand how gradi...

2020-08-24 17:26:46 488

翻译 Web开发人员阅读列表:响应式图像

web 响应式开发As they are often the largest contributor to page size and load time, bitmap images offer a challenge for the developer: balancing image quality, resolution and file size for optimimum result...

2020-08-24 17:16:10 125

翻译 递归模式_递归SVG模式第2部分

递归模式In the previous SVG patterns article, I demonstrated how to build an illustration recursively, using a single element. This next version is more complex, demonstrating how to build patterns from n...

2020-08-24 17:05:27 124

翻译 webgl 坐标系_WebGL太阳系之旅:火星,第一部分

webgl 坐标系In the previous article I introduced WebGL, and talked about why I’d be using threeJS to demonstrate the ability of WebGL to create native 3D content on web pages. In this article, I show you...

2020-08-24 16:54:35 193

翻译 使用JavaScript更好地链接打印网页

In the world of print stylesheets, there’s long been a fairly well-established technique for expanding link URLs inline in body text, and printing them inline. The result works, but it breaks the read...

2020-08-24 16:43:54 200

翻译 css背景视差_具有JavaScript和CSS转换的廉价视差

css背景视差Recently a number of sites, including Bioware’s promotional page for Mass Effect Andromeda and Active Theory’s work for Under Armour have featured a parallax effect that ties mouse movement to ...

2020-08-24 16:33:56 235

翻译 webgl 坐标系_WebGL太阳系之旅:火星,第二部分

webgl 坐标系In the first article of this series I introduced the very basics of threeJS, including setting up a camera and integrating a WebGL scene with web page content. In this entry we’ll position th...

2020-08-24 16:24:22 148

翻译 vmin vs vmax_MinMaxing:了解CSS中的vMin和vMax

vmin vs vmaxI’ve covered the very useful vw and vh CSS units in a previous article, but the related vmin and vmax units are far less known and generally poorly understood. This is unfortunate, as the ...

2020-08-24 16:14:52 510

翻译 Web开发人员阅读清单:JavaScript函数

Functions are the workhorses of JavaScript, performing most tasks that need to be done more than once. Functions are also “first-class citizens” of JavaScript; they’re also objects, and can be assign...

2020-08-24 16:04:36 112

翻译 Web开发人员阅读清单:JavaScript中的多媒体

Canvas API reading list and Canvas API阅读列表和Web Animation API content.Web Animation API内容中也介绍了音频和视频的各个方面。 Prerequisites: HTML5 multimedia; Variables, Constants & Arrays; Selectors 先决条件: HTML5多媒体 ;...

2020-08-24 15:54:45 92

翻译 窗口,窗口:使用JavaScript测量屏幕尺寸

Judging screen sizes and resolution with JavaScript can be difficult, not least because it can be challenging determining just what you’re measuring… and because, historically, different browsers meas...

2020-08-24 15:45:23 409

翻译 2d旋转和3d旋转css_使用CSS变量在3D空间中自由旋转元素

2d旋转和3d旋转cssRecently one of my students asked if it was possible to free-rotate an element on screen using mouse or touch movement. As my first semester classes concentrate on just HTML5 and CSS, the ...

2020-08-24 15:34:31 124

翻译 javascript读文本_带有JavaScript的惊悚电影打字机文本效果

If you’ve seen any modern thriller or military-themed films, you’re familiar with text print-outs, which are frequently used to present a new scene or location in the movie. While they are intended to...

2020-08-24 15:24:46 199

翻译 css动画效果 淡入_使用Web动画API创建单词淡入效果

css动画效果 淡入Recently I’ve been exposed to several examples of word fade-in effects on the web, reflecting the kind of visual effect you might associate with certain kinds of fantasy or suspense films. S...

2020-08-24 15:15:12 175

翻译 DOM Ultrasound:使用JavaScript hasChildNodes并包含

Deep manipulation of the DOM can leave elements scattered across a page, meaning that tracking down which elements are in which can be challenging. To address this, developers can use contains and has...

2020-08-24 15:05:11 140

翻译 在JavaScript中使用匿名和自执行功能

While functions were introduced in this reading list series as named tasks, it’s also possible to create anonymous functions, which have several important roles in JavaScript. 虽然在本阅读列表系列中将函数作为命名任务引入 ,...

2020-08-24 14:54:55 125

翻译 javascript 模板_使用模板文字实现更好JavaScript连接

javascript 模板Adding content to the DOM often involves a series of concatenations to bring information into a static string, such as this example: 向DOM添加内容通常涉及一系列串联,以将信息带入静态字符串 ,例如以下示例: let name = "J...

2020-08-24 14:45:43 89

翻译 色值怎么混合叠加_具有混合混合模式叠加文字的全屏背景视频

色值怎么混合叠加I’ve previously demonstrated fullscreen background video for web pages and shown how to use mix-blend-mode to create auto-contrast text, but I’ve never combined them in a single article like t...

2020-08-24 14:35:26 150

翻译 返回发件人:使用JavaScript函数返回结果

Coders new to JavaScript will often encounter return in some functions, but not others, which leads to an inevitable question: what is return doing there, and what is it used for? JavaScript新手经常会在某些函数...

2020-08-24 14:25:48 129

翻译 使用CSS文本修饰模块改善链接的外观

文本域css修饰Links make the web work. They also have some of the strictest limits for styling in CSS due to security concerns. Designers and typographers have long complained that the default presentation ...

2020-08-24 14:15:39 142

翻译 web api svg_使用SVG和Web动画API创建交互式Roadtrip

web api svgWhile playing around with the Web Animation API it occurred to me that it might also be used for SVG line animations; I decided to apply it to an interactive roadtrip passing through three ...

2020-08-24 13:55:41 293

翻译 web 响应式开发_Web开发人员阅读列表:响应式导航,表格和视频

web 响应式开发Tables, navigation and embedded video are some of the most problematic and challenging areas in responsive design: tables tend to be wide, navigation complex, and responsive design is still n...

2020-08-24 13:46:33 84

翻译 甚至史蒂文斯(Stevens):在重复的背景图片中使用圆形和空格

Using cover and contain values for the background-size property makes it easy to create background images that cover the complete browser window, but for a very long time web developers didn’t have co...

2020-08-24 13:36:42 146

翻译 硬重置:使用CSS初始值

css的初始化或重置By definition, stylesheet development involves setting CSS properties to new values. Complex stylesheets will eventually grow to the point at which CSS values need to be “wiped clean”, i.e. ...

2020-08-24 13:26:26 250

翻译 webgl 坐标系_WebGL太阳系之旅:火星,第三部分

webgl 坐标系After addressing 3D space and lighting, I rather rushed to the end of the previous article in order to gain a rendered image. In this piece I’ll backtrack a little, covering threeJS objects a...

2020-08-24 13:17:17 196

翻译 我们的最后:在CSS中使用last-child和last-of-type

“Last” CSS pseudo-selectors are another useful way of detaching presentation from markup: rather than littering our HTML with classes to try to define what happens to the last instance of elements ins...

2020-08-24 13:06:44 666

翻译 css设置画布_使用HTML5画布和CSS混合模式设置灯光名称

css设置画布Looking at Las Vegas signs from the 1950’s put me in mind to create a sparkly lighting effect for web page text. This version is derived from my TV static article, with which it shares some cod...

2020-08-24 12:56:59 215

翻译 js滚动横幅_固定滚动消失横幅

js滚动横幅I recently saw a very interesting visual effect that I can only describe in a series of antonyms: a fixed, scrolling, disappearing banner. This article details my recreation and explanation of t...

2020-08-24 12:47:13 693

翻译 let of let in_Let Love Rule:在JavaScript中使用let

let of let inFor a long time, var filled a lot of roles in JavaScript: at the start of many older scripts, most everything appeared to be a variable. ES2015 introduced a true constant in the form of c...

2020-08-24 12:38:00 1011

翻译 Q连续体:在CSS中使用q测量

css q强制生效A recent tweet by Eric Meyer led me to explore a CSS measurement system that was previously completely unknown to me, and I assume to most other web developers: the Q unit. Eric Meyer最近发布的一条推...

2020-08-24 12:28:12 430

翻译 svg 中插入svg_SVG中的轨道共振

svg 中插入svgEarth and Venus share an interesting orbital relationship: for every eight times our home planet goes around the sun, Venus circles 13 times. This coincidental orbital resonance creates a be...

2020-08-24 12:19:04 326

翻译 javascript排序_JavaScript排序食谱

javascript排序Elements often need to be sorted: think of an array of game scores that need to be arranged from high to low to determine player rank. Unfortunately, the standard JavaScript sort() method ...

2020-08-24 12:08:29 88



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