

In an ideal world, every website would entirely consist of its own, original content. But back in the real world, deadlines and budgets rarely make that possible. Web designers and developers find themselves under increasing pressure to illustrate pages with diminished art budgets, even as they try to avoid bland stock photography. Completely free images, whether used for comps or the final product, are usually associated with poor quality, but that’s no longer necessarily true… so long as you know how and where to look.

在理想的世界中,每个网站将完全由其自己的原始内容组成。 但是回到现实世界,截止日期和预算很少使这成为可能。 Web设计师和开发人员发现自己在用较少的艺术预算来展示页面时面临越来越大的压力,即使他们试图避免平淡的图片摄影。 完全免费的图像,无论是用于伴奏还是最终产品,通常都与质量差有关,但是不再必须如此……只要您知道如何看待和看哪里。

Several sites offer high-quality images licensed under royalty-free Creative Commons or public domain conditions:


公共领域档案 (public domain archive)

Beautiful public domain images shot and curated by Matt Hobbs.

Screenshot of Public Domain Archive site

Matt Hobbs拍摄和策划的精美公共领域图像

Flickr (Flickr)

Search for whatever subject you’re interested in. Flickr’s initial results will include both Creative Commons and rights-reserved work; filter the results by clicking on Advanced Search in the top right corner and choosing Only search Creative Commons-licensed content in the screen that appears. (You can also filter results by type of work and date taken).

Flickr Creative Commons search options

搜索您感兴趣的任何主题。Flickr的初始结果将包括知识共享和保留权利的作品;以及 通过单击右上角的“ 高级搜索 ”并在出现的屏幕中选择“ 仅搜索知识共享许可的内容”来过滤结果。 (您还可以按工作类型和拍摄日期筛选结果)。

Click on Search at the bottom of the page. The results will now be exclusively Creative Commons. You may wish to switch from Relevant to Interesting in the top left corner of the page, weighting the results towards highly-rated images, at the cost of slightly broadening the search.

单击页面底部的搜索 。 现在的结果将是专有知识共享。 您可能希望在页面的左上角从“ 相关”切换为“ 有趣” ,将结果权重为高评级图像,但会稍微扩大搜索范围。

You can copy and use any of the images shown, pursuant to their individual conditions (see Important Note, below).

您可以根据各自的条件复制和使用所示的任何图像(请参阅下面的“ 重要说明” )。

谷歌 (Google)

Search for your subject at Google Images. Click on the gear in the top right corner of the page and choose Advanced Search from the drop-down menu. On the page that appears, switch Usage Rights from Not filtered by license to an appropriate setting, then click on the Advanced Search button at the bottom of the page.

Google Images Creative Commons search options

Google图片中搜索您的主题。 单击页面右上角的齿轮,然后从下拉菜单中选择“ 高级搜索 ”。 在出现的页面上,将“ 使用权限”从“ 未按许可证过滤”更改为适当的设置,然后单击页面底部的“ 高级搜索”按钮。

Google will pick up Creative Commons work from everywhere on the web; results will sometimes include free Flickr and 500px content.

Google将从网络上的任何地方提取知识共享的作品; 结果有时会包含免费的Flickr和500px内容。

500像素 (500px)

Search for your topic of interest at 500px; filter results based on an “Attribution” license.

500px Creative Commons search options

500px搜索您感兴趣的主题; 根据“归因”许可过滤结果。

创作共用 (Creative Commons)

Creative Commons have recently expanded and improved their metasearch for open media to cover images and many other forms of media from over a dozen sites.

Creative Commons search options


惠康影像 (Wellcome Images)

Circular New Guinea tattoo design
Curating over two thousand years of human culture, Wellcome Images collects together images and artifacts from biomedical and social history, most of published under a Creative Commons license.


其他资源 (Other resources)

There are many other resources that offer royalty-free images, but you should be wary of offers: many sites advertise themselves as being “free” but require a subscription to download images, while others only offer generic clip art. Sites that don’t seek to mislead while maintaining a fairly high standard of quality include:

还有许多其他资源可以提供免版税的图像,但是您应该警惕:许多网站宣称自己是“免费”的,但需要订阅才能下载图像,而其他网站仅提供通用剪贴画。 不会在保持较高质量标准的同时寻求误导的网站包括:

If all of this is too much, Pexels offers an excellent search service that covers most of these sites and more.

如果这一切都太多了, Pexels将提供出色的搜索服务,涵盖大多数此类网站以及更多其他网站。

There is also deviantArt, although again you must exercise caution: art is sometimes derived from copyrighted work (presenting its own potential legal problems) and usage rights are not always as clear-cut as in the services provided above.

还有deviantArt ,尽管您必须再次小心:艺术有时是来自受版权保护的作品(存在潜在的法律问题),并且使用权并不总是像上面提供的服务那样明确。

重要的提示 (Important Note)

Before you dip into any of these resources it’s important to read the fine print for the individual works. Creative Commons is not a license to rip off people’s artistic expression: images will often be provided under the condition that any use includes a written credit to the original artist, and/or restrictions on use in commercial projects. These licenses have been legally tested, and are equal to (and just as binding as) traditional copyright: it is absolutely necessary that you read, understand and comply with any conditions before using the work.

在使用任何这些资源之前,务必阅读各个作品的精美印刷品 。 创用CC并非剥夺人们艺术表现力的许可证:通常会在以下条件下提供图像:任何使用都包括对原始艺术家的书面信用和/或在商业项目中使用的限制。 这些许可证已经过合法测试,并且与传统版权相同(并且具有同等约束力):在使用该作品之前,您绝对必须阅读,理解并遵守任何条件。

Do you have a favorite resource of high quality free art that I haven’t listed here? Feel free to contribute your finds in the comments section below!

您是否有我这里未列出的最喜欢的高质量免费艺术资源? 随时在下面的评论部分中贡献您的发现!

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/758/Resources-For-Free-Legal-Web-Images






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