css3图片3d轮播_简单CSS 3D轮播图片库


The construction of this CSS 3D gallery is fairly straightforward: eight images, absolutely stacked inside a relatively positioned figure element, which in turn is placed inside a containing div.

这个CSS 3D图库的构造非常简单:八个图像,绝对堆叠在相对定位的 figure元素内,然后放置在包含div内部。

<div id="gallery">
	<figure id="spinner">
		<img src="wanaka-tree.jpg" alt>
		<img src="still-lake.jpg" alt>
		<img src="pink-milford-sound.jpg" alt>
		<img src="paradise.jpg" alt>
		<img src="morekai.jpg" alt>
		<img src="milky-blue-lagoon.jpg" alt>
		<img src="lake-tekapo.jpg" alt>
		<img src="milford-sound.jpg" alt>

(I’ve left the alt attribute values of the images blank for the sake of brevity).



The initial CSS is also fairly simple: the z of the origin for the images and <figure> (the axis around which the elements will be transformed) is pushed “back” into the screen by 500 pixels, with the <figure> provided a transition speed of one second. The images are 40% wide, with a left of 30% positioning them in the center of the figure, making the gallery perfectly .

最初的CSS也非常简单:将图像和<figure>originz (元素将围绕其旋转的轴)“返回”到屏幕中500像素,而<figure>提供了transition速度为一秒。 图片的宽度为40%, left30%,则将它们放置在figure中心,从而使图库具有完美的

body {
	background: #100000;
	font-size: 1.5rem;
div#gallery {
	perspective: 1200px;
figure#spinner {
	transform-style: preserve-3d;
	min-height: 122px;
	-webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%;
	transform-origin: 50% 50% -500px;
	transition: 1s;
figure#spinner img {
	width: 40%;
	position: absolute;
	left: 30%;
	transform-origin-z: 50% 50% -500px;
	outline: 1px solid transparent;

(The min-height on the <figure> and outline on the images are provided to avoid the issues I discussed in my recent article on CSS 3D tips and tricks, while the min-width on the images ensures that the photographs do not grow so large as to overlap).

(提供<figure>上的min-height和图像上的outline ,是为了避免我在我最近关于CSS 3D技巧和窍门的文章中讨论的问题,而图像上的min-width确保了照片不会长得太大。大到可以重叠)。

The images are then evenly distributed around the central axis, using nth-child selectors:


figure#spinner img:nth-child(1) {
	transform: rotateY(0deg);
figure#spinner img:nth-child(2) {
	transform: rotateY(-45deg);
figure#spinner img:nth-child(3) {
	transform: rotateY(-90deg);
figure#spinner img:nth-child(4) {
	transform: rotateY(-135deg);
figure#spinner img:nth-child(5) {
	transform: rotateY(-180deg);
figure#spinner img:nth-child(6) {
	transform: rotateY(-225deg);
figure#spinner img:nth-child(7) {
	transform: rotateY(-270deg);
figure#spinner img:nth-child(8) {
	transform: rotateY(-315deg);

At this stage, you’ll see that the 3D carousel is naturally responsive: as you narrow the browser window, the images get smaller, while the separation between them increases.


Safari continues to have a bug in locating the origin of 3D elements; since Chrome is now prefix-free in regards to CSS 3D, only Safari should follow the hacked line of code needed for it to set the origin correctly. (You’ll still need to provide prefixed versions of the other transforms; they’re not included here to save space).

Safari在定位3D元素的来源方面仍然存在错误; 由于Chrome现在在CSS 3D方面是无前缀的,因此只有Safari应该遵循hack的代码行,以正确设置来源。 (您仍然需要提供其他转换的前缀版本;为了节省空间,此处不包括它们)。

JavaScript驱动的控件 (JavaScript-driven controls)

Finally, we want to add two controls for the gallery: a left and right arrow to control the spin. Adding the linked elements below the page, we’ll use them to call on a JavaScript function that carries a variable.

最后,我们要为图库添加两个控件:向左和向右箭头以控制旋转。 将链接的元素添加到页面下方,我们将使用它们来调用带有变量的JavaScript函数

<a href="#" style="float: left" onclick="galleryspin('-')">◀</a>
<a href="#" style="float: right" onclick="galleryspin('')">▶</a>

As you can see, the left-hand arrow carries a negative sign as a variable to a galleryspin function:


var angle = 0;
function galleryspin(sign) {
	spinner = document.querySelector("#spinner");
	if (!sign) {
		angle = angle + 45;
	} else {
		angle = angle - 45;
	spinner.setAttribute("style","-webkit-transform: rotateY("+ angle +"deg);
	transform: rotateY("+ angle +"deg);");

The function looks at the sign variable, and, based on its absence or presence, adds or removes 45 degrees from the orientation of the gallery, producing the result you see at the top of this article.


问题 (Issues)

The code presented here works well in all modern browsers, with issues in just IE 10, as the browser can have problems supporting CSS 3D when it is applied to child elements.

此处提供的代码在所有现代浏览器中均能很好地运行,仅在IE 10中存在问题,因为当将浏览器应用于子元素时,该浏览器可能无法支持CSS 3D。

结论 (Conclusions)

Outside of wider browser support, there many possible improvements that we could make to the 3D carousel gallery, including:


  • fading any images that are not front and center.

  • abstracting the JavaScript to allow for any number of images to be added to the gallery.

  • captions on the images.

  • gesture support.


Many of these advances are in the Advanced CSS 3D Carousel article, which comes next.

其中许多进步都在接下来的高级CSS 3D轮播文章中。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/690/Simple-CSS-3D-Carousel-Gallery






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