
The Dublin core spec is long, varied and complex. There are various tools that can be used to automatically generate appropriate metadata for your pages, but let’s assume you are creating them from scratch. Remember, you only need to worry about Dublin Core for XML-based content, such as XHTML and SVG; Dublin Core is not used in HTML5.

都柏林的核心规范长,多变且复杂。 有多种工具可用于自动为页面生成适当的元数据,但让我们假设您是从头开始创建它们的。 请记住,您只需要担心基于XML的内容(例如XHTML和SVG)的Dublin Core; HTML5中未使用Dublin Core。

Dublin Core is written on a web page as descriptive meta tags, which share the same syntax:

Dublin Core作为描述性元标记写在网页上,它们具有相同的语法:

<meta name="x" content="y" />

Dublin Core meta tag name attribute values always start with DC. However our first two lines will not be meta tags, but links, written in the head section of our document, so that the browser and search engine can understand what follows if they do not already:

Dublin Core元标记name属性值始终以DC开头。 但是,我们的前两行不是meta标记,而是链接,这些链接写在文档的head部分,以便浏览器和搜索引擎可以理解如果还没有的话,将会发生什么:

<link rel="schema.DC" href="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" />
<link rel="schema.DCTERMS" href="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" />

We will come across the link tag again when we get to stylesheets. It is a way of using, or addressing, an external resource without physically creating a hyperlink to it. In this case, we are saying “If you (the browser, the search engine spider) don’t understand what follows, here’s the place to look up definitions that we are going to use to describe our content.”

进入样式表时,我们将再次遇到link标签。 这是一种使用或寻址外部资源的方法,而无需实际创建到该资源的超链接。 在这种情况下,我们说的是“如果您(浏览器,搜索引擎蜘蛛)不理解接下来的内容,那么这里是查找我们将用来描述内容的定义的地方。”

The next three lines are DC meta tags, but remain unchanged in most cases:

接下来的三行是DC meta标签,但在大多数情况下保持不变:

<meta name="DC.language" scheme="DCTERMS.RFC1766" content="en" />
<meta name="DC.type" scheme="DCTERMS.DCMIType" content="text" />
<meta name="DC.format" content="text/html" />

These three lines basically say that our DC meta tag content is going to be in English text, as HTML. If you decide to write meta tags in a different language, change the two-letter extension to the first line to the appropriate language code (jp for Japanese, for instance).

这三行基本上说我们的DC meta标签内容将以英语文本(例如HTML)显示。 如果您决定以其他语言编写元标记,请将第一行的两个字母的扩展名更改为适当的语言代码(例如,日语为jp )。

Finally, the meta tags that change in terms of their content. On the left, the name attribute value. On the right, what they should be set to.

最后,根据其内容而变化的元标记。 在左侧,名称属性值。 在右侧,应将其设置为什么。

Dublin Core Meta Tags
DC.titleAn expansion of the title of the document, typically longer and more informative.
DC.dateTypically the creation date of the document, article, or resource, in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
DC.creatorThe creator of the document, article, or resource: typically, you.
DC.publisherThe publisher of the content: typically the owning company (your client, for example).
DC.contributorA person, organization or service that contributed content to the document: a graphic designer, photographer, etc.
DC.descriptionA short description of the document. It should be many things, but is usually a summarizing paragraph.
DC.subjectA series of keywords, separated by commas. Typically no more than a dozen terms.
名称 描述
DC.title 文档标题的扩展,通常更长,信息更丰富。
DC.date 通常,文档,文章或资源的创建日期,格式为yyyy-mm-dd
DC.creator 文档,文章或资源的创建者:通常是您。
DC.publisher 内容的发布者:通常是拥有公司(例如,您的客户)。
DC.contributor 为文档贡献内容的个人,组织或服务:平面设计师,摄影师等。
DC.description 文件的简短说明。 应该有很多东西,但是通常是一个总结性的段落。
DC.subject 一系列关键字,以逗号分隔。 通常不超过一打。

Not all of these meta tags will be appropriate to every document, not will they be unique to every page on a site, although some, such as description, subject, and date, should be attempted to be made so. For example, look at the source code for this page (CTRL-U, if you are using Firefox) and find the following line as an example:

并非所有这些meta标记都适用于每个文档,也不是站点上每个页面都唯一的,尽管应该尝试这样做,例如descriptionsubjectdate 。 例如,查看此页面的源代码(如果使用的是Firefox,则为CTRL-U ),并找到以下行作为示例:

<meta name="DC.creator" content="Dudley Storey">

总结思想 (Closing Thoughts)

The concept of metadata is far broader than putting Dublin Core tags on our web page. Photos in a digital camera have metadata in EXIF format. A Canadian passport has (or will have) metadata, an RFID chip inside. Increasingly, both physical and immaterial objects will have metadata (also known as “tagging”). The interoperability, interaction, and management of these various forms of tagging – the schemas – will be one of the more interesting, and largely invisible, information revolutions of the 21st century.

元数据的概念比将都柏林核心标签放到我们的网页上要广泛得多。 数码相机中的照片具有EXIF格式的元数据。 加拿大护照有(或将有)元数据,里面有一个RFID芯片。 物理对象和非物质对象都将越来越具有元数据(也称为“标记”)。 这些各种形式的标记(即模式)的互操作性,交互作用和管理方式,将成为21世纪最有趣的,且基本上是不可见的信息革命之一。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/86/Dublin-Core-Metatags





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