
Most people think of the fonts that come installed on their computer as somehow being “free”. That’s rarely the case. Instead, a company (Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, etc) have paid licensing fees to provide the user with the right to use particular typefaces under certain circumstances. There is no issue in using the fonts in your Word documents, Powerpoint presentations or PhotoShop images, because when you do so you’re only presenting the typeface: no-one can extract the font you used for text in a PSD file. But when you embed a font on a website, you are making the font available for download by the viewer. Note that this is entirely different approach to creating a traditional CSS font stack, which relies on the viewer already having that a typeface installed on their device.

But while he was seeking with thimbles and care

大多数人认为计算机上安装的字体以某种方式是“免费的”。 很少这样。 取而代之的是,一家公司(Microsoft,Apple,Adobe等)已支付了许可费用,以使用户有权在某些情况下使用特定字体。 在Word文档,PowerPoint演示文稿或PhotoShop图像中使用字体没有问题,因为这样做时,您只需要显示字体:没有人可以提取用于PSD文件中文本的字体。 但是,当您在网站上嵌入字体时,就是使该字体可供查看器下载。 请注意,这是创建传统CSS字体堆栈的完全不同的方法,它依赖于查看器已经在其设备上安装了该字体。

<img src="snark-hunting.png" alt="But while he was seeking with thimbles and care">

The result:


A bitmap image of a font (Hoefler Text): perfectly legal to use on a site.


A Bandersnatch swiftly drew nigh


p {
	font-family: Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif;

A traditional CSS font stack: also perfectly legitimate, but only rendered correctly if the user has the font(s) already installed.

传统CSS 字体栈 :也完全合法,但是只有在用户已经安装了字体的情况下,才能正确呈现。

And grabbed at the Banker, who shrieked in despair


@font-face {
	font-family: "French Canon";
	src: url(french-canon.otf);
	font-weight: 100;
p {
	font-family: "French Canon", cursive;
	font-size: 2rem;

Text rendered with an embedded font. Renders correctly, but only by making the font code available to the browser. The site designer is legally responsible for knowing that the font can be used in this manner.

用嵌入字体呈现的文本。 正确呈现,但只能通过将字体代码提供给浏览器来呈现。 网站设计者有法律责任了解该字体可以以这种方式使用。

Fonts are software, and are licensed in the same way, often with restrictions in their use. You must be absolutely clear that you can embed a font on a site, otherwise you may find yourself subject to criminal charges and legal consequences. Bottom line: if you don’t know for certain that a font can be embedded on a site, you cannot legally do so.

字体是软件 ,并且以相同的方式许可,但使用时常常受到限制。 您必须绝对清楚可以在网站上嵌入字体,否则可能会受到刑事起诉和法律后果。 底线:如果您不确定是否可以在网站中嵌入字体,则不能合法地这样做。

Every font foundry issues a EULA for their fonts, a legal agreement that determines the scope of work available for a typeface. A typical example was the Hoefler & Co statement, which read, in part:

每个字体代工厂都为其字体签发EULA,这是确定字体可用工作范围的法律协议。 一个典型的例子是Hoefler&Co声明,其部分内容如下:

Your End-User License Agreement allows you to use fonts online in ways that don't transmit the font data, expose the fonts directly to readers, or compromise the security or integrity of the fonts.


The use of the CSS @font-face tag is not currently allowed under any H&FJ license. Such use constitutes the illegal distribution of our font software, and is therefore not permitted under any circumstances.

目前,任何H&FJ许可均不允许使用CSS @font-face标记。 此类使用构成我们字体软件的非法发行,因此在任何情况下均不允许。

This doesn’t mean that there is a dearth of embeddable fonts: thousands of typographers have given their work away for free, either on their own sites or through services such as Google Web Fonts or Font Squirrel. Tens of thousands more typefaces are available through subscription services like TypeKit, WebType and FontFont. These function as clearinghouses, allowing you to embed fonts legally and with the knowledge that the original designer is being fairly compensated.

这并不意味着缺少可嵌入的字体:成千上万的印刷工人可以在自己的网站上或通过Google Web FontsFont Squirrel等服务免费提供其作品。 数以万计的字体都可以通过类似的订阅服务TypeKitWebTypeFontFont 。 这些功能充当票据交换所,使您可以合法地嵌入字体,并知道原始设计者已得到适当的补偿。

Using embedded fonts legally isn’t hard, but it does require a sense of respect for the typographer’s work and self-discipline in design: if the “perfect font” isn’t available as an embeddable webfont, you have to find ways to adapt.

合法使用嵌入式字体并不难,但是确实需要尊重印刷者的工作和设计的自律:如果“完美字体”不能作为可嵌入的网络字体使用,则必须找到适应方法。 。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/616/The-Legalities-of-Font-Embedding





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