

Jeremy Keith has the rare ability to communicate web technologies with refreshing clarity: reading his DOM Scripting a decade ago was a revelation to me. A recent interview on The Web Ahead was similarly insightful as he shared Robin Sloan’s concepts of “stock” and “flow”, which I find more helpful to relate as “land and ocean”.

杰里米·基思(Jeremy Keith)具有罕见的以清晰的方式交流Web技术的能力:十年前阅读他的DOM脚本对我来说是一个启示。 最近在《 The Web Ahead》一次采访同样具有洞察力,因为他分享了罗宾·斯隆(Robin Sloan)的“存量”和“流量”概念 ,我认为将其与“陆地和海洋”联系起来会更有帮助。

“Land” is the relatively stable part of the Internet: web pages and other content that remain much the same from one week to the next. This content is not completely permanent: unless they are actively maintained and updated, pages will erode, just as geographical features do. Eventually destructive forces will remove your site entirely: domain names are leased, not owned, and will not be renewed forever unless you make plans for a digital afterlife.

“土地”是Internet上相对稳定的部分:网页和其他内容从一个星期到下一个星期保持不变。 此内容不是永久的:除非积极地维护和更新它们,否则页面将像地理特征那样受到侵蚀。 最终,破坏性力量将彻底删除您的网站:除非您为数字来世计划,否则域名将是租赁的,而不是拥有的,并且不会永远更新。

Supercontinent of Pangaea, 300 million years ago

Long ago, all of Earth’s landmass was locked together in the supercontinent of Pangaea; similarly, in the early years, pages were all that existed on the web. Today, there’s social media: transient, ephemeral information that is created and consumed in real time. This is the ocean: a surging, ever-changing foam of data that is difficult to archive or reference. This does not mean that social media is valueless: it can affect your life as deeply as any chance encounter or insightful conversation. But just like those real-life moments, social media interactions are difficult to recall later. You can “like” something in the ocean, but the emotion tends to be fleeting.

很久以前,地球的所有陆地都被锁定在潘盖亚州的超大陆上。 同样,在早期,网页就是所有存在于网络上的东西。 如今,有了社交媒体:实时创建和使用的临时性短暂信息。 这是海洋:汹涌,不断变化的数据泡沫,难以存档或参考。 这并不意味着社交媒体是没有价值的:它可以像任何偶然的遭遇或深刻的对话一样深刻地影响您的生活。 但是,就像现实生活中的时刻一样,社交媒体的互动在以后很难回忆。 您可以“喜欢”海洋中的某物,但这种情绪往往会转瞬即逝。

Human beings are attracted to change and vibrancy: we enjoy the endless, shifting patterns of social media. But it’s not a location we can live in: people need stability, a place with an accessible history. We need an environment that enables the attachment of love, rather than “like”. That’s web pages with static URLs.

人类被变化和活力所吸引:我们享受着不断变化的社交媒体模式。 但这不是我们可以居住的位置:人们需要稳定,这个地方拥有可访问的历史。 我们需要一个能够使爱的附着而不是“喜欢”的环境。 那是带有静态URL的网页。

Just as we cross oceans to reach landfall, social media is a means of reaching the stability of well-curated sites. An interface exists: fresh-water rivers carrying new information from sites to the ocean; incoming social media waves chewing up coastlines, altering the content of sites.

就像我们越过海洋到达陆地一样,社交媒体是达到精心挑选的站点稳定性的一种手段。 存在一个接口:淡水河流将新信息从站点传送到海洋; 传入的社交媒体浪潮侵蚀着海岸线,改变了网站的内容。

Both exist, both have their roles, and a web presence needs both: social media is not simply a way to broadcast your site content, any more than the ocean is solely an expression of the rivers that feed into it. At the same time, a website is not a fixed or eternal set of data. Both ocean and land, social media and static web pages, need to interact with each other, and both are necessary to the modern web site.

两者都存在,都有其作用,并且网络存在需要两者:社交媒体不仅是广播您的网站内容的一种方式,还不止是海洋仅仅是河流的表达。 同时,网站不是固定或永恒的数据集。 海洋和陆地,社交媒体和静态网页都需要相互交互,这对于现代网站都是必不可少的。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/562/Understanding-The-Webs-Land-and-Ocean






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