传智播客 java web_Web开发播客综述2012

传智播客 java web

For the longest time I assumed that web development podcasts were something of an oxymoron: a purely auditory discussion of an intensely visual medium didn’t seem to make a lot of sense. I also thought that any talk about a medium that undergoes a revolution every six months would be rapidly outdated.

在最长的时间里,我认为Web开发播客是一种矛盾的话题:对强烈视觉媒体的纯听觉讨论似乎没有多大意义。 我还认为,任何有关每六个月经历一次革命​​的媒介的谈论都会很快过时。

How wrong I was: web development podcasts have proved to be a great learning resource, and something I listen to every day. My top five on web development podcasts on Downcast are currently:

我错了:网络开发播客被证明是一种很好的学习资源,而且我每天都会听。 目前,我在Downcast上进行的Web开发播客的前五名是:

ShopTalk (ShopTalk)

ShoptalkProbably the most practical of all the shows listed here, as hosts
Chris Coiyer (of CSS Tricks) and Dave Rupert alternate between answering web development queries (sometimes in “rapidfire” episodes devoted to questions) and interviewing guests, with input from an online audience. Episodes are fast - about 30 ~ 50 minutes - and updated weekly.

Chris Coiyer (来自CSS Tricks的主持人)和Dave Rupert可能是在此处列出的所有节目中最实用的节目,他们在回答网络开发查询(有时是在专门针对问题的“快速火爆”剧集)和采访来宾之间进行选择,并接受了在线观众的意见。 剧集很快-大约30到50分钟-每周更新一次。

I was a guest on ShopTalk on November 19, 2013.


非突破性的太空表演 (The Non-Breaking Space Show)

NBSPThe newest of the podcasts listed here (along with ShopTalk), part of the
Unmatched Style web design showcase, and probbaly the most professional and formal in presentation. Each episode runs an hour long and features an extended Q & A with a leading personality from the design/development community.

Style网站设计展示的一部分,并且可能是演讲中最专业,最正式的。 每集持续一个小时,并以来自设计/开发社区的领先人物为特色,进行扩展的问答。

未来的网络 (The Web Ahead)

The Web Ahead
Part of the 5 by 5 online broadcast community, The Web Ahead is a look at current web trends, projected into the future. It’s also the only show in the list hosted by a woman, or with a regular emphasis on female guests. Discussion tends to be technical, long (an hour, sometimes two) and technically in-depth, with topics ranging from HTML5 APIs to Content Strategy.

5乘5的在线广播社区 ”的一部分是“未来网络”,它着眼于当前的网络趋势,并展望了未来。 这也是该名单中唯一由女性主持的节目,或定期强调女性嘉宾的节目。 讨论往往是技术性的,冗长的(一个小时,有时是两个小时),并且在技术上是深入的,主题从HTML5 API到内容策略。

垄断 (Talentopoly)

The hosts start off by comparing what they’re drinking. They swear. They’re totally willing – even eager – to call each other on BS. Calling Talentopoly a “frank and earnest exchange of views” might be an understatement. “Talentopoly” is a web-centric employment site, but the emphasis of the podcast is far broader in scope, covering web development practices, technological evolution, business news and tips for startups.

主持人首先比较他们的饮水量。 他们发誓。 他们完全愿意-甚至渴望-在BS上互相呼叫。 将Talentopoly称为“坦率而认真的意见交换”可能是轻描淡写的。 “ Talentopoly”是一个以网络为中心的就业网站,但播客的关注范围更加广泛,涵盖了网络开发实践,技术演进,商业新闻和初创公司的提示。

大网络秀 (The Big Web Show)

The Big Web Show
Another show that is part of the 5 by 5 network. Hosted by Jeffrey Zeldman, one of the prime movers and motizators behind web standards and A List Apart. Each episode takes a big-picture look at web technologies and runs about an hour long, usually as a discussion with a personality in the industry. The first few seasons of the series were video, but episodes are now audio only.

另一个节目是5 x 5网络的一部分。 由Jeffrey Zeldman主持,他是Web标准和A List Apart背后的主要推动者和推动者之一。 每一集都以全景图的形式展示了网络技术,并且运行了大约一个小时,通常是与业内人士讨论。 该系列的前几个季节是视频,但现在只有音频集。

Also of note, and on high rotation in my iPhone: Read Between The Leading, a podcast on typography, Let’s Make Mistakes, an ongoing conversation on design, and Dev1.tv, a podcast on entry-level web development with coverage of some advanced topics.

还要注意的是,以及iPhone的高速旋转:请阅读“领先之间” (排版中的播客),“ 让我们犯错误” (有关设计的持续对话)和“ Dev1.tv” (有关入门级Web开发的播客,其中涵盖了一些高级内容)主题。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/560/Web-Development-Podcast-Roundup-2012

传智播客 java web

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