

The advice of essayist Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, “murder your darlings” is not a call to infanticide, but a command to cull cleverness from written sentences. This is especially true when writing for the web, due to the fact that most visitors read less than 20% of web page content. Rather than reading word-by-word, users scan web page text for useful or interesting information, ignoring content that is too complex. Web content is experienced differently from books or magazine, which means that body copy for the web has to be written in a different manner.

杂文作家亚瑟·奎勒-库奇爵士的建议是,“谋杀亲爱的人”不是呼吁杀害婴儿,而是命令从书面判决中剔除聪明。 由于大多数访问者阅读的网页内容不到20% ,因此在编写网络时尤其如此 用户无需逐字阅读,而是在网页文本中搜索有用或有趣的信息 ,而忽略过于复杂的内容。 Web内容的体验不同于书籍或杂志,这意味着Web正文必须以不同的方式编写。

Writing for the web is made more difficult by the need to target search engines while optimizing delivery on mobile devices. These demands have to be balanced with the expectations of the client and the expected literacy levels of users.

在优化移动设备上的交付时,需要以搜索引擎为目标,从而使网络写作变得更加困难。 这些需求必须与客户的期望和用户的预期素养水平相平衡。

Key concepts in writing effective web body copy are:


  • Write concisely. Long pages have a greater likelihood of being skipped or ignored. Text on the web should be roughly half the length of a printed version: ideally, your sentences should consist of no more than 20 words each, and paragraphs six sentences or less.

    简明扼要。 长页面更有可能被跳过或忽略。 网络上的文字长度应约为印刷版本的一半:理想情况下,句子中的每个句子不应超过20个单词,段落不超过6个句子。

  • If you cannot avoid writing long pages, make sure that you have an effective print stylesheet, and that the page is ready for Instapaper/Readability services.

    如果无法避免写长页面,请确保您具有有效的打印样式表 ,并且该页面已准备好用于Instapaper /可读性服务。

  • Write backwards. Rather than trying to lead your reader to a conclusion, start with a summary, filling in details later in the body. This makes it much easier for readers to understand what you’re talking about, and for those in a rush to retain your central point.

    向后写。 与其尝试使您的读者得出一个结论,不如从一个总结开始 ,然后在正文中填充细节。 这使读者更容易理解您在说什么,而对于那些急于保留您的中心观点的人也更容易。

    • Hed: A headline, usually written as a concise sentence.

    • Dek: A phrase near the hed that works as an article teaser.

    • Lede: The article’s opening sentence; the most important sentence in the piece.

      莱德:文章的开头句; 最重要的一句话。
    • Nut graph: a few brief paragraphs that summarize the important points of the story, often presented as a bullet list and/or pulled to the side of the article.


    Use “news style” when writing, dividing your page content into “chunks”:

    撰写时使用“ 新闻样式 ,将页面内容划分为“块”:

  • Ideally, record each of these “chunks” in a CMS, for use in different media formats (a Facebook post of the page would receive just the hed and dek, for example).

    理想情况下, 将这些“块”中的每一个都记录在CMS中 ,以用于不同的媒体格式(例如,该页面的Facebook帖子仅接收hed和dek)。

  • When formatting your text, try to keep the number of characters per line to a level that is comfortable to read: 60 – 70 characters per measure.

    格式化文本时,请尝试将每行的字符数保持在易于阅读的水平 :每小节60-70个字符。

  • Use headings and subheadings to clearly identify concepts.


  • Insert ordered and unordered lists to drive key points home.


  • If possible, highlight key words and concepts throughout the body copy.


  • Link to relevant resources. If you’re writing copy for a glass company that mentions shower doors, link the words “shower doors” to the relevant page on the site. Not only does this add SEO value, but it also avoids diverting the user’s attention from the body text to the site navigation. Don't be anxious about linking to resources outside your own site: if your work is good, visitors will return.

    链接到相关资源。 如果您要为玻璃公司撰写提及淋浴门的副本,请将“淋浴门”一词链接到网站上的相关页面。 这不仅增加了SEO值,而且还避免了将用户的注意力从正文转移到网站导航上。 不要担心链接到您自己网站以外的资源:如果您的工作做得很好,访问者将会回来。

  • Don’t use directional writing. Content changes and the principles of responsive web design makes it unlikely that directional statements in body copy – “see the map to the left” – will remain true.

    不要使用定向写作 。 内容的更改和响应式Web设计的原则使主体副本中的方向性声明(“参见左侧的地图”)不太可能保持真实。

  • Make sure your spelling and grammar are correct by setting your type in a word processor before including it on a web page. Spelling errors make your work (and by association the site and/or company) appear rushed, ignorant, or inattentive.

    通过将文字类型设置在文字处理器中, 然后再将其包含在网页中, 确保拼写和语法正确 。 拼写错误会使您的工作(以及与站点和/或公司相关的工作)显得匆忙,无知或不专心。

  • Target your sentences to the reader's literacy level. Unexpected or unknown words will distract and confuse most readers.* Write to personas from your expected audience. You may wish to use a literacy level service such as Readability Score to test your final body copy before placing it on the page.

    将句子定位为读者的读写水平。 意外的单词或未知的单词会分散大多数读者的注意力,并使他们感到困惑。*写信给预期受众的角色 。 您可能希望使用识字级别服务(例如, 可读性得分)来测试最终的正文副本,然后再将其放置在页面上。

  • Define acronyms by using the <abbr> tag. Use abbreviations sparingly, as they can confuse users.

    使用<abbr>标记定义首字母缩写词 。 请谨慎使用缩写,因为它们会使用户感到困惑。

  • Use images to retain interest. “A picture is worth a thousand words” is especially true on the web. Careful use of images gains the interest of younger readers while illustrating the text content. Avoid using clipart or stock images, which tend to look cheap and forced.

    使用图像保持兴趣。 在网络上,“一张图片值得一千个单词”尤其如此。 在说明文字内容时,精心使用图片会引起年轻读者的兴趣。 避免使用剪贴画或库存图像,因为它们往往看起来便宜又被迫。

  • Avoid “marketing-speak”. Users will distrust language that is obviously trying to sell a product or service.

    避免“讲市场”。 用户将不信任显然试图销售产品或服务的语言。

  • Use mixed case. Do not use UPPERCASE for more than a few words on a page. Multiple instances of uppercase text used in extended prose drastically reduces readability.

    使用混合大小写。 在页面上使用多个单词时,请勿使用大写字母。 扩展散文中使用的大写文本的多个实例大大降低了可读性。

  • Write as if you have only six exclamation points to use in your entire life.


  • Place a “call to action” in the text. Inspire the user to respond to the piece: fill out a poll, place an order, comment on an article, etc. Do not abuse this: too many requests to “Add me on Facebook!” may make your work appear craven.

    在文本中放置一个“号召性用语” 。 激发用户对文章的回应:填写民意调查,下订单,在文章上发表评论等。请勿滥用:过多的要求“在Facebook上添加我!” 可能会使您的工作显得无足轻重。

Finally, keep the text on the page updated. If information changes, alter the body copy. Displaying relevant, up-to-date information will instill a sense of trust and gain greater value in search engine listings: remember to include an indication of when the page was last changed.

最后, 使页面上的文本保持更新 。 如果信息发生变化,请更改正文。 显示相关的最新信息将给人一种信任感,并在搜索引擎列表中获得更大的价值:切记要包括最后一次更改页面的指示。

资源资源 (Resources)

Start with the classics: read The Elements of Style by Strunk and White.

从经典开始:阅读Strunk and White 的《风格元素》

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/531/How-To-Write-For-The-Web-Murder-Your-Darlings


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