

Stephen TobolowkyThis article was inspired by an unlikely source: stories by character actor
Stephen Tobolowsky ( Groundhog Day, Deadwood, Memento, Glee) from the podcast The Tobolowsky Files, in particular the “ X Factor” episode. In that episode, Mr. Tobolowsky talks about the audition process. As he says, auditioning and interviewing for a job is really the same thing: a chance to show how you can fill a role. As such, the rules for success are very much the same:

Stephen Tobolowsky ( 土拨鼠日戴德伍德纪念馆,欢乐合唱团 )的故事来自播客Tobolowsky Files ,尤其是“ X Factor ”情节。 在那集中,Tobolowsky先生谈到了试镜过程。 正如他所说,对工作进行试镜和面试实际上是一回事:展示自己如何担任职务的机会。 因此,成功的规则几乎相同:

Be prepared 做好准备
This fundamental rule cannot be emphasized enough. Preparation starts with showing up on time, and being dressed for the part. It means having a portfolio that is clean, tightly edited, and ready to present (more on that below). It means knowing why you are there – not merely the pay check you are after – and the strengths you wish to emphasize.
根本强调这一基本规则。 准备工作从 准时出现开始 ,然后为零件准备 衣服。 这意味着要有一个干净,经过严格编辑并准备好进行展示的作品集(更多内容请参见下文)。 这意味着知道 您为什么会在那里 -不仅是您所需要的薪水支票-而且还想强调自己的优势。
Become a collaborator 成为合作者
and present yourself as a great applicant is to put yourself on the other side of the interview desk: that is, to see yourself not as an object of scrutiny but as someone who can collaborate with the client or company to create an outcome. Don’t just show what you know, but show how you can work with them to produce something great. (A good part of this depends on your doing your research, detailed below). In short, make yourself a part of the team 并将自己介绍为优秀申请人的最简单方法是,将自己置于面试台的另一侧:也就是说,不要将自己视为审查的对象,而是可以与客户或公司合作的人创造结果。 不仅要展示自己的知识,还要展示如何与他们合作,以创造出很棒的东西。 (这在很大程度上取决于您的研究工作,详细情况如下)。 简而言之, during the interview process. 在面试过程中使自己成为团队的一部分。
Have numbers on your side 身边有数字
Because they tend to identify themselves so strongly with their work, most creatives go into an interview believing that their portfolio will speak for itself. While that may be true in some cases, it’s far more effective to have quantifiable, objective data to back up your work. Some examples: After my redesign of this site, traffic was up by 20% on the previous year, and page views increased twofold. Here are the relevant data from Google Analytics. My work on this advertising campaign contributed to the company’s profits rising by 15%, despite a poor economic quarter. I maintained a grade average of 87% through my web design courses, and I was never less than 9 out 10 for my professionalism grade in every class. Surveys taken after the logo was out for a year showed a doubling of brand awareness.
由于他们倾向于对自己的作品表现出强烈的认同感,因此大多数创意者接受了采访,认为他们的作品集可以证明自己。 尽管在 某些情况下可能确实如此,但是拥有可量化的客观数据来备份您的工作要有效得多。 例如: 在我重新设计该网站之后,访问量比上一年增长了20%,页面浏览量增加了两倍。 以下是来自Google Analytics(分析)的相关数据。 尽管经济形势不佳,但我从事此广告活动的工作仍使公司的利润增长了15%。 在我的网页设计课程中,我的平均成绩保持在87%,每门课程的专业水平我均不低于10分中的9分。 徽标失效一年后进行的调查显示,品牌知名度翻了一番。
Have your portfolio ready, and in multiple formats 准备好您的投资组合,并采用多种格式
Know in advance how many people you will be meeting with: if more than two, you will want the print portfolio to be ring bound or have tear sheets so that work can be passed separately around the table rather than everyone having to cram around one bound volume. Ideally, have a backup version of the portfolio stored on a mobile device ( 提前知道您将要遇到多少人:如果超过两个,您将希望将打印作品集装订成活页纸或撕下活页纸,以便可以将工作分开传递到桌子周围,而不是每个人都必须绕一圈卷。 理想情况下,将投资组合的备份版本存储在移动设备上( not online – you’d be surprised at the number of times the internet is unreachable from interview locations). 而不是在线-会因访问地点无法访问互联网的次数而感到惊讶)。
Follow the basics 遵循基础
The rules for making a good pitch apply doubly to interviews: dress well, speak clearly, minimize nervous tics and habits, establish eye contact and listen attentively. 保持良好音调的规则双重适用于采访:穿着得体,说话清晰,尽量减少紧张的抽动和习惯,建立眼神交流和专心聆听。
Believe in the steak; don't salivate at the sizzle 相信牛排; 不要在嘶嘶声中垂涎三尺
That is, have a realistic understanding of the goals of the company or client you are seeking to work with.  If interviewing with a company, show that you’ve paid attention to the work that that they’ve done: I really admired your campaign last year for Kraft. Your work gave a sense of history and trust to a corporation best known for goods that are mostly impulse purchases. I’d love to contribute to work like that.

This rule also means “don’t be sold on hype”. This is especially true of startup companies: for every Facebook, there is a Myspace; for every Google, a Dogpile. There is absolutely nothing wrong in being passionate about a company and its potential, but when it comes to being paid, stock options are a bonus: they do not buy you bread.

也就是说,对要与之合作的公司或客户的目标有一个现实的了解。 如果要采访一家公司,请表明您已经注意到他们所做的工作: 去年,我非常赞赏您为Kraft的竞选。 您的工作给一家以冲动购买商品而闻名的公司赋予了历史感和信任感。 我很乐意为这样的工作做出贡献。

这条规则也意味着“不要大肆宣传”。 对于初创公司尤其如此:每个Facebook都有一个Myspace; 对于每个Google,都是Dogpile。 对一家公司及其潜力充满热情绝对没有错,但是当涉及支付时,认股权是一种奖励 :他们不会买面包。

资源资源 (Resources)

Darcy Clarke has put together a nice set of constantly-updated Typical Interview Questions For Frontend Web Developers article as a GitHub resource, which I would recommend studying before an interview.

达西·克拉克(Darcy Clarke)作为GitHub资源整理了一组不错的,不断更新的《面向前端Web开发人员的典型面试问题》文章,作为GitHub资源,我建议在面试之前进行研究。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/348/Interview-Tips-For-Designers-amp-Developers


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