

The first decision in choosing a domain name is selecting the most appropriate top-level domain to use. The TLD is the suffix at the end of your domain name, such as .com or .ca. The right TLD enhances your identity, and makes it easier for visitors to find your site and understand its purpose; choosing the wrong TLD can lead to confusion, uncertainty and suspicion.

选择域名的第一个决定是选择要使用的最合适的顶级域名。 TLD是域名结尾的后缀,例如.com或。 ca。 正确的TLD可以增强您的身份,并使访问者更容易找到您的网站并了解其目的; 选择错误的TLD可能导致混乱,不确定性和怀疑。

For any site, there are usually several TLD options; it is possible to purchase multiple domain names and have them all direct to the same site, but it makes the most sense to publicize just one. We’ll discuss the basic TLD options first, then move on to recent additions.

对于任何站点,通常都有几个TLD选项; 可以购买多个域名并将它们全部直接定向到同一站点,但是最有效的做法是只公开一个。 我们将首先讨论基本的TLD选项,然后再介绍最新的选项。

国家顶级域名 (Country TLDs)

Every nation on Earth has its own two-letter TLD. Some are well-known and highly recognized: .ca for Canada, .ru for Russia and .uk for the United Kingdom. Some are under-utilized (for example, .us for the United States – historically, .com has been used instead). Some are less well-known, but are fun for geek trivia nights:

地球上的每个国家都有自己的两个字母的TLD。 其中一些是众所周知的,并且得到高度认可:加拿大的.ca ,俄罗斯的.ru和英国的.uk 。 有些是利用不足的(例如,对于美国页面没有自动跳转 -从历史上看,.COM已用于代替)。 其中一些鲜为人知,但对于极客琐事之夜却很有趣:

TLDCountryExample & Explanation

Vatican City

vaticanstate.va, Il Papa’s home page


Canons of Helvetica, i.e. Switzerland

www.hotelmontana.ch The site for the Montana Hotel in Zurich



Blip.tv.Tuvalu is a small, low-lying Pacific Island nation with a population of just over 10,000 people that is in long-term danger from global warming. At the height of the .com boom, the government of Tuvalu sold the rights of the .tv TLD for US $50 million.


Indian Ocean: specifically, the Chagos Archipelago, a chain of islands in that location.


Often used by web geeks as a play on words: IO also stands for “input-output”. The actual history of the Chagos Archipelago is tragic, the native inhabitants being forcefully removed from the islands by the United Kingdom in the 1950’s. The income from .io sales does not go to the Chagossian people: if buying one, you might want to change that.

顶级域名 国家 范例与说明


vaticanstate.vaIl Papa的主页






Blip.tv。 图瓦卢是一个地势低洼的太平洋岛国,人口仅有10,000多人,其正遭受全球变暖的长期威胁。 在.com繁荣时期,图瓦卢政府以5000万美元的价格出售了.tv TLD的权利。




网络极客经常将其用作文字游戏:IO也代表“输入-输出”。 查戈斯群岛的实际历史是悲惨的,1950年代英国将土著居民从群岛上强行带走。 .io销售所得的收入不会流向Chagossian人民:如果购买一个,您可能希望更改它

Country TLDs are also supported in their native language and writing systems, using UTF-8 (IANA hosts a complete list of current authorized TLDs).

还使用UTF-8以其本国语言和书写系统支持国家/地区TLD(IANA托管当前授权TLD完整列表 )。

Buying a country TLD for your site has the advantage of making your geographical location clear, as well as showing a sense of patriotism. Many country TLD’s are available on the open market: you do not always have to be a citizen, or have a company registered in the country, in order to buy a domain name with a particular country TLD. However, the sale of that TLD is usually provided by a domain registrar within that country, making purchase of certain TLD’s, such as .ly (Libya), problematic.

为您的站点购买一个国家/地区顶级域名(TLD)的好处是可以使您的地理位置清晰明了,并表现出一种爱国心。 许多国家/地区的TLD在公开市场上都可以买到:为了购买特定国家/地区的TLD的域名,您不必总是成为公民或在该国注册公司。 但是,该TLD的销售通常是由该国家/地区的域名注册商提供的,这使得购买某些TLD(例如.ly (利比亚))成为问题。

DomainTyper has an excellent guide to national top-level TLDs.


二级(“省”)TLD (Second-level (“provincial”) TLDs)

Most countries that have a federal system of government, such as Canada, Australia and Russia, have historically issued provincial sub-domain TLDs to represent a site located in (or having information pertaining to) a province, territory or state: for example, www.domain.ab.ca for a site in Alberta, Canada. In the case of Canada, these are no longer issued.

历史上大多数具有联邦政府体制的国家(例如加拿大,澳大利亚和俄罗斯)都发布了省级子域TLD,以代表位于省,地区或州(或具有相关信息)的站点:例如, www .domain.ab.ca用于加拿大艾伯塔省的网站。 对于加拿大,将不再发布。

通用顶级域名 (Generic TLDs)

A popular alternative to a country TLD is the so-called generic top level domain. Most of these are available on the open market. The original generic TLDs consist of:

通用顶级域名是通用顶级域名的一种替代国家顶级域名的方法。 其中大多数可在公开市场上获得。 原始通用顶级域名(TLD)包括:


Intended for use by commercial institutions. Used by US companies, as an alliterative to .us; as a result, all four-letter and lower combinations before .com are taken, as well as most dictionary words.


Intended for telecommunication and network providers.


Intended for non-profit, non-government organizations.


Post-secondary educational institutions.




Government institutions and services.

顶级域名 目的

供商业机构使用。 由美国公司使用,用作.us的代名词 。 结果,.com之前的所有四个字母和更低的组合以及大多数词典单词都被采用。











.com, .net and .org TLD’s are openly available; the others require some degree of institutional verification before purchase. In the last decade, the following generic TLDs have been added:

.com.net.org TLD公开可用; 其他的则需要在购买前进行一定程度的机构验证。 在过去的十年中,添加了以下通用TLD:


Intended for the air transport and aerospace industries; registrar and informational site


Companies, organizations and individuals in the Asia-Pacific region


For businesses; an alternative to .com


Cooperative organizations; primary registrar


Company; another alternative to .com


Informational sites.


Sites related to jobs and employment


Intended for mobile sub sites; becoming less relevant with the increasing use of CSS3 media queries


For museums: primary registrar is about.museum


Intended for individuals and families


For the travel industry


Adult entertainment

顶级域名 目的

适用于航空运输和航空航天业; 注册商和信息站点




对于企业; .com的替代品


合作组织; 一级注册商


公司; .com的另一种选择






打算用于移动子站点; 随着越来越多的CSS3媒体查询使用而变得越来越不相关









With the exception of .info.name and .biz, these can be a little difficult to find and purchase; providers can be limited.

除了.info.name.biz之外 ,这些可能很难找到和购买。 提供者可能会受到限制。

On June 20 2011 ICANN, the international organization responsible for the top-level domain system, proposed hundreds of new TLDs, and an open bid system for new options (at an application cost of US$185,000), as a result, you’ll find many more options than those listed here: from .horse to .dating. However, the vast variety of new TLD’s are not commonly known by the public, can be confusing to visitors, and may be expensive to purchase: you should be careful in making a choice.

2011年6月20日,负责顶级域名系统的国际组织ICANN提议了数百个新的TLD,并提出了针对新选项的公开招标系统(申请费用为185,000美元),您会发现比这里列出的选项更多的选项:从.horse.dating 。 但是,新TLD种类繁多,公众并不普遍知道,这可能会使访问者感到困惑,并且购买起来可能会很昂贵:您在选择时应谨慎。

Once you have decided on the appropriate TLD for your site, you need to decide on a domain name, check if it is available, and purchase it. I’ve previously written some general rules for choosing domain names and suggested several domain registrars that you may wish to use.

确定适合您站点的TLD之后,您需要确定一个域名,检查其是否可用,然后购买。 之前,我已经写了一些选择域名的一般规则,并建议了一些您可能希望使用的域名注册商。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/353/Choosing-The-Right-Domain-Name-For-Your-Site-Understanding-The-Top-Level-Domain-System






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