Sometimes you need to block out the world in order to work. I find the best solution is to put on a solid pair of closed-cell headphones, like my beloved Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 250ohm headphones
有时,您需要屏蔽世界才能工作。 我发现最好的解决方案是戴上坚固的闭Kong耳机,例如我心爱的Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 250ohm耳机 ,然后播放一些好的音乐。 有了正确的曲调,我就可以潜入水中并工作数小时。
Sometimes, however, your MP3 player has died, or your iTunes library sounds a little stale, and searching for music on YouTube would be too much of a distraction. You want fresh playlists of music, with no ads or interruptions. In that case, I have a few suggestions:
但是有时候,您的MP3播放器已经死了,或者iTunes库听起来有些陈旧,而在YouTube上搜索音乐会太让人分心。 您想要新鲜的音乐播放列表,没有广告或打扰。 在这种情况下,我有一些建议:
(currently under reconstruction) has a bunch of playlists grouped by whatever mood you’re in or want to elicit.StereoMood (目前正在重建中)具有一堆播放列表,这些播放列表按您所处的状态或想要引起的心情进行分组。
8-Tracks会根据心情或主题( 单人舞会 , 游戏 , 感觉更好 )分类播放列表。
uses a neat graph – Calm to Energetic, Dark to Positive – to gauge your emotional level, and produces a music track to suit.Musicovery使用整洁的图表(从“冷静”到“精力充沛”,从“黑暗”到“积极”)来衡量您的情感水平,并制作适合的音乐曲目。
, a great showcase of independent musicians, has a similar, if more precise, mood range: party, happy, triply, crazy.thesixtyone是独立音乐家的绝佳展示,其情绪范围也差不多(如果更精确的话): 聚会 , 开心 , 三重 , 疯狂 。
I personally find heavily lyrical music distracts me from code or writing; give me instrumental tracks, classical to electronica, and I can develop for days. What about you? What's your favourite music to code or design to? Do you have a favourite site that feeds your musical need?
我个人发现抒情音乐会使我分心于代码或写作。 给我器乐轨,从古典到电子乐,我可以发展几天。 你呢? 您最喜欢编码或设计的音乐是什么? 您是否有一个喜欢的网站可以满足您的音乐需求?