


Just as with images, there is a production workflow to creating video. By necessity, I am holding the focus of this to productions achievable by those with “prosumer” or entry-level professional equipment: I will not have the opportunity to tell you how to shoot, edit and produce a Hollywood blockbuster.)

就像图像一样 ,有一个制作视频的生产工作流程。 必要时,我将重点放在具有“生产者”或入门级专业设备的人可以实现的作品上:我将没有机会告诉您如何拍摄,编辑和制作好莱坞大片。)

一般提示: (General tips:)

  • Make sure you can get video from the camera onto the computer and application(s) you want to use for editing. This step is often assumed to be true, and then found out not to be the case 24 hours before the project is due. Shoot 10 seconds of video and test it before doing anything else.

    确保您可以将视频从摄像机传输到要用于编辑的计算机和应用程序上。 通常认为此步骤是正确的,然后在项目到期前24小时发现情况并非如此。 拍摄10秒钟的视频并进行测试后再做其他事情

  • Shoot at the highest quality/resolution possible: while it’s possible to down-rez video, quality always suffers when you try to increase resolution after shooting.

  • Determine what your resolution is and stick to it. Make sure that all cameras use the same settings for resolution, fields/frames per second, codec, aspect ratio, etc. Prosumer cameras will not (as of this writing) have a lossless codec option for recording video, but you may be able to set the recording codec to a higher quality / less compression setting.

    确定您的分辨率并坚持下去。 确保所有摄像机使用相同的分辨率,每秒场数/帧数,编解码器,宽高比等设置。(截至撰写本文时)专业摄像机将没有无损编解码器选项来录制视频,但是您可以将录制编解码器设置为更高质量/更少压缩设置。

  • As much as possible, record audio separately, or with a separate mike. Microphones on prosumer cameras universally suck.

    尽可能单独录制音频,或使用单独的麦克风录制音频。 普通消费类相机上的麦克风普遍很烂。
  • Always shoot more footage than you think you will need.

  • Back up your footage: burn the raw footage to DVD or copy it to a hard drive.


Assemble your clips and resources together in the editor(s) you wish to use. When you are ready to output the final video:

在您要使用的编辑器中将片段和资源组装在一起。 准备输出最终视频时:

  • Make sure the resolution and frame rate is appropriate for the media you wish to use (DVD, Blu-Ray, web, etc).

  • Ensure that the height and width of your final output video is divisible by 32. (Most codecs work on 32 × 32 pixel blocks. If you have extra “half-blocks” of pixels the efficiency of the codec will be lowered substantially.)

  • Ensure that the codec you wish to use is appropriate for the media format. If in doubt, H.264 is usually your friend.

    确保您要使用的编解码器适合于媒体格式。 如有疑问,H.264通常是您的朋友。
  • Video Compression SettingsThe next step is vitally important:
    do not make the same mistake with compressing video that people make with JPEGs. That is, most people glance at the output compression settings for their video editor, see “high quality” at one end of a slider, mentally respond with “High quality? I want that!”, drag the slider to that end position, and output the video. They receive instant gratification, as output takes relatively little time. They do not realize that their final product is a huge file that will probably stutter in playback.

    在压缩视频时不要犯与使用JPEG时相同的错误。 也就是说,大多数人都将目光投向了视频编辑器的输出压缩设置,在滑块的一端看到了“高质量”,从心理上对“高质量? 我想要!”,将滑块拖动到该最终位置,然后输出视频。 他们收到即时的满足,因为输出只需要很少的时间。 他们没有意识到他们的最终产品是一个巨大的文件,可能会在播放时断断续续。

(A good rule of thumb: you are probably aware that most movie rips are 700MB in size. Most movies are 110 minutes in length. If you have a five minute video that is 1GB or more in size, you don’t know what the hell you are doing.)

(一条很好的经验法则:您可能知道大多数电影片段的大小为700MB。大多数电影的长度为110分钟。如果您的5分钟视频的大小为1GB或更大,则您不知道你在干嘛。 )

So what do you do instead? The same thing you should do when compressing bitmap images as JPEGs: move that “quality” slider (which should really be labeled “level of compression”, with “no compression” on the right) towards the left, to approximately the 20% position. Most video editors will offer a preview mode of the output of the video under the currently chosen settings. Use it, paying particular attention to the quality of scenes with high color contrast (white on black, red on white, etc) or fast movement. (If the editor does not feature a preview, set the in and out points of your video around short scenes with the qualities I have mentioned and export these clips to test for quality). If the video output is acceptable quality, move the slider down another 5% (if unacceptable, up 5%) and look again. Balance visual quality with optimum compression, choose compression settings for the audio track at the same time using similar metrics, then output the video at your chosen settings.

那你该怎么办呢? 将位图图像压缩为JPEG时,您应该执行相同的操作:将“质量”滑块(应真正标记为“压缩级别”,右侧为“无压缩”)移至大约 20%的位置。 大多数视频编辑器将在当前选择的设置下提供视频输出的预览模式。 使用它时,请特别注意具有高色彩对比度(黑底白字,红底白字等)或快速移动的场景的质量。 (如果编辑器没有预览功能,请使用我提到的质量在短场景周围设置视频的入点和出点,并导出这些剪辑以测试质量)。 如果视频输出质量可以接受,则将滑块再下移5%(如果不可接受,则上移5%),然后再次查看。 在视觉质量和最佳压缩之间取得平衡,使用相似的指标同时选择音轨的压缩设置, 然后以您选择的设置输出视频。

High compression settings will result in a small file size with smooth playback, but will take time to achieve. Make sure you manage your editing schedule to complete this process.

较高的压缩设置将导致文件较小,并且可以流畅地播放,但是要花一些时间才能实现。 确保管理您的编辑时间表以完成此过程。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/105/Web-Multimedia-Video-Workflow-Tips






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