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原创 http://www.sepcot.com/blog/2007/04/SVN-Merge-Branch-Trunk


2010-08-10 13:27:43 143

原创 grok


2010-08-07 14:37:11 123

原创 How to limit ssh access to specific users or groups

posted on may 6, 2008 in howto, linux with 1 comment Its sometimes necessary to limit who has access to a server via SSH. Most Linux security hardening checklist today require this to be enforced....

2010-08-07 13:16:41 125

原创 python using virtualenv with django

* sudo easy_install -U setuptools* easy_install virtualenv or easy_install-2.6 virtualenv for python2.6* virtualenv --no-site-packages viren* source viren/bin/activate* easy_install django* ...

2010-08-07 11:44:09 94

原创 Understanding UNIX permissions and chmod


2010-07-10 18:47:08 92

原创 Subversion Auto Properties

At cf.Objective() I attended "Subversion for Smarties - Do More With Subversion" given by Cameron Childress and it was a good presentation. I picked up a few things that I didn't know before like chan...

2010-07-10 17:14:32 184

原创 the feature of enterprise application

Enterprise Application Features:[list][*]enterprise application involve persistent data[*]a lot of data[*]access data concurrently[*]a lot of user interface screens[*]integrate with other ...

2010-06-03 11:11:44 106

原创 zend framework

zend framework

2010-06-01 22:46:00 134

原创 How can I optimize my include_path?

How can I optimize my include_path?One trivial optimization you can do to increase the speed of class loading is to pay careful attention to your include_path. In particular, you should do four th...

2010-06-01 09:56:55 79

原创 Tuning PHP’s Realpath Cache

Today I learned about the (relatively new) realpath_cache_size and realpath_cache_ttl php.ini directives, which were added in PHP 5.1.0.PHP 5.1.x and up caches the real path of include files, thus...

2010-06-01 09:55:56 104

convert array to object in php

2009-11-24 22:21:16 87

php 5.2.11 mysql 5.1 apache 2.2.14 mysql pdo memory can not read solution

php 5.2.11 mysql 5.1 apache 2.2.14 mysql pdo memory can not read solutiontroubleshooting memory can not readcopy php/libmysql.dll into apache/bin/ dirrestart apache 2.2.14 everything should be...

2009-11-18 10:40:43 84

原创 php meta programming

2009-11-09 10:51:36 109

原创 svn patch howto

svn diff > ~/fix_ugly_bug.diffIn the root of your application now run:patch -p0 -i ~/fix_ugly_bug.diff

2009-10-30 12:40:56 75

原创 django orm standalone how to

from django.conf import settingssettings.configure(DATABASE_ENGINE="mysql", DATABASE_HOST="localhost", DATABASE_NAME="my_database", DATABA...

2009-10-16 10:03:09 84

undefined reference to `libiconv_open' compile php 5.3.0 error solution

CFLAGS="-liconv" ./configure && make && make installor ./configure --with-iconv=/usr/local && make && make install

2009-10-10 10:48:14 75

so library can not find

ldconfig /usr/local/lib

2009-10-09 15:26:14 128

原创 pydev eclipse window python development how to

http://www.moppeblog.net/2008/12/09/getting-started-with-python-and-eclipse-on-windows/pydev eclipse window python how to

2008-12-09 21:50:47 66

原创 django debug how

On the other hand a quick list for myself in case the blog post disappears: 1. using “assert False” in your views will raise the default debug output in the browser we all know when something go...

2008-08-02 02:44:08 96

quixote app with nginx fastcgi redirect problem

[b]quixote app with nginx fastcgi redirect problem[/b]if you want to run quixote app with nginx fastcgiyou need patch the publish.py filesearch with "request.get_environ('PATH_INFO', '')"t...

2008-07-23 01:33:31 113

quixote how set default charset to utf-8

[code="python"]from quixote.http_response import HTTPResponseHTTPResponse.DEFAULT_CHARSET = 'UTF-8'orimport quixotequixote.DEFAULT_CHARSET = 'UTF-8'[/code]

2008-07-20 03:31:46 62

python how to get current function name

[code="python"]#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport inspectdef current_fun_name(): return inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]if __name__ == '__main__': print curre...

2008-07-20 01:54:46 260

原创 how to rebuild a Debian / Ubuntu package

Q. I'd like to rebuild a Debian / Ubuntu package called foo with additional option. How do I recompile .deb packages?A. To build a Debian package, you need the following packages / software instal...

2008-07-20 00:56:07 159

ptl can not work with mysqldb

recently i'm working on quixote.the default template for quixote is ptl. but if seem that ptl cannot work with mysqldb. import MySQLdbfrom quixote import enable_ptlenable_ptl()i don't kn...

2008-07-16 14:18:07 90

web development with quixote note

make sure all files save as unix formatotherwise you'll get some thing wrong with ptl

2008-07-16 00:38:38 59

how does mysql create temporary table?

[b]how does mysql create temporary table?[/b]if you running GROUP BY and some other kinds of queries MySQL needs to create temporary tables, which can be created in memory, using MEMORY storage engi...

2008-06-02 00:14:28 69

ror app server thin "unable to delete epoll event"

ror app server thin "unable to delete epoll event"that bug is cause by eventmachineyou need upgrade to eventmachine 0.11 versionhere is upgrade codesudo gem install eventmachine --source h...

2008-05-29 14:52:35 79

linux command tee

do you know tee?samplecat access.log | grep -i 'bot' | tee ~/bot.log

2008-05-25 22:18:39 97



2008-05-15 13:04:01 85

ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy can not disable ipv6

okubuntu 7.10 gutsy cannot disable ipv6add this text to the end of /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist[code="java"]install ipv6 /bin/true[/code]then[code="java"]reboot[/code]normally disable ipv6 ...

2008-05-07 14:01:50 182

ubuntu firewall shorewall quickstart

1.apt-get install shorewall2.cp /usr/share/doc/shorewall/default-config/policy /etc/shorewall/policycp /usr/share/doc/shorewall/default-config/rules /etc/shorewall/rulescp /usr/share/doc/sho...

2008-05-05 23:06:43 132

what does linux load average mean?

ok first how can we get load average info from linuxuse uptime cmd also you can get that info by top cmdthe output will be:19:11:40 up 6 days, 3:04, 2 users, load average: 5.55, 3.17, 2.34...

2008-04-28 19:32:52 75

soft raid on ubuntu 7.10

today I decide setup soft raid with my new 1u boxthe hardware config is:amd 4400 cpu 64bitharddisk 2 * sata 250g8gb ramfinally I decide to setup ubuntu 7.10 on my boxthough gentoo maybe ...

2008-04-26 00:52:52 62

the drawback of rails action cache

rails action cache can help performance a lotbut there is a drawback with action cache, it just can output text/html header content-type, eg: can not output text/xml header content-type for your b...

2008-04-24 01:56:43 72

centos 5 x86 with 4gb ram how to

centos 5 x86 default do not support 4gb memorythere is a way to solve thattry to install kernel with PAE supportcmd:yum install kernel-PAE kernel-PAE-develchanging one line in /etc/gru...

2008-04-22 16:22:35 58

rails performance optimization

rails performance optimization1.Algorithmic improvements always beat code tweaks2.As a general rule, maintainability beats performance3.Only optimize what matters4.Measure twice, cut onceI...

2008-04-22 03:01:15 70

new rails app server thin

gem install thinnew rails app server thinthin is better than mongrel, cos it use event-machine with mongrel c parse enginealso you can use thin with nginx

2008-03-25 01:33:55 59

rails 电子书下载


2008-03-13 21:16:33 125

linux trick truncate log file

How to truncate a log file using LinuxHave you ever wanted to truncate a log file that was being written to by a running process without stopping the process to do so?If so then all you need i...

2008-02-17 12:37:01 87

compile mysql by myself

CFLAGS="-O3 -mpentiumpro -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe" CXX=gcc CXXFLAGS="-O3 -mpentiumpro -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe" ./configure --prefix=/home/mysql --en...

2008-01-27 01:54:18 74



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