


The File Transfer Protocol or FTP is a network protocol used to transfer files between hosts or computers. FTP protocol is created as a client-server model where the server serves the files and different single or multiple clients can connect to the server and download or upload files. FTP first created as a command-line protocol where the client connects to the FTP server via command line and files on the server are listed in a command-line interface by using different FTP commands.

File Transfer ProtocolFTP是用于在主机或计算机之间传输文件的网络协议。 FTP协议被创建为客户端-服务器模型,其中服务器为文件提供服务,并且不同的单个或多个客户端可以连接到服务器并下载或上传文件。 FTP首先创建为命令行协议,客户端通过命令行连接到FTP服务器,并且使用不同的FTP命令在命令行界面中列出服务器上的文件。

FTP历史 (FTP History)

FTP history goes back to 1971 where the Unix operating system creation era. In the 1970s the TCP/UDP protocol doesn’t exist and NCP protocol was popular. FTP protocol is developed by the Abhay Bhushan with the RFC 114. As you expect the FTP protocol is one the first protocol created by the IETF or RFC community. With the emerge of the TCP/UDP protocol suite new version of the FTP standard has been published with the RFC 765 in 1980 and updated to RFC 959 in 1985. The current version and extensions of the FTP has been published with the RFC 1579, RFC 2228, RFC 2428.

FTP的历史可以追溯到1971年,即Unix操作系统创建时代。 在1970年代,TCP / UDP协议不存在,NCP协议开始流行。 FTP协议是由Abhay Bhushan用RFC 114开发的。正如您所期望的,FTP协议是IETF或RFC社区创建的第一个协议。 随着TCP / UDP协议套件的出现,FTP标准的新版本已于1980年与RFC 765一起发布,并于1985年更新为RFC959。FTP的当前版本和扩展已与RFC 1579,RFC一起发布。 2228,RFC 2428。

FTP如何工作? (How FTP Works?)

FTP works as client and server model where the server is listening for TCP port 21 and the client connects to this TCP port 21. During the connection, if the configured FTP server can ask for login credentials like username and password. When the authentication phase is passed the client will see the root path of the FTP server. The client can list, navigate, download or upload files and folders to and from the FTP server with FTP commands but most of the users prefer GUI based FTP clients for easier operation without typing a command and only using the mouse.

FTP作为客户端和服务器模型,其中服务器正在侦听TCP端口21,客户端连接到该TCP端口21。在连接期间,是否已配置的FTP服务器可以要求登录凭据(例如用户名和密码)。 通过身份验证阶段后,客户端将看到FTP服务器的根路径。 客户端可以使用FTP命令在FTP服务器上列出,浏览,下载文件或从FTP服务器上载文件和文件夹,但是大多数用户更喜欢基于GUI的FTP客户端,以便在不键入命令且仅使用鼠标的情况下更轻松地进行操作。

什么是FTP端口? (What is FTP Port?)

FTP uses TCP ports 20 and 21 by default. But for different versions and FTP related ports uses following port numbers.

FTP默认使用TCP端口20和21。 但是对于不同版本和与FTP相关的端口,请使用以下端口号。

  • BFTP uses port 152 which is not so popular

  • FTP over TSL/SSL encryption uses port numbers 989 and 990

    通过TSL / SSL加密的FTP使用端口号989和990
  • NI FTP uses port 47

    NI FTP使用端口47
  • RSFTP uses port 26

  • SFTP is another secure FTP implementation uses port 115

  • TFTP is downgraded version of FTP uses UDP port 69


FTP数据类型 (FTP Data Types)

As a data transfer protocol FTP provides different data types to be transferred. At the time the FTP protocol is created text files are popular with ASCII and EBCDIC encoding and related data types are created to transfer this type of data. FTP data types are listed below where the image or binary mode is the most popular.

作为数据传输协议,FTP提供了不同的数据类型进行传输。 在创建FTP协议时,文本文件以ASCII和EBCDIC编码流行,并且创建了相关的数据类型以传输此类数据。 FTP数据类型在下面列出,其中图像或二进制模式最为流行。

ASCII or TYPE A data type is a simple text where data is encoded with the ASCII format and transferred one by one as character.

ASCII or TYPE A数据类型是一种简单的文本,其中数据以ASCII格式编码并作为字符一个接一个地传输。

IMAGE or TYPE A or Binary is the most popular data tye where data is transferred as byte by byte and the encoding is not important which can be an image or executable or a zip file etc.

IMAGE or TYPE A or Binary是最流行的数据类型,其中数据按字节传输,并且编码不重要,它可以是图像,可执行文件或zip文件等。

EBCDIC or TYPE E data type is created for EBCDIC formatted text files.

为EBCDIC格式的文本文件创建了EBCDIC or TYPE E数据类型。

LOCAL or TYPE L n data type is created to transfer data as byte but different sizes like 8 bit, 16, bit etc. It is like an extension to the IMAGE or TYPE A.

LOCAL or TYPE L n数据类型是为了以字节为单位传输数据,但大小不同,如8位,16位等。这就像对IMAGE或TYPE A的扩展。

FTP数据传输模式 (FTP Data Transfer Modes)

FTP provides following data transfer modes.


Stream mode (MODE S) is designed to transfer data as a continuoes data stream and processes with the TCP protocol. Currently this mode is not used.

Stream mode (MODE S)用于将数据作为连续数据流进行传输,并使用TCP协议进行处理。 当前不使用此模式。

Block mode (MODE B) is desifned for transferring record-oriented files. This is the most popular and defacto data transfer mode.

Block mode (MODE B)被指定用于传输面向记录的文件。 这是最流行和实际的数据传输模式。

Compressed Mode (MODE C) is designed to transfer data in a compressed manner to save bandwidth.

Compressed Mode (MODE C)设计为以压缩方式传输数据以节省带宽。

FTP安全 (FTP Security)

FTP is an old and clear text protocol where the data transferred between the FTP client and server and there is no security mechanism to protect the transmission between client and server by default. Especially in the 1980s and 1990s, the security threats were fewer but in the 2000s there are a lot of security threats increased a lot. Some security mechanisms like authentication and encryption are added to the FTP protocol.

FTP是一种古老的明文协议,其中FTP客户端和服务器之间传输的数据没有默认的安全机制来保护客户端和服务器之间的传输。 特别是在1980年代和1990年代,安全威胁较少,但在2000年代,许多安全威胁却大量增加。 一些安全机制(如身份验证和加密)已添加到FTP协议中。

匿名FTP (Anonymous FTP)

Anonymous FTP is a popular method in order to provide FTP access to all users without different usernames with any provided password. The username for the anonymous FTP is anonymous which is used as a user ID. Generally, the password will be automatically provided by the FTP server or accepts any provided password and the FTP client software use this returned password for the anonymous user. Below you can find an anonymous FTP user login steps and communication. We can see that the user-provided email address is accepted as a password even it is not valid.

匿名FTP是一种流行的方法,目的是为所有用户提供FTP访问,而无需使用任何提供的密码来使用不同的用户名。 匿名FTP的用户名是匿名的,用作用户ID。 通常,该密码将由FTP服务器自动提供或接受任何提供的密码,并且FTP客户端软件会将此返回的密码用于匿名用户。 在下面,您可以找到匿名FTP用户的登录步骤和通信。 我们可以看到用户提供的电子邮件地址被接受为密码,即使该密码无效。

220 The date and time is Fri May 26 18:03:03 2005
Name (ftp.poftut:erpl08): anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your email address as password.
Password: enter your email address
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-ftp-file-transfer-protocol/






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