
DLL(Dynamic Link Library)是微软平台上的共享库技术,允许多个程序共享代码和资源,减少内存使用和简化部署。DLL文件有Load-time和Run-time两种类型,但也会引发如文件缺失或版本不兼容的错误。常见的DLL文件如msf42u.dll是Windows系统的基础组件。了解DLL有助于优化程序性能和解决相关错误。


Dynamic Link Library or DLL is a term used to describe the shared library concept on the Microsoft platforms. DLL is a technology and file format created to pack libraries in an easily share and useable format by Microsoft. DLL files generally have the *.dll file extensions in general bu .ocx and *.drv can be used for different cases. Also, DLL files have application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable MIME or internet media type.

Dynamic Link LibraryDLL是一个术语,用于描述Microsoft平台上的共享库概念。 DLL是一种技术和文件格式,旨在通过Microsoft轻松共享和使用的格式来打包库。 DLL文件通常具有* .dll文件扩展名,通常bu .ocx和* .drv可用于不同情况。 此外,DLL文件具有application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable MIME或Internet媒体类型。

DLL是什么? (Wath Is DLL?)

DLL files are also named as Shared Libraries because they provide some code that can be shared by multiple executables or processes in the same type without duplicating the library. Actually the name dynamic link library explains the concept or the DLL files very well. These files are library files that can contain libraries, codes, images, data, and different resources that can be linked or used by other applications dynamically multiple times without extra effort.

DLL文件也称为Shared Libraries因为它们提供了一些代码,这些代码可以由相同类型的多个可执行文件或进程共享,而无需复制库。 实际上,名称动态链接库很好地解释了该概念或DLL文件。 这些文件是库文件,可以包含库,代码,图像,数据和其他资源,这些资源可以被其他应用动态多次链接或使用,而无需额外的精力。

DLL files are different then executable or *.exe files. Executable files can be run directly but the DLL files should be important and called by another executable file which is an indirect way.

DLL文件不同于可执行文件或*.exe文件。 可执行文件可以直接运行,但DLL文件应该很重要,并由另一个可执行文件调用,这是一种间接方式。

DLL的优势 (DLL Advantages)

Before the DLL files emerge there was different mechnisms in order to use libraries and resources. DLL files introduced following advantages.

在DLL文件出现之前,为了使用库和资源,存在不同的机制。 DLL文件引入了以下优点。

Less Resources Usage : In generaly a lot of different executable files oor programs requires popular libraries to run. DLL files are design to be used without duplication and single DLL files can be used byy muktiple applications efficiently.

Less Resources Usage :通常,许多不同的可执行文件或程序需要流行的库才能运行。 DLL文件设计为不重复使用,单个DLL文件可被多个应用程序有效使用。

Modular Architecture : DLL helps to create modular applications where single library can be used different components and linked easily.

Modular Architecture :DLL帮助创建模块化应用程序,在该应用程序中,单个库可用于不同的组件并轻松链接。

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Ease Deployment and Installation: DLL makes it possible to update the executable file or programming update easily just updating the executable file without change any DDL file or update DLL file without modifying the executable files and programs.

Ease Deployment and Installation :使用DLL可以轻松更新可执行文件或进行程序更新,而无需更改任何DDL文件即可更新可执行文件,或者无需修改可执行文件和程序即可更新DLL文件。

DLL类型 (DLL Types)

There is two type of DLL file: Load-time Dynamic Linking and Run-time Dynamic Linking

DLL文件有两种类型: Load-time Dynamic LinkingRun-time Dynamic Linking

DLL错误 (DLL Errors)

DLL files are very popular with the DLL Errors. As DLL files are heavily used in Windows operating systems a lot of different type of errors occurs about them. Below we will list and explain some of the most popular DLL errors.

DLL文件在DLL Errors中非常流行。 由于DLL文件在Windows操作系统中大量使用,因此会发生许多不同类型的错误。 下面我们将列出并解释一些最流行的DLL错误。

Missing DDL or Not Found DLL file is the most popular error which is result of non existing DLL file of the DLL file version is not compatible and different then the executable file expecting.

Missing DDLNot Found DLL文件是最常见的错误,这是由于DLL文件版本不存在而导致的DLL文件不兼容且与可执行文件所期望的不同。

常见的DLL文件 (Common DLL Files)

Windows platform and operating system contains a lot of DLL files but some of them are using by a lot of different executables and programs. Below we will list some of the common DLL files.

Windows平台和操作系统包含许多DLL文件,但是其中一些正由许多​​不同的可执行文件和程序使用。 下面我们将列出一些常见的DLL文件。

msf42u.dll is the Microsoft Foundation Class library which requires Windows applications to run properly. It is used by Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 heavily and located under the operating system System32 directory like C:\Windows\System32 .

msf42u.dll是Microsoft基础类库,需要Windows应用程序才能正常运行。 Windows XP,Windows Vista和Windows 7大量使用它,并且它位于操作系统System32目录下,例如C:\Windows\System32

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-dll-dynamic-link-library-file/






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