
Computer Programming is the act of creating programs, software, and applications. In order to create computer programs, some programming or scripting language is used by providing instructions. Even computer programming generally referred to as creating instructions there are extra duties to accomplish computer programming act. Even term in computer programming the programming act can be beyond the computer where the created software or program can be run on different platforms or hardware like mobile devices, iOS, Android, iPhone, iPad, SmartTV, etc.

Computer Programming是创建程序,软件和应用程序的行为。 为了创建计算机程序,通过提供指令来使用某些编程或脚本语言。 即使通常被称为创建指令的计算机程序,也要完成计算机程序。 甚至在计算机编程中,编程行为可能超出了计算机的范围,在该计算机上,可以在不同的平台或硬件(例如移动设备,iOS,Android,iPhone,iPad,SmartTV等)上运行所创建的软件或程序。

计算机编程历史 (Computer Programming History)

Even modern computers are created in 1950’s where programming languages roots goes to 9th century.


  • In 1206 Arab engineer Al-Jazari invented the programmable drum machine with some musical automation.

  • Also, Arab mathematician Al-Kindi described the cryptographic algorithms in the 9th century.

  • The first computer program is created by Ada Lovelace to calculate Bernoulli numbers in 1843.

    第一个计算机程序是由Ada Lovelace创建的,用于在1843年计算伯努利数。
  • In the 1880s Herman Hollerith invented storing data in machine-readable form.

    在1880年代,Herman Hollerith发明了以机器可读形式存储数据的方法。
  • In 1906 Type I Tabulator allowed to accomplish different calculation jobs.

  • The modern computer programming era started with IBM 602 and IBM 604 by the late 1940s.

    现代计算机编程时代始于1940年代后期的IBM 602和IBM 604。
  • The machine code was the default and only programming language which is generally developed with binary notation.

  • In the early 1950s Assembly language is created to create single development language for multiple systems and architectures.

  • First high-level programming languages like Fortran, Cobol, Lisp are created in 1957.

  • One of the most popular programming language C is created in 1970 in order yo developed operating system named Unix.

  • With the popularity of the Personal Computers (PC) new and modern programming languages are emerged in the 1980s and 1990s like Java, Python, PHP, Ruby etc.

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学习计算机编程 (Learning Computer Programming)

Computer Programming is generally referred to as technical work. In order to create enterprise-level and reliable computer programs some experience, knowledge, and talent is required. If you are unfamiliar with computer programming first take some paid or free courses and make real-world small projects like calculator, item manager, student information management.

Computer Programming通常被称为技术工作。 为了创建企业级和可靠的计算机程序,需要一些经验,知识和才能。 如果您不熟悉计算机编程,请先学习一些付费或免费课程,并进行一些真实的小型项目,例如计算器,项目管理器,学生信息管理。

The most important tip for learning a programming language is making real-life projects and looking for good code examples to implement these learning projects.


计算机程序设计语言 (Computer Programming Languages)

In order to program computer software a platform and programming should be selected without a programming language, there is no way to programming. Programming language defined the rules and methods to create software. There are a lot of computer programming languages but some of them are very broad and popular. Also, some programming languages suit well for some computer software. Below we will explain and describe some popular programming languages to create computer programs. Following graphic shows the most popular programming languages of 2019.

为了对计算机软件进行编程,应该在没有编程语言的情况下选择平台和编程,因此无法进行编程。 编程语言定义了创建软件的规则和方法。 有许多计算机编程语言,但其中一些语言非常广泛且流行。 另外,某些编程语言非常适合某些计算机软件。 下面我们将解释和描述一些流行的编程语言来创建计算机程序。 下图显示了2019年最受欢迎的编程语言。

Computer Programming Languages Popularity in 2019

Java is one of the most popular programming languages which is the top one according to this graph. Java is created in the 1990s and used in enterprise software from banking to web applications.

Java是最流行的编程语言之一,在此图中,它是排名第一的语言。 Java创建于1990年代,用于从银行业务到Web应用程序的企业软件。

C language is another popular programming language where system-level software like operating systems, drivers, services are created. C is popularly used for no interface or GUI applications mainly.

C语言是另一种流行的编程语言,用于创建诸如操作系统,驱动程序,服务之类的系统级软件。 C主要主要用于没有接口或GUI应用程序。

Python is easy to learn and human-friendly programming language which is also called a scripting language. Python is mainly used for server-side and big data applications but the library support is very wide.

Python易于学习,并且是人性化的编程语言,也称为脚本语言。 Python主要用于服务器端和大数据应用程序,但库支持非常广泛。

C++ is an advanced version of the C programming language where mainly object-oriented features with some useful libraries are provided. C++ is used for low-level applications with some high performance required applications like graphic design, driver, etc.

C++是C编程语言的高级版本,主要提供带有一些有用库的面向对象功能。 C ++用于具有某些高性能要求的应用程序(例如图形设计,驱动程序等)的低级应用程序。

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C#is a programming language that is created by Microsoft for the .NET platform. C# provides similar features and use cases like Java with more modern features and usage. C# mainly used for Microsoft based operating systems and platforms even it supports Linux.

C#是Microsoft为.NET平台创建的一种编程语言。 C#提供了类似的功能和用例,例如Java,具有更现代的功能和用法。 C#主要用于基于Microsoft的操作系统和平台,甚至支持Linux。

Visual Basic.NET is the next version of the Visual Basic programming languages which is an alternative .NET programming language. Visual Basic.NET is the sister of the C# and was mainly designed to be an easy entry for old-style Visual Basic coders.

Visual Basic.NET是Visual Basic编程语言的下一版本,它是替代的.NET编程语言。 Visual Basic.NET是C#的姊妹,主要设计成对老式Visual Basic编码器来说是简单的输入。

JavaScript is a defacto web browser programming language mainly used with HTML and CSS to make the web applications and sites interactive and work as a desktop application.


PHPis a web application development language that runs on web servers. PHP is very popular where can be also used other than web.

PHP是一种在Web服务器上运行的Web应用程序开发语言。 PHP非常流行,除Web之外还可以使用。

编码与编程 (Coding vs Programming)

Even there is a debate between coding and programming whether they are the same or different. Or coding is a lightweight version or programming and programmers generally write better and more reliable code. Actually there is no difference where coding and programming terms are the same which is mainly used the act of creating code or program. May be programming is the broader definition which refers to a more complete program or software creation.

甚至在编码和编程之间是否存在相同或不同的争论。 或编码是轻量级版本或编程,程序员通常编写更好,更可靠的代码。 实际上,在编码和编程术语相同的地方没有什么区别,它们主要用于创建代码或程序。 可能是编程是更广泛的定义,指的是更完整的程序或软件的创建。

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-computer-programming/





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