什么是空白? 如何添加或删除有关:空白?

about:blank is used to set the browser page or tab as an empty page. It is very popularly used for different browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer.

about:blank用于将浏览器页面或选项卡设置为空白页面。 它广泛用于各种浏览器,例如Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox,Apple Safari,Microsoft Edge和Internet Explorer。

First it may seem it is an error but it is not an error to see the address bar with about:blank and the content of the page completely white or empty.


什么是空白? (What Is about:blank?)

“about:” is a browser command typed into the address bar where different settings and configurations of the browser can be accessed and set. “about:blank” is one of them where the current web page content will be set as blank or nothing.

“关于:”是在地址栏中键入的浏览器命令,可在其中访问和设置浏览器的不同设置和配置。 “ about:blank”是其中之一,其中当前网页内容将设置为空白或不设置任何内容。

about:blank Empty Web Page

Alternatively the “about:” can be used to open settings with the “about:config” like below. Or “about:downloads” will open the download list for the current browser.

另外,“ about:”可用于打开带有“ about:config”的设置,如下所示。 或“ about:downloads”将打开当前浏览器的下载列表。


关于:空白错误?(Is about:blank An Error?)

You may as that is “about:blank” an error? Normally it is not an error. It is just a useful feature provided by the browsers for different use cases. But in some rare situations it may be the result of the malware of virus if it is opened again and again automatically without the user intension.

您可能因为“ about:blank”是一个错误? 通常这不是错误。 这只是浏览器针对不同用例提供的有用功能。 但是在极少数情况下,如果在没有用户意图的情况下一次又一次地自动打开病毒,则可能是病毒恶意软件的结果。

关于:空白病毒或恶意软件? (Is About:Blank A Virus or Malware?)

As stated previous part “about:blank” is not a virus or malware. It is just a feature of the modern day browsers to provide user to set his start page. But in rare cases the “about:blank” can be the result of the virus or malware. If the web browsers start automatically and opens multiple “about:blank” pages in a crazy mood you should scan your computer for virus or malware.

如前所述,“ about:blank”不是病毒或恶意软件。 这是现代浏览器的一个功能,可为用户提供设置其起始页面的功能。 但是在极少数情况下,“ about:blank”可能是病毒或恶意软件的结果。 如果网络浏览器自动启动并以疯狂的心情打开多个“ about:blank”页面,则应扫描计算机以查找病毒或恶意软件。

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了解更多如何清除/删除Android Google Chrome历史记录?

为什么要使用about:blank? (Why Use about:blank?)

As “about:blank” is just a blank web page without any code, content or script why should be use “about:blank”? Well there are different cases where “about:blank” is very useful and using it will provide some advantages.

由于“ about:blank”只是空白网页,没有任何代码,内容或脚本,为什么应该使用“ about:blank”? 好吧,在不同的情况下,“ about:blank”非常有用,使用它会带来一些好处。

  • Open a new tab very fast without loading a web page which will take some time.

  • Open a clean new tab to start surfing.

  • Preventing to show or hide regularly visited web pages which will be shown.

  • Preventing bandwidth usage with an empty web page at the start.

  • Preventing Google Search as the start page of the browser.

  • Make your homepage a blank screen.


设置为:空白Google Chrome浏览器 (Set about:blank For Google Chrome)

From Google Chrome menu Settings or just type “chrome://settings/” to the address bar. From the “On startup” part select “Open a specific page or set of pages” like below.

在Google Chrome浏览器的菜单Settings或仅在地址栏中输入“ chrome:// settings /”。 从“启动时”部分选择“打开特定页面或页面集”,如下所示。

Set the “Site URL” as “about:blank” like below and then click to the “Add” button.


Newly added “about:blank” will be listed as start page.

新添加的“ about:blank”将列为开始页面。

Set about:blank For Google Chrome
设置为:空白Google Chrome浏览器

设置为:空白对于Mozilla Firefox(Set about:blank For Mozilla Firefox)

Open the Mozilla Firefox settings from menu or just type “about:preferences” to the address bar. Then from left sidebar click to “Home” whereyou will see the followin screen.

从菜单中打开Mozilla Firefox设置,或在地址栏中输入“ about:preferences”。 然后从左侧边栏单击到“主页”,您将在其中看到后续屏幕。

From the “Homepage and new windows” configuration select the “Blank Page” which is equal to “about:config”. Alternatively you can put a “Custom URLs” and type “about:config”.

从“主页和新窗口”配置中,选择“空白页”,它等于“ about:config”。 或者,您可以放置​​“自定义URL”并键入“ about:config”。

Set about:blank For Mozilla Firefox
设置为:空白对于Mozilla Firefox

设置为:空白Safari (Set about:blank For Safari)

For Apple Safari browser click to Preferences->General which will open following general configuration screen. From “Homepage” set the value as “about:blank”.

对于Apple Safari浏览器,请单击Preferences -> General ,这将在常​​规配置屏幕后打开。 在“主页”中,将值设置为“ about:blank”。

Set about:blank For Safari

设置关于:空白对于Microsoft Edge / Internet Explorer (Set about:blank For Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer)

First of all, you shouldn’t be using the old Internet Explorer. Open the Microsoft Edge browser and then from Edge menu click to “View advanced settings” like below.

首先,您不应该使用旧的Internet Explorer。 打开Microsoft Edge浏览器,然后从Edge菜单中单击如下所示的“查看高级设置”。

From the page configuration select “A specific Page” which will open a text are where we will put “about:blank”. The last step we will save by clicking the diskette icon.

从页面配置中选择“特定页面”,这将打开一个文本,我们将在其中放置“ about:blank”。 单击磁盘图标将保存的最后一步。

Set about:blank For Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer
设置关于:空白对于Microsoft Edge / Internet Explorer

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-aboutblank-how-to-add-or-remove-about-blank/





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