如何格式化硬盘(Windows 10、8、7,XP)?

In order to use a disk, you need to create a partition and format it with Windows supported file system like NTFS, Fat32, etc. File systems are used to put data into the disk in a structured manner. We can format a drive or partition easily by using the Disk Management tool.

为了使用磁盘,您需要创建一个分区并使用Windows支持的文件系统(例如NTFS,Fat32等)对其进行格式化。文件系统用于以结构化的方式将数据放入磁盘。 我们可以使用Disk Management工具轻松格式化驱动器或分区。

打开磁盘管理工具 (Open Disk Management Tool)

Even we can use different tools for format Disk Management tool provides useful features and GUI. We will open the disk management tool. We can open the disk management tool from the Start menu by typing the disk management tool where Create and format hard disk partitions from Control Panel will be listed below. We will just open it.

甚至我们可以使用不同的工具来格式化磁盘管理工具提供有用的功能和GUI。 我们将打开磁盘管理工具。 通过键入磁盘管理工具,可以从“开始”菜单中打开磁盘管理工具,其中将在下面列出“通过Control Panel Create and format hard disk partitions 。 我们将打开它。

Open Disk Management Tool From Start Menu

Alternatively, we can open the disk management tool from Start Menu or Run menu with the following command.


Open Disk Management Tool From Run Menu

格式化新添加的磁盘(Format Newly Added Disk )

If there is all ready uninitialized disk this disk will be shown to us automatically with the following dialog box. We will be asked to initialize the disk with a specific partition scheme or style Master Boot Record (MBR) or GUID Partition Table (GPT). MBR is an old-style scheme that can be used for the drives up to 2TB. Drives that are bigger than 2TB are not supported. GPT is a newer partitioning scheme where drives that are bigger than 2TB also supported without a problem. As the newly added disk does not format it is named as in Disk 1 this case.

如果准备好所有未初始化的磁盘,则会通过以下对话框自动向我们显示该磁盘。 我们将要求您使用特定的分区方案或样式的主启动记录(MBR)或GUID分区表(GPT)初始化磁盘。 MBR是一种老式方案,可用于高达2TB的驱动器。 不支持大于2TB的驱动器。 GPT是一种更新的分区方案,其中还支持大于2TB的驱动器而没有问题。 由于新添加的磁盘未格式化,因此在磁盘1中被命名为磁盘。

Initialize Newly Added Disk

The new disk partition scheme set properly and shown in the disk management like below as Disk 1. But we can see that it is unallocated which means not formatted. Also, its size is 59.98GB.

新的磁盘分区方案已正确设置,并在磁盘管理中显示为以下Disk 1 。 但是我们可以看到它是未分配的,这意味着未格式化。 另外,它的大小是59.98GB。

Unformatted Disk

In order to start the format process, we will right-click to the unformatted disk named Disk 1 where we will see a menu. We will click to the New Simple Volume which means we will format this disk as a simple volume.

为了开始格式化过程,我们将右键单击名为Disk 1的未格式化磁盘,然后将在其中看到一个菜单。 我们将单击“ New Simple Volume ,这意味着我们将把该磁盘格式化为简单卷。

Start Disk Format with New Simple Volume

The New Simple Volume Wizard will start like below. This screen provides simple information about the format operation. We will click to the Next.

New Simple Volume Wizard将如下所示启动。 此屏幕提供有关格式化操作的简单信息。 我们将单击“下一步”。

New Simple Volume Wizard

We will see the Specify Volume Size step like below. We will set the size of the partition. Information about the Maximum disk space and Minimum disk space in MB is provided too. Simple Volume size in MB is the size of the partition. If we want to create extra partitions later we should set a lower size then the maximum disk space to be used later.

我们将看到“ Specify Volume Size步骤,如下所示。 我们将设置分区的大小。 还提供了有关最大磁盘空间和最小磁盘空间(以MB为单位)的信息。 简单卷大小(以MB为单位)是分区的大小。 如果以后要创建额外的分区,则应设置较小的大小,然后再设置要使用的最大磁盘空间。

Specify Volume Size

In this step, we will assign the drive letter or path which is named as Assign Drive Letter or Path. Assign the following drive letter selection will provide us available drive letters we can use for this partition. Unavailable drive letters will not be shown.

在此步骤中,我们将分配名为“分配驱动器号或路径”的驱动器号或路径。 分配以下驱动器号选择将为我们提供可用于该分区的可用驱动器号。 不可用的驱动器号将不会显示。

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Mount in the followin empty NTFS folder will mount this partition into a specific folder. But the destination folder should be an NTFS file system.

Mount in the followin empty NTFS folder挂载会将此分区挂载到特定文件夹。 但是目标文件夹应该是NTFS文件系统。

Do not assign a drive letter or drive path will skip assigning a drive letter or mount for later.

Do not assign a drive letter or drive path将跳过分配驱动器号或装入以供以后使用。

Assign Drive Letter or Path

The following step is the most important one where we will specify the format options. This screen is named as Format Partitions .

下一步是最重要的一步,我们将在其中指定格式选项。 该屏幕称为“ Format Partitions

Do not format this volume will skip formatting this volume which is not intended for this case.

Do not format this volume将跳过格式化此卷,这不适用于这种情况。

Format this volume with the following settings will format the drive with the provided settings. File System is the file system which will be used. The default is NTFS which is the best solution for most of the cases. Alternatively, ExFAT can be used for old systems. Allocation Unit Size specifies the size of the file system block. We will leave the default but alternatively, we can select other sizes where higher sizes are used for storing the big files. Volume Label is a label that was set as the name of the partition. The name also is shown on the Computer screen as the name of the partition. Perform Quick format will make the format a lot faster which is selected by default. It not selected the format operation may take some time. Enable File and folder compression will enable compression for files and folders on the given file system which will save some space.

Format this volume with the following settings将使用提供的设置格式化驱动器。 File System是将要使用的文件系统。 默认值为NTFS ,这是大多数情况下的最佳解决方案。 另外,ExFAT可以用于旧系统。 分配单元大小指定文件系统块的大小。 我们将保留默认值,但也可以选择其他大小,其中更大的大小用于存储大文件。 卷标签是设置为分区名称的标签。 该名称也显示为“计算机”屏幕上的分区名称。 “执行快速格式”将使格式更快,这是默认情况下选择的格式。 未选择格式化操作可能需要一些时间。 启用文件和文件夹压缩将对给定文件系统上的文件和文件夹启用压缩,这将节省一些空间。

Format Partition Settings

In the following screen, we will see the format configuration setting. By clicking Finish button the format process will start.

在以下屏幕中,我们将看到格式配置设置。 通过单击完成按钮,格式化过程将开始。

Format Configuration

The format process will be completed fast because we have selected the Quick Format setting. We will see that Disk 1 is formatted properly and given the drive letter E:.

由于我们选择了“快速格式化”设置,因此格式化过程将很快完成。 我们将看到磁盘1的格式正确,并给出了驱动器号E:。

Newly Formatted Disk

格式化已存在的格式化驱动器(Format Already Existing and Formatted Drive)

If we need to format already formatted or used disk we can use the Disk Management tool again. We have already talked about how to open the Disk Management tool. In this example the Disk 1 which is named as New Volume is already formatted and used as drive E. We will format this disk again.

如果我们需要格式化已经格式化或使用过的磁盘,可以再次使用磁盘管理工具。 我们已经讨论过如何打开磁盘管理工具。 在此示例中,名为“新卷”的磁盘1已被格式化并用作驱动器E。我们将再次格式化该磁盘。

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We will right-click to the disk we want to reformat. We will see a menu where we will click to the Format like below.

我们将右键单击要重新格式化的磁盘。 我们将看到一个菜单,在其中单击以下Format

Reformat A Disk or Partition with Disk Manager

We will see the following format screen. We will provide the format settings. The volume label will set the name of the volume or partition which is set MyVolume in this example. The file system is the file system type which is NTFS in most of the cases. Allocation unit size is the size of the file system blocks where leaving Default is generally the best choice. Perform a quick format will make format operation faster which is enabled by default. Enable File and folder compression will compress files and folders stored in this partition is selected.

我们将看到以下格式屏幕。 我们将提供格式设置。 卷标签将设置在本示例中设置为MyVolume的卷或分区的名称。 文件系统是大多数情况下为NTFS的文件系统类型。 分配单位大小是文件系统块的大小,通常将“默认值”保留为最佳选择。 执行快速格式化将使格式化操作更快,默认情况下已启用。 启用文件和文件夹压缩将压缩选择此分区中存储的文件和文件夹。

Format Configuration

As we are reformatting an already formatted drive following cautions will be provided and accept. If this drive contains data, files, and folders we should backup them properly because all of them will be lost after the format operation.

当我们重新格式化已格式化的驱动器时,将提供并接受警告。 如果该驱动器包含数据,文件和文件夹,则应正确备份它们,因为在格式化操作之后所有它们都会丢失。

Format Disk Accept

When the format operation is complete we will see the following screen where the formatted drive will be listed with a new name, partition.


Format Completed

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-format-a-hard-drive-windows-10-8-7-xp/





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