
NIC is the short form of the Network Interface Card. Network Interface Card or simply Network Card is simply used to connect different types of devices into the network generally to access the internet or intranet.

NIC是Network Interface Card的缩写。 网络接口卡或简称为网络卡,通常仅用于将不同类型的设备连接到网络中以访问Internet或Intranet。

什么是NIC(网络接口卡)? (What Is NIC(Network Interface Card)?)

Network Interface Card explains itself in a pure way where A card which has a network internet interface to connect plugged devices into the network. This network also can be called the computer network which will generally be used to connect the internet. But incorporates or military the connection can be done to the intra-network or intranet without the internet. Network interface cards can have different networks, connections, port, cable types at different speeds.

网络接口卡以一种纯粹的方式自我解释,其中A卡具有网络Internet接口,可将插入的设备连接到网络。 该网络也可以称为计算机网络,通常用于连接Internet。 但是合并或军事连接可以在没有Internet的情况下建立到Intra-net或Intranet。 网络接口卡可以以不同的速度具有不同的网络,连接,端口,电缆类型。

What Is NIC(Network Interface Card)?
What Is NIC(Network Interface Card)?

网络接口卡网络类型 (Network Interface Card Network Types)

Network Interface Cards can have different network types to connect. Especially in the last decade a lot of different network types are created for connection.

网络接口卡可以具有不同的网络类型进行连接。 特别是在最近的十年中,创建了许多不同的网络类型用于连接。

  • `Wireless Networks` are one of the most popular network types.

  • `Bluetooth Networks` are a new type of network that simply uses Bluetooth protocol.

  • `Ethernet Networks` is another popular network type which uses CAT5 and CAT6 cables with Ethernet or IEEE 802.1X protocol.

    “以太网网络”是另一种流行的网络类型,它使用具有以太网或IEEE 802.1X协议的CAT5和CAT6电缆。
  • `Fiber Networks` is a fast network that uses different protocols with fiber cables.

  • `Copper Networks` are old-style networks which are used for Dial-up or similar connections

  • `Cable Networks` are coaxial cable networks generally used with cable TV.


网络接口卡连接类型 (Network Interface Card Connection Types)

Network Interface Cards can provide different network connections but they also need to connect to the system they will be used. Network Interface Cards can be connected to different types of devices like computers, laptops, Workstations, Servers, Tablets, Smart Phones, Embedded systems, TV, etc.

网络接口卡可以提供不同的网络连接,但它们也需要连接到将要使用的系统。 网络接口卡可以连接到不同类型的设备,例如计算机,笔记本电脑,工作站,服务器,平板电脑,智能电话,嵌入式系统,电视等。

  • `Integrated Connection` is a connection type where network interface cards simply integrated into the given system or mainboard.

  • `PCI` and `PCIe` connection type will use mainboard PCI and PCIe slots to connect. They are generally provided by PC, Workstation, and Servers.

    “ PCI”和“ PCIe”连接类型将使用主板的PCI和PCIe插槽进行连接。 它们通常由PC,工作站和服务器提供。
  • `FireWire` is generally used as an external connection type where the network interface card can be connected via FireWire port optionally using a cable.

    “ FireWire”通常用作外部连接类型,可以通过FireWire端口(可选)使用电缆连接网络接口卡。
  • `USB` is the most popular external connection type which can be also used to connect network interface cards.

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网络接口卡端口(Network Interface Card Ports)

A network interface is an interface to connect a specific network. Every network interface card provides at least a single interface to connect the network. The network interface type can be changed according to the network interface card, requirement, etc. This is also called port in most cases where wireless can be an exception because there is no port but an antenna. Let’s list some of the most popular of them.

网络接口是用于连接特定网络的接口。 每个网络接口卡至少提供一个接口来连接网络。 可以根据网络接口卡,要求等来更改网络接口类型。在大多数情况下,也可以将其称为端口,在这种情况下,无线可能是一个例外,因为没有端口,只有天线。 让我们列出其中一些最受欢迎的。

  • `RJ45` or Ethernet

  • `Phone Jack`

  • `Antenna`

  • `Fiber option`


网络接口卡电缆(Network Interface Card Cables)

Network interface cards connected to the network with some medium which is generally a cable. For the wireless networks, the medium is the air which is the alternative of the cable. The network interface cards use different cables according to the network type and network interface card port type.

网络接口卡通过某种通常是电缆的介质连接到网络。 对于无线网络,介质是空气,是电缆的替代品。 网络接口卡根据网络类型和网络接口卡端口类型使用不同的电缆。

  • `Fiber Cable`

  • `Copper Cable`

  • `Ethernet`,`CAT5`,`CAT6` cable


网络接口卡LED(Network Interface Card LED)

Network Interface card provides some LED lights in order to provide quick information about the network card and network. This information is provided with different led colors which are described in the network card manual. But there are some general assumptions that are used by most of the network interface cards. These LEDs also called Network Interface Card Status LEDs.

网络接口卡提供了一些LED指示灯,以便提供有关网络卡和网络的快速信息。 此信息提供有不同的led颜色,这些颜色在网卡手册中有描述。 但是,大多数网络接口卡都使用了一些一般性假设。 这些LED也称为网络接口卡状态LED。

  • `Link Light` LED indicates whether the network connection exists between card and network.

    “链接指示灯” LED指示卡和网络之间是否存在网络连接。
  • `Activity Light LED` indicates the network activity for transmission for frames. If the network is used this light will flick randomly when some data is transmitted or received.

    “活动指示灯LED”指示用于帧传输的网络活动。 如果使用网络,则在发送或接收某些数据时,该指示灯将随机闪烁。
  • `Speed Light LED` simply indicates the connection speed to the network. This exists in network cards that provide multiple speed options.

    “速度指示灯LED”仅指示网络的连接速度。 在提供多种速度选项的网卡中存在此功能。
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网络接口卡速度 (Network Interface Card Speeds)

Network interface cards can provide different speeds which are related to the connection type and card capability. In general following speeds are provided a different type of network interface card.

网络接口卡可以提供与连接类型和卡功能有关的不同速度。 通常,提供不同类型的网络接口卡的跟踪速度。

  • `10 Mbps`

    10 Mbps
  • `1000 Mbps`

    1000 Mbps
  • `10/100Mbps`

    10 / 100Mbps
  • `10/20/100/200Mbps`

    10/20/100 / 200Mbps
  • `10/100/1000Mbps`

    10/100 / 1000Mbps
  •   `100bps/1Gbps`

    100bps / 1Gbps
  • `1 Gbps`

    1 Gbps
  • `4 Gbps`

    4 Gbps
  • `8Gbps`

  • `10Gbps`

  • `16 Gbps`

    16 Gbps
  • `40 Gbps`

    40 Gbps

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-nic-network-interface-card/

网络接口(Network Interface Card,NIC)是一种硬件设备,用于连接计算机或其他设备与网络之间的通信。它通常安装在计算机的扩展槽或集成到主板上,并提供了物理连接和数据传输的功能。 通俗地说,网络接口就像是计算机与网络之间的桥梁。它可以将计算机产生的数据转换成网络能够识别和传输的格式,同时也可以接收网络传来的数据并转换成计算机可以理解的格式。 网络接口的作用主要有两个方面: 1. 提供物理连接:网络接口通过插槽或接口与计算机相连,实现计算机与网络之间的物理连接。它通常具有一个或多个以太网端口,用于连接本地网络或互联网。 2. 数据传输:网络接口负责将计算机产生的数据转换成网络传输的格式,并将其发送到目标设备。同时,它也能接收来自网络的数据,并将其转换成计算机可处理的格式,交给计算机进行进一步处理。 举个例子来说明,假设你想在家中的计算机上观看在线视频。你的计算机需要通过网络接口将视频请求发送到互联网上的视频服务器。当视频服务器响应时,网络接口会接收到视频数据,并将其传输到计算机上,以便你能够观看视频。 在这个例子中,网络接口扮演着关键的角色,它负责计算机与互联网之间的数据传输和通信。它通过提供物理连接和数据转换的能力,使计算机能够与网络进行有效的交互。




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