


A website is a set of web pages that are created to represent some information on a single site. In order to understand and describe the Website’s meaning, we should understand the Web and site words. In this tutorial, we will learn the definition of the website with web page, website types, website creation and owning a web site.

网站是一组网页,这些网页是为了表示单个网站上的某些信息而创建的。 为了理解和描述网站的含义,我们应该了解Website文字。 在本教程中,我们将通过网页,网站类型,网站创建和拥有网站来学习网站的定义。

什么是网站? (What Is A Website?)

The web site contains multiple web pages that are created to provide information, service or some resources to the visitors. Websites are the most popular part of the web or internet. As we known website word consists of web and site words. This word provides the meaning of the website.

该网站包含多个网页,这些网页是为了向访问者提供信息,服务或某些资源而创建的。 网站是网络或互联网上最受欢迎的部分。 因为我们知道网站字由website的话。 这个词提供了网站的含义。

什么是网络? (What Is Web?)

The web is used to describe the world wide web in the short term. World wide web also expressed as www. Web or world wide web is also called as the most popular word internet. The Internet provides access to all systems over the world which are connected to the internet electronically. The systems can be a smartphone, laptop, server, workstation, etc.

该网络用于在短期内描述万维网。 万维网也表示为www 。 网络或万维网也被称为最流行的词internet 。 互联网提供对世界上所有以电子方式连接到互联网的系统的访问。 这些系统可以是智能手机,笔记本电脑,服务器,工作站等。

什么是网页? (What Is the Webpage?)

A web page is a bunch of HTML, CSS and Javascript code to provide some information or data to the visitor. This information can be represented in different ways like text, image, video, table, animation, etc. A web site can contain single or multiple pages for a specific purpose or application.

网页是一堆HTML,CSS和Javascript代码,用于向访问者提供一些信息或数据。 该信息可以用不同的方式表示,例如文本,图像,视频,表格,动画等。网站可以包含用于特定目的或应用程序的单个或多个页面。

网站地址或URL (Web Site Address or URL)

Website are addressed with unique names which are similar to the domain names. Web sites actually www subdomain of a specific domain. For example www.poftut.com is the web site of the poftut.com domain.  The web site is addressed with the term URL like www.poftut.com. But using www is a general behavior which is accepted as defacto usage where different names like myweb.poftut.com or thisiswebsite.poftut.com can be also used.

网站使用与域名相似的唯一名称进行寻址。 网站实际上是特定域的www子域。 例如, www.poftut.compoftut.com域的网站。 该网站使用术语URL进行访问,例如www.poftut.com 。 但是使用www是一种常规行为,实际上已被接受,其中也可以使用不同的名称,例如myweb.poftut.comthisiswebsite.poftut.com

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网站类型(Web Site Types)

There is no restriction about the web site content, aim or type exception legal issues. Here we will provide some popular web site types.

网站内容,目标或类型例外法律问题均不受限制。 在这里,我们将提供一些流行的网站类型。

  • `Blog` is one of the most popular web site types where people share their knowledge, experience or feelings individually. They are generally personal and related to business or non-business topics. Also, some companies create blogs about their products or work area.

    “博客”是最受欢迎的网站类型之一,人们可以单独分享其知识,经验或感受。 它们通常是个人的,并且与业务或非业务主题相关。 另外,一些公司创建有关其产品或工作区域的博客。
  • `E-commerce` or`Online Shops` are used to buy, sell or simply trade different commodities like service or products. This type of site makes money transactions that require them very secure.

    “电子商务”或“网上商店”用于购买,出售或简单地交易诸如服务或产品之类的不同商品。 这种类型的网站可以使金钱交易非常安全。
  • `News` is another popular web site type where they provide news in general of specific topics.

  • `Forum` type is used to discuss different topics in a web site which is named as forum site. Every question or topic will have a web page that can be grown with incoming comments from the users.

    “论坛”类型用于在名为论坛站点的网站中讨论不同的主题。 每个问题或主题都会有一个网页,用户可以在其中添加评论。
  • `Search Engine` is a special type of website where some companies like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo provides a search box to search the web or websites on the internet.

  • `Social Media` is another popular and interactive website where people around the world will connect each other and shares their pictures, experiences, etc and comment on them.

  • `Government` is web sites related to the governments over the world. They have a special top-level domain like `.gov`,`gov.uk` , `gov.tr` etc.

    “政府”是与世界各国政府有关的网站。 它们具有特殊的顶级域名,例如.gov,gov.uk和gov.tr等。
  • `Archive` is a web site where some old stuff like a song, images, video, software are provided.

  • `Corporate or Business` sites are used to inform customers about the corporate its products.

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如何创建网站? (How To Create A Web Site?)

A web site can be created in different ways as creating web sites are very popular. In general, the created web site will contain HTML, CSS, Javascript, Image, Video, Documents, etc. Here some ways to create a web page.

网站的创建非常流行,因此可以通过不同的方式来创建网站。 通常,创建的网站将包含HTML,CSS,Javascript,图像,视频,文档等。这里有一些创建网页的方法。

  • `Coding` is the technical way to create a web site from scratch where every aspect of the web site is created step by step. This can be long and error-prone but can be beneficial for performance and SEO issues.

    “编码”是从头开始创建网站的技术方法,其中逐步创建了网站的各个方面。 这可能很长且容易出错,但是对于性能和SEO问题可能是有益的。
  • `CMS` is the easy way even without understanding coding, HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc where the web site is provided and edited with software and simple GUI like WordPress, etc.

  • `Code Editor` is similar to the coding but it can provide some easy to use component for the site without coding all parts.

  • `Provider` is the way where we will get the website as a service from a service provider. The provider will provide the login credentials to us where we will start using the site.

    “提供商”是我们从服务提供商那里获得网站即服务的方式。 提供商将向我们提供登录凭据,我们将在此开始使用该站点。
  • `Web Site Design Firm` will provide us without a  login credential and all technical and nontechnical tasks will be done by the web site design firm.


如何拥有一个网站? (How Can Own A Web Site?)

In general, everyone can own a web site even you. Even a single person can be own multiple web sites. But there are costs related to own a web site. But this cost can change according to ownership of the web site like Web Site Design Firm, Provider, CMS, etc. Here we list how to own a web site if we will use CMS.

通常,每个人甚至您都可以拥有一个网站。 甚至一个人也可以拥有多个网站。 但是,与拥有一个网站有关的费用。 但是,根据网站所有权(如网站设计公司,提供者,CMS等)的所有权,此成本可能会发生变化。如果使用CMS,我们在此列出了如何拥有网站。

  • `Domain Name` is the first part where we will get a unique domain name in order to set a website URL.

  • `Web Server` is the application that runs the web site codes and responds to the user request. There are different ways but we can get web hosting to put website code which is a CMS in this example.

    “ Web服务器”是运行网站代码并响应用户请求的应用程序。 有多种方法,但是我们可以通过网络托管来放置网站代码(在此示例中为CMS)。
  • We will redirect the web site address to the webserver.

  • Install the CMS to the web hosting.

  • Now we have a web site where we can put different contents.

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Web / Internet上有多少个网站? (How Many Web Sites Are On the Web/Internet?)

There is no exact number about the web sites on this internet because of the chaos of the internet but there are some estimations about the web site count on the internet. It is expected that between 1.4 and 1.9 web sites currently registered on the web but most of them are not active.

由于互联网的混乱,目前尚无关于此互联网上网站的确切编号,但对互联网上的网站数量有一些估计。 预计当前在Web上注册的网站介于1.4和1.9之间,但大多数网站都未激活。

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-website-and-its-definition/






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