sql语句 sum 用法_SQL“选择入”语句用法教程

sql语句 sum 用法

sql语句 sum 用法

SQL provides different statements in order to select into existing table, variable, temp table in various database servers like Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL etc. In this tutorial we will examine how to use Select Into SQL statement for different cases.

SQL提供了不同的语句,以便在Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL等各种数据库服务器中选择现有表,变量,临时表。在本教程中,我们将研究如何在不同情况下使用Select Into SQL语句。

句法 (Syntax)

Select Into statement syntax is the same as with Select syntax. We just need to a INTO between SELECT and FROM. We can also use WHERE statement in order to filter rows.

Select Into语句的语法与Select语法相同。 我们只需要在SELECTFROM之间输入INTO 。 我们还可以使用WHERE语句来过滤行。

SELECT columns INTO newtable [IN externaldb] FROM oldtable WHERE condition;
  • columns specifies the columns in the oldtable we want to copy. We can also use * in order specify all columns.

    columns指定我们要复制的旧columns中的列。 我们还可以使用*来指定所有列。

  • newtable is the new table we want to create or copy.


  • externaldb is optional. We can use if we will copy from another or external database.

    externaldb是可选的。 我们可以使用是否要从另一个数据库或外部数据库进行复制。

  • oldtable is table we want to copy from.


  • condition can be used if we want to filter or specify the data we want to copy. It is the same fashion with regular WHERE usage.

    如果我们要过滤或指定要复制的数据,则可以使用condition 。 它与常规WHERE使用情况相同。

将所有列复制到新表中 (Copy All Columns Into New Table)

We will start with a simple and generic example. We will copy all columns from table named customer into table names allcustomers .

我们将从一个简单的通用示例开始。 我们将从名称为customer表中的所有列复制到名称为allcustomers表中。

SELECT * INTO allcustomers FROM customers;

将指定的列复制到新表中 (Copy Specified Columns Into New Table)

We can also specify the columns we want to into new table. In this example we will copy columns named id , name from table customer into table named allcustomers

我们还可以指定要添加到新表中的列。 在此示例中,我们将从表customer复制名为idname列到名为allcustomers表中

SELECT id,name INTO allcustomers FROM customers;

创建表的备份副本 (Create Backup Copy Of Table)

Another useful scenario of Select Into statement is creating backup of a table by copying is fully another table. We will create backup of table named customers with the name of cusotmersbackup

Select Into语句的另一个有用方案是通过完全复制另一个表来创建表的备份。 我们将创建名称为cusotmersbackup名为customers的表的备份

SELECT * INTO customersbackup FROM customers;

从另一个数据库复制表 (Copy Table From Another Database)

The default behavior of Select Into statement is copy tables in the current database. If we need to copy table into new database we need to use In statement. In this example we will copy table named customers into new database newdb with the table name newcustomers .

Select Into语句的默认行为是当前数据库中的副本表。 如果需要将表复制到新数据库中,则需要使用In语句。 在此示例中,我们将表名为customers表复制到表名为newdb新数据库newcustomers

SELECT * INTO newcustomers IN 'newdb' FROM customers;

仅将指定的行复制到新表中 (Copy Only Specified Rows Into New Table)

As stated previously we can copy only specified or filtered rows during Select Into . We will use WHERE clause with the condition we want to apply. In this example we will copy users with Country Turkey from table customers into new table allcustomers .

如前所述,在Select Into期间,我们只能复制指定或过滤的行。 我们将WHERE子句与要应用的条件一起使用。 在此示例中,我们将“ Turkey Country用户从表customers复制到新表allcustomers

SELECT * INTO allcustomers FROM customers WHERE Country='Turkey';

从一个(多个)表复制到新表 (Copy From More Than One (Multiple) Table Into New Table)

We can use JOIN with the SELECT INTO . This will provide us to copy from multiple tables into new table. In this example we will copy from tables customers and deals into customer_deal table with LEFT JOIN on customerid

我们可以将JOINSELECT INTO 。 这将为我们提供从多个表复制到新表的功能。 在这个例子中,我们将表复制customersdealscustomer_dealLEFT JOINcustomerid

SELECT customers.name,deals.dealid INTO customer_deal FROM customers 
LEFT JOIN deal ON customers.customerid = deals.customerid;

创建新的空表 (Create New Empty Table)

Another useful usage case is creating new empty table with the given table structure and columns. We will use standard syntax and filter wit 5=1 which is always false and do not copy any data from source table. In this example we will create a new table allcustomer from table customers .

另一个有用的用例是使用给定的表结构和列创建新的空表。 我们将使用标准语法并使用5=1筛选器,该筛选器始终为false,并且不会从源表中复制任何数据。 在本示例中,我们将从表customers创建一个新表allcustomer

SELECT * INTO allcustomers FROM customers WHERE 5=1;
LEARN MORE  SQL Comments Tutorial with Example

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/sql-select-into-statement-usage-tutorial/

sql语句 sum 用法





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