
Different operating systems like Linux and Windows have different text file formats which are not compatible with each other. While using these platforms to edit and read text file there will be problems. If we want to use a text file which is created or edited in Windows or MS-DOS environment in Linux we need to change the text file into Linux format with the dos2unix tool.

诸如Linux和Windows之类的不同操作系统具有互不兼容的不同文本文件格式。 在使用这些平台编辑和读取文本文件时,会出现问题。 如果要使用在Windows或Linux的MS-DOS环境中创建或编辑的文本文件,则需要使用dos2unix工具将文本文件更改为Linux格式。

安装dos2unix (Install dos2unix)

As dos2unix tool is a very simple tool we can install it for different Linux distributions like below easily.


Ubuntu,Debian,Mint,Kali (Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali)

We will use apt  command and dos2unix package name for installation.


$ sudo apt install dos2unix
dos2unix Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali
dos2unix Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali
dos2unix Ubuntu,Debian,Mint,Kali

Fedora,CentOS,RedHat (Fedora, CentOS, RedHat)

We will use dnf command like below.


$ sudo dnf install dos2unix
dos2unix Fedora, CentOS, RedHat
dos2unix Fedora, CentOS, RedHat
dos2unix Fedora,CentOS,RedHat

隐藏字符问题 (Hidden Characters Problem)

As stated previously there are some characters which are not used in Linux text files but used in Windows text files.


  • End of line is specified with Carriage Return `CR` followed by Line Feed `LF` in Windows but In Linux, only Line Feed `LF` is used.

  • Default encoding of Windows Files are UTF-16 but in Linux, UTF-8 is used

  • Binary files are skipped automatically


打印给定的文件编码和类型(Print Given File Encoding and Type)

We will start by listing or printing the given file encoding type and line terminator type. We will use the Linux file command which provides this information.

我们将从列出或打印给定的文件编码类型和行终止符类型开始。 我们将使用提供此信息Linux file命令。

$ file a.txt
Print Given File Encoding and Type
Print Given File Encoding and Type

We can see that the file a.txt is encoded with the ISO-8859  and have CRLF or Windows line terminators.


从DOS转换为Unix格式 (Convert From DOS To Unix Format)

We will start with a simple example where we will convert the file which is created in the Windows or MS-DOS environment named a.txt into a file which will be used in the Linux environment. a.txt will be converted as the same file name.

我们将从一个简单的示例开始,在该示例中,我们将在Windows或MS-DOS环境中创建的名为a.txt的文件转换为将在Linux环境中使用的文件。 a.txt将转换为相同的文件名。

$ dos2unix a.txt
Convert From DOS To Unix Format
Convert From DOS To Unix Format

After checking with the file command we can see that it is referred to as text file without CRLF line terminator.


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指定转换模式(Specify Conversion Mode)

While converting there are different conversion modes which provide alternative about the conversion. We can use the following options and conversion modes.

在转换时,有不同的转换模式,它们提供了有关转换的替代方法。 我们可以使用以下选项和转换模式。

  • `-iso` will convert from default code page into Unix Latin-1

    `-iso`将从默认代码页转换为Unix Latin-1
  • `-850` will convert from DOS CP850 to Unix Latin-1

    `-850`将从DOS CP850转换为Unix Latin-1
  • `-1252` will convert from Windows CP1252 to Unix UTF-8 or Unicode

    -1252将从Windows CP1252转换为Unix UTF-8或Unicode

In this example, we will convert to ASCII format with the -iso option.


$ dos2unix -iso a.txt
Specify Conversion Mode
Specify Conversion Mode

We can see that detailed information is provided during conversion.


保留旧文件的日期戳 (Keep Date Stamp Of Old File)

Timestamps are file attributes those holds information like creation time, modification time, access time etc. While converting a text file from DOS format to Linux format this information will be changed. We can preserve the time stamp information with the -k option like below.

时间戳是文件属性,用于保存诸如创建时间,修改时间,访问时间等信息。将文本文件从DOS格式转换为Linux格式时,此信息将被更改。 我们可以使用-k选项保留时间戳信息,如下所示。

$ dos2unix -k a.txt

指定新文件名 (Specify New File Name)

Up to now we have converted files and replaced. We can specify a new file name where the converted file content will be written to this new file and old file will be kept without a change. We will use -o option and specify the new file name.

到目前为止,我们已经转换了文件并进行了替换。 我们可以指定一个新文件名,将转换后的文件内容写入该新文件,而旧文件将保留不变。 我们将使用-o选项并指定新文件名。

In this example, we will create the newly converted file name b.txt.


$ dos2unix -n a.txt b.txt
Specify New File Name
Specify New File Name

使用find命令进行递归转换(Recursive Convert with find Command)

If there are a lot of files to be converted to Unix or Linux text file format converting them one by one is trivial work. We need to run the bulk operation on all files. We can use find command which will execute given dos2unix command on all found files which are specified as txt.

如果有很多文件要转换为Unix或Linux文本文件格式,则将它们一一转换是不重要的工作。 我们需要对所有文件运行批量操作。 我们可以使用find命令,该命令将在指定为txt所有找到的文件上执行给定的dos2unix命令。

In this example, we will find all text files which is specified with -name *.txt  in the current working directory which are specified with . and then run dos2unix command all of these files with the xargs command.

在此示例中,我们将找到在当前工作目录中以-name *.txt指定的所有文本文件,这些文件以指定. 然后使用xargs命令运行dos2unix命令所有这些文件。

$ find . -name "*.txt" | xargs dos2unix

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-install-and-use-dos2unix-command-in-linux/





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