


Software is some applications where it provides instructions to complete a specific job in a computer. Software is the most generic term used for computer applications, programs, scripts, tools, etc.

软件是一些应用程序,在其中提供指导以完成计算机中的特定作业的指令。 软件是用于计算机应用程序,程序,脚本,工具等的最通用术语。

软件历史 (Software History)

The first time software is proposed by Alan Turing in 1935 in his essay “Computable numbers with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem”. But the word of the software was coined by John Tukey in a 1958 issue of American Mathematical Monthly. The first software is created by Tom Kilburn which is executed at 11 a.m. on June 21, 1948, at the University of Manchester in England. The first software is used to calculate mathematical problem where to find the greatest divisor of 2 to the power of 18 (262,144). It took 52 minutes to calculate the result.

艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)在1935年的论文“可计算数字及其在Entscheidungs问题中的应用”中首次提出了该软件。 但是软件之词是约翰·图基(John Tukey)在1958年发行的《美国数学月刊》中创造的。 第一个软件由Tom Kilburn创建,于1948年6月21日上午11点在英国曼彻斯特大学执行。 第一个软件用于计算数学问题,在其中找出2的最大除数到18的幂(262,144)。 计算结果花费了52分钟。

软件类型 (Software Types)

There are different types of software according to their development, usage, platform, etc.


  • `Desktop Software` is mainly used in PC and Desktop systems and operating systems like Windows and Linux.

  • `Windows Software` is developed for operating systems like Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019 and generally have an extension like `*.msi`, `*.exe` etc.

    Windows软件是为Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows Server 2008、2012、2016、2019等操作系统开发的,通常具有扩展名* .msi,*。exe等。
  • `Linux Software` is developed for different distributions like Ubuntu, Mint, Kali, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, RedHat, etc. Linux software generally distributions with central repositories and they have generally extension like `*.deb`, `*.rpm`, `*.bin`.

    Linux软件是为不同发行版而开发的,例如Ubuntu,Mint,Kali,Debian,Fedora,CentOS,RedHat等。Linux软件通常具有中央存储库,并且通常具有扩展名,例如* .deb,*。rpm。 ,`* .bin`。
  • `MacOS Software` is used in Apple based Desktop and Laptop systems. It has `*.pkg` extension.

    MacOS软件用于基于Apple的台式机和笔记本电脑系统。 它的扩展名为* .pkg。
  • `Mobile Software` is used in mobile and smartphone systems like Android, iPhone, Windows Mobile, etc.

    “移动软件”用于Android和iPhone,Windows Mobile等移动和智能手机系统。
  • `Android Software` is used in Google Android smartphones. It uses Google Play to download and install software packages.

    Google Android智能手机中使用了“ Android软件”。 它使用Google Play下载和安装软件包。
  • `IOS Software` is used in iPhone and software is provided by Apple repository.

    iPhone中使用了“ IOS软件”,而Apple存储库提供了该软件。
  • `Embedded Software` is mainly used in embedded systems like Car Computer, Industrial systems, Kiosk, etc. Their development is very special and different from each other.

  • `IOT Software` is a new type of software where systems with very little system resources run specially crafted software which has very less functionality.

    “ IOT软件”是一种新型软件,系统资源很少的系统运行的是特制软件,但功能却很少。
LEARN MORE  What Is Proprietary Software?

软件下载 (Software Download)

Software is generally by the creator or developer personally or a corporate from the official site. But there are also some 3rd party sites which provide software in a central hub manner. This software generally provided in an executable format.  Also in Linux software is provided from official or 3rd party repositories.

软件通常由创建者或开发者亲自或官方网站上的公司提供。 但是也有一些第三方站点以中央集线器的方式提供软件。 该软件通常以可执行格式提供。 同样在Linux中,从官方或第三方存储库提供软件。

Software Download
Software Download

软件许可(Software Licences)

Softwares are created differently and different entities. The creators will provide their intellectual property as software. So in order to use software will have a license and license agreement. Here we will list some of the most popular Software License types.

软件的创建方式和实体不同。 创作者将提供其知识产权作为软件。 因此为了使用软件,将具有许可和许可协议。 在这里,我们将列出一些最受欢迎的软件许可证类型。

  • `Proprietary License` is generally used by personal developers

  • `GNU General Public License` is used by open source and Linux software developers

    开源和Linux软件开发人员使用“ GNU通用公共许可证”
  • `End User License Agreement (EULA)` is a popular license type used by Microsoft software.


软件开发 (Software Development)

Software development is the act of creating software. Software development generally is done with a programing language and a platform to run the software. Some code is created with the given programming language and compiled into an executable format like *.exe,*.msi, *.rpm,*.deb in order to run in the target platform. While coding different programming languages like C#, Python, VisualBasic, PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java, and other programming languages can be used.

软件开发是创建软件的行为。 通常,软件开发是通过编程语言和运行软件的平台完成的。 某些代码是使用给定的编程语言创建的,并编译为*.exe*.msi*.rpm*.deb等可执行格式,以便在目标平台上运行。 在编码不同的编程语言(例如C#,Python,VisualBasic,PHP,Ruby,C / C ++,Java和其他编程语言)时,可以使用。

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-software/






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