


An operating system is a software that is used to operate, use computer or server hardware, and provide these sources to the user applications. Operating systems is an intermediate software which is very important for computers and servers because it provides a lot of different services to the user side applications.

操作系统是用于操作,使用计算机或服务器硬件并将这些源提供给用户应用程序的软件。 操作系统是一种中间软件,对计算机和服务器非常重要,因为它为用户端应用程序提供了许多不同的服务。

操作系统历史 (Operating System History)

Operating system history consists of mainly 4 phases.


第一代(1945-1955) (First Generation (1945-1955))

First operating systems are created with the first computers in the 1940s and early 1950s. But these computers mainly used to solve mathematical calculations like a calculator.

最早的操作系统是在1940年代和1950年代初期使用第一台计算机创建的。 但是这些计算机主要用于解决数学计算,例如计算器。

第二代(1955-1965) (Second Generation (1955-1965))

The first operating system in this era is created by General Motors for an IBM machine named 701. This generation operating system generally used for batch data processing. Hardware was called as Main Frame where users connect with dummy systems to the Main Frame and run batch operations.

通用汽车为名为701的IBM机器创建了这个时代的第一个操作系统。这一代操作系统通常用于批处理数据处理。 硬件称为“主机架”,其中用户将虚拟系统连接到主机并运行批处理操作。

第三代(1965-1980) (Third Generation (1965-1980))

The most important change during this generation is the multiprogramming feature where a single system can run multiple applications at the same time.


第四代(1980年至今) (Fourth Generation (1980-Present Day))

The modern operating system and computer era started with the development of multi-task, multi-user operating systems, and computers by IBM. PC or Personal Computers changed the operating system and computer era and vision. Windows operating system is created in 1975 by Paul Allan and Bill Gates for personal computers created by IBM. The popular operating system MS-DOS creates in 1981. Another operating system family called Linux is created in 1990 by Linus Torvalds.

现代操作系统和计算机时代始于IBM开发多任务,多用户操作系统和计算机。 PC或个人计算机改变了操作系统和计算机的时代和视野。 Windows操作系统由Paul Allan和Bill Gates于1975年为IBM创建的个人计算机创建。 流行的操作系统MS-DOS创建于1981年。Linus Torvalds在1990年创建了另一个名为Linux的操作系统家族。

操作系统服务 (Operating System Services)

As stated previously and Operating System provides different services to the User applications. Here some of the most important of them.

如前所述,操作系统为用户应用程序提供了不同的服务。 这里有一些最重要的。

  • Memory Management will manage RAM memory of the system how much is used or free. How to allocate new memory requests etc.

    Memory Management将管理系统的RAM内存已使用或已释放了多少。 如何分配新的内存请求等

  • Processor Management will initialize and run the processor of the system. The cache memory, instruction translation, and use are done with Processor Management.

    Processor Management将初始化并运行系统的处理器。 高速缓存,指令翻译和使用均通过处理器管理完成。

  • Device Management will track all devices connected to the system. The I/O, drivers, initialization will be managed by the Operating System.

    Device Management将跟踪连接到系统的所有设备。 I / O,驱动程序,初始化将由操作系统管理。

  • Process Management is used to create user-level and user applications. Process Management also related to managing system resources, memory, disk access, etc.

    Process Management用于创建用户级和用户应用程序。 进程管理还与管理系统资源,内存,磁盘访问等有关。

  • File System Management/Disk Management is used to manage persistent storage like Hard Disk Drive, USB, DVD. File systems are used to manage files on disks logically in a structured manner.

    File System Management/Disk Management用于管理永久存储,例如硬盘驱动器,USB,DVD。 文件系统用于以结构化方式在逻辑上管理磁盘上的文件。

  • Network Management is related to the computer network, LAN, and internet access. The network protocols like Ethernet, IP, TCP, UDP are provided and implemented by the OS.

    Network Management与计算机网络,LAN和Internet访问有关。 操作系统提供并实现了以太网,IP,TCP,UDP等网络协议。

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操作系统组件 (Operating System Components)

An operating system has some architecture and related components in order to work properly. Here are some of them.

操作系统具有一些体系结构和相关组件才能正常工作。 这里是其中的一些。

  • Kernel is the low-level part of the operating system which is responsible for the management of the system resources. The kernel provides subsystems like device drivers, firmware, I/O management, etc.

    Kernel是操作系统的低级部分,负责系统资源的管理。 内核提供子系统,如设备驱动程序,固件,I / O管理等。

  • User Interface provides access to operating system services and features. User Interface is used by the user-level applications in order to run and complete tasks that require operating system services and resources.

    User Interface提供对操作系统服务和功能的访问。 用户级应用程序使用用户界面来运行和完成需要操作系统服务和资源的任务。

  • User Application is applications that are used by users to write documents, run scripts, browse the internet.

    User Application是用户用来编写文档,运行脚本,浏览Internet的应用程序。

操作系统硬件 (Hardware For Operating Systems)

There is a different type of operating systems run on different hardware types. In this part, we will list some popular hardware platforms and operating systems they run.

在不同的硬件类型上运行的是不同类型的操作系统。 在这一部分中,我们将列出一些流行的硬件平台和它们运行的​​操作系统。

  • x86 is the most popular platform which is used by servers and PCs. This platform uses operating systems like Windows, Linux, MacOS, BSD, etc. They can be 32-bit or 64-bit.

    x86是服务器和PC使用的最受欢迎的平台。 该平台使用Windows,Linux,MacOS,BSD等操作系统。它们可以是32位或64位。

  • ARM is another CPU architecture where most of the smartphones run. An ARM can run operating systems like Windows, Linux, BSD, IOS, Android, etc.

    ARM是运行大多数智能手机的另一种CPU体系结构。 ARM可以运行Windows,Linux,BSD,IOS,Android等操作系统。

  • Real-Time Hardware is specially designed hardware for time-restricted tasks. This type of hardware generally uses specially developed and designed operating systems.

    Real-Time Hardware是专门设计的用于Real-Time Hardware任务的硬件。 这种类型的硬件通常使用专门开发和设计的操作系统。

  • Embedded Hardware is similar to the ARM systems and used in rugged and auxiliary systems and uses  Windows, Linux, Android operating systems.

    Embedded Hardware与ARM系统相似,用于坚固耐用的辅助系统中,并使用Windows,Linux,Android操作系统。

操作系统功能 (Operating System Features)

Operating systems are designed to provide some services and features to the users. We can list the following features in order to categorize operating systems.

操作系统旨在为用户提供一些服务和功能。 我们可以列出以下功能以便对操作系统进行分类。

  • Single User means the current operating system does not handle different users and preferences where only a single user profile can be used.

    Single User意味着当前的操作系统无法处理只能使用单个用户配置文件的不同用户和首选项。

  • Multi-User means multiple users can use a single operating system where each of them has their own files, preferences, and desktops.


  • Single Task means at a time an only a single task can be run. This is a big problem for users. Currently, all operating systems except real-time operating systems can run multiple tasks.

    Single Task意味着一次只能运行一个任务。 对于用户来说这是一个大问题。 当前,除实时操作系统之外的所有操作系统都可以运行多个任务。

  • Multi-Task single or multiple users can run multiple tasks at a time.


  • Real Time means a task running and set for a specified time can complete at the specified time without latency.

    Real Time表示运行并在指定时间设置的任务可以在指定时间完成而不会延迟。

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操作系统家族 (Operating System Families)

Although some end users known Windows as the sole operating system, there is a lot of different type of operating systems. Actually, we can them as Operating System Families because there are different versions and alternatives in those operating systems.

尽管某些最终用户将Windows称为唯一操作系统,但仍有许多不同类型的操作系统。 实际上,我们可以将它们作为操作系统家族,因为这些操作系统存在不同的版本和替代方案。

视窗 (Windows)

Windows is the most popular operating system family where there are different versions of it. Windows is a user-friendly operating system that is mainly designed for Personal Computer. Windows also provided as a Server version for enterprise use.

Windows是最流行的操作系统家族,其中有不同的版本。 Windows是一个用户友好的操作系统,主要用于个人计算机。 Windows还作为服务器版本提供给企业使用。

  • MS-DOS

  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
  • Windows 98

    Windows 98
  • Windows XP

    Windows XP
  • Windows Vista

    Windows Vista
  • Windows 8

    Windows 8
  • Windows 10

    Windows 10
  • Windows NT

    Windows NT
  • Windows Server 2003

    Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Server 2008

    Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2012

    Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2016

    Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019

    Windows Server 2019

Unix系统 (Unix)

Unix is the father of all operating systems which is designed to be used by computer scientists. Unix mainly uses the command line to complete tasks. It is not so user-friendly but it inspires operating systems like Linux, BSD, and MacOS.

Unix是旨在供计算机科学家使用的所有操作系统之父。 Unix主要使用命令行来完成任务。 它不是那么用户友好,但却启发了Linux,BSD和MacOS等操作系统。

Linux (Linux)

Linux is a very interesting operating system that bases Unix and started in 1990 by Linux Torvalds as a free operating system. Linux is actually a kernel part of the operating system and there are distributions where they complete the operating system with the system and user-level tools. Here is some popular distribution.

Linux是一个非常有趣的操作系统,它基于Unix,并于1990年由Linux Torvalds作为免费操作系统启动。 Linux实际上是操作系统的内核部分,在某些发行版中,它们使用系统和用户级工具来完善操作系统。 这是一些受欢迎的发行版。

  • Ubuntu

  • Fedora,

  • Debian

  • Mint

  • Kali

  • CentOS

  • Red Hat

  • Suse



BSD is a Unix variant and aimed the security. BSD is less user-friendly and mainly used in enterprise and security systems. BSD provides fewer user functionalities but very secure and security-related operating system features and functions.

BSD是Unix的一种变体,旨在实现安全性。 BSD不太友好,主要用于企业和安全系统。 BSD提供较少的用户功能,但提供非常安全且与安全性相关的操作系统功能。

  • FreeBSD

  • OpenBSD

  • NetBSD

  • PC-BSD

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了解更多Windows Ipconfig命令教程,包括列出,更改,续订IP配置的示例


MacOS is a prioparity operating system designed for Apple desktop PCs. MacOS provides very high-level user experience and user-oriented operating system. MacOS GUI is shining with its user interactive uses. MacOS also lock down the user to the Apple ecosystem in most of the cases like file sharing, email, office documents, etc.

MacOS是专为Apple台式机设计的非同等操作系统。 MacOS提供了非常高级的用户体验和面向用户的操作系统。 MacOS GUI以其用户交互用途而闪耀。 在大多数情况下,例如文件共享,电子邮件,办公文档等,MacOS还将用户锁定在Apple生态系统中。

安卓系统 (Android)

Android is the most popular mobile operating system generally used in smartphones, TV’s, entertainment systems. Android is based on Linux kernel but other parts are developed or integrated by Google. Current Android version is 9.0

Android是最流行的移动操作系统,通常用于智能手机,电视,娱乐系统。 Android基于Linux内核,但其他部分由Google开发或集成。 当前的Android版本是9.0


IOS is an operating system based MacOS was designed for iPhone’s manufactured by Apple. IOS provides the same user experience as MacOS.

IOS是基于操作系统的MacOS,是专为Apple生产的iPhone设计的。 IOS提供与MacOS相同的用户体验。

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-an-operating-system-os/


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