使用SDKMAN! 使用多个版本的Java


If you code in Java, you might be coding against Java 11, or 8, or maybe an even older version. You may also be prototyping code against newer versions of Java, the current version is 13. Java 14 will be released this month, and 15 later this year. At the same time, you might be investigating different builds of OpenJDK - there are several free alternatives. I use AdoptOpenJDK’s builds of OpenJDK which is an increasingly popular choice according to the JVM Ecosystem Report 2020.

You could also be trying out different build tools like Maven and Gradle. I use both, depending on the project.

坦率地说,管理所有这些可能很困难。 手动管理并非不可能,但是很奇怪,如果您弄错了,错误消息可能很难理解。

Enter SDKMAN! It’s a tool for managing the installation and selection of Software Development Kits - not just different versions and builds of Java itself, but tools for building, debugging, monitoring, documenting and deploying too. It is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS.

SDKMAN! logo

Installing SDKMAN!

Follow the installation instructions for your platform. If you use the terminal a lot, I highly recommend checking out Oh My Zsh which can add a ton of useful information and behaviour. There is an SDKMAN! plugin for Oh My Zsh which adds tab completion to the sdk command which is really helpful. Enable this by finding the plugins= line in the .zshrc file in your home directory and adding sdk. Mine reads:

plugins=(git sdk)

如果您确实要编辑该文件,则需要使用以下命令重新加载Zsh配置:源〜/ 。zshrc。

Installing a specific version of Java

假设我们要从AdoptOpenJDK安装最新版本的Java 11。 首先,使用以下命令检查其是否可用sdk列表java。 如果您设置了Oh My Zsh,则可以使用制表符完成此操作:

Aminated gif showing a shell session where I run "sdk list java" and show that 11.0.6.hs-adpt is in the output, along with about 50 other possible choices.

因此,来自AdoptOpenJDK的最新Java 11 OpenJDK构建具有标识符11.0.6.hs-adpt。 通过以下方式安装:

sdk install java 11.0.6.hs-adpt

SDKMAN! 将下载该版本的Java,并将其解压缩到计算机上的目录中。 您无需担心确切的位置,因为SDKMAN! 还将更新环境变量,以便您可以使用爪哇在终端立即:

➜ java -version
openjdk version "11.0.6" 2020-01-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.6+10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.6+10, mixed mode)

Switching between Java versions

我还安装了最新的Java 14抢先体验版(定于2020年3月17日发布),以便尝试一些新功能。 我这样做的原因是:

sdk install java 14.ea.36-open

当我询问是否要将其用作默认版本时,我说“不”。 稍后,使用sdk use java <version>:

Animated gif of a terminal session where I run "java -version" and it shows 11.0.6, then "sdk use java 14.ea.36-open" and "java -version" again. The version is now reported as "14"



➜ sdk current Using:java: 14.ea.36-open

Installing other tools

For different projects I use either Maven or Gradle as my build tool, and for debugging and profiling I sometimes use VisualVM. Install the latest versions of these with:

sdk install maven 3.6.3
sdk install gradle 6.2.2
sdk install visualvm 2.0


Using SDKMAN! with an IDE

要为IntelliJ IDEA或Eclipse中的项目选择特定版本的Java,您将需要确切知道SDKMAN! 已将您的Java安装解压缩。 这是$ HOME / .sdkman / candidates / java,其子目录以版本命名。 当前选择的Java版本也将以当前在该目录中:

➜ ls -l ~/.sdkman/candidates/java
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 10 mjg mjg 4096 Jan 15 12:14 11.0.6.hs-adpt
drwxrwxr-x 8 sdk mjg 4096 Mar 4 12:43 14.ea.36-open
lrwxrwxrwx 1 mjg mjg 52 Mar 4 12:35 current -> /home/mjg/.sdkman/candidates/java/14.ea.36-open


对于IntelliJ IDEA,可以从“项目结构”对话框中完成。 从下拉列表中选择一个现有版本,或者通过从“ Project SDK”部分中选择“ New…”来添加新的Java版本:

Screenshot of IntelliJ IDEA Project Structure dialog, highlighting the "New..." button for adding a new installation of Java for this project.

对于Eclipse,这是通过转到“项目属性”,然后是“ Java构建路径”,“库”并选择“模块路径”来完成的:

Screenshot of an Eclipse Project configuration, highlighting the sections described in the text: Java Build Path, Libraries, and ModulePath

您应该选择已经存在的版本(在此示例中为11..0.6.hs-adpt)并将其删除,然后再次选择“模块路径”,“添加库”并从对话框中选择“ JRE系统库”:

Another screenshot of Eclipse, this time the "Add Library" dialog, highlighting "JRE System Library"


Another screenshot of Eclipse. This time it&#39;s the "Add Library" dialog with "Alternate JRE" and "Installed JREs" buttons highlighted.

Happy Hacking!

Using SDKMAN! can save you a lot of time and trouble if you work with multiple versions of Java and related tools. Maybe use that time to check out how to build cool things with Java and Twilio like a WhatsApp bot which does image recognition or sending daily SMS reminders?

I’d love to hear what you’re building, tell me about it on Twitter @MaximumGilliard or by email on mgilliard@twilio.com, or post it on Reddit to /r/twilio for the whole world to see.

from: https://dev.to//twilio/using-sdkman-to-work-with-multiple-versions-of-java-54km





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